I feel like I could write the book. pb's Dating Red Flags:
1. If he's drunk when he picks you up on date #1, 2, 3, or 4. Run. (If he's wearing mountain climbing shoes (the tight ones that look like elf shoes, impossible to walk in for any length of time) when he picks you up for the date, that means he's drunk).
2. If you find empty pill bottles in his trashcan (especially with other's names on them) and they look like controlled substances/narcotics. Run.
3. If he's stoned when he picks you up on date #1, 2, 3, or 4. Run.
4. If he mentions bisexuality and that it's No Big Deal or something to that affect on date #1, 2, 3, or 4. Run.
5. If he is 2 hours late picking you up to go hiking cause he's organizing his backpack, he's OCD. (Not that there's anything wrong with this, especially if his case is mild, but think hard about if you could really stand to live with someone like this...) I'd run.
6. If he constantly projects stuff his ex-girlfriend used to do to him onto you, not seeming to recognize you're not her. Run.
7. If you find empty alcohol bottles stashed all over the house in weird places, he's a closet alcoholic. Run.
8. He constantly has funny "beer breath." Run.
9. He has lady "friends" that call at all hours of the day and night. Run.
10. He tries to get too physical on date #1, 2, 3, or 4. Run.
11. While listening or attempting to listen to your stories gets constantly annoyed and says things like "Well That's Stupid," *pfffffffffffffffffft* (insecure) Run
12. Rear ends somebody leaving a restaraunt after drinking what you observed to be a bit too much alcohol while on date #1. Run.
13. Gets in a fight and puts someone in the hospital whilst on a date with you (you go to a party together). Run.
These are my red flags, others may be different. I'm sensitized to these from bad experience. ick
