Maybe too personal Write, I'm thinking, why did he do that? Because he felt too worried to sleep alone, because maybe he thought you felt bad and was taking care of you? hey I don't even know how old he was. I feel so far removed from 'normal' sometimes that I can't imagine a little boy doing that;he was let me see- 7 almost 8. And he did it at Daddy's too not just here. He said he didn't want to be alone.
Neither of us were too concerned about it, though I had a bit of a sleep issue all those months I needed unbroken sleep so sometimes I would sneak upstairs to his bed when he was asleep and sleep there.
We both recognised he is growing up and soon won't be our little boy, and it was sort-of nice to see his little hands and face as he slept and to know he was safe and comfortable.
do you think I'm impatient? I've been pondering this and can't decide.I don't know, you've had a couple of little outbursts over the years but nothing excessive I'd say
I just picked up on your comment I think. Thinking about it now I wonder if you aren't a little weary of all the religious talk?
I would much prefer to be in a secular setting with G_d as an issue than a religious setting myself, because that was how it was done back home, how I grew up. People who were constantly preoccupied with religion were seen as obsessed. And some of them were.
I remember going to an evangelical church and someone turned to me and said in a rather manic way: 'The Holy Spirit sets things on fire'. I thought 'sounds dangerous' and didn't go again!
It was my friend's church and her daughter was dedicating her life to Christ. She hadn't been taught enough grace to thank people for their gifts and attendence though. They went off to start their own church somewhere later, I lost touch with them. I wonder what happened to them? they seemed a little bit mean-spirited as their religion developed, I liked them better when i first knew them and they were more human and kind people.
okay to beat the truth is it's not okay to use violence. Words, withdrawal, aggression of any kind might teach them something but it probably isn't a good long-term lesson. I hear people justify violence against kids all the time but I can tell you from my experience it has never felt right once when I have slapped or yelled at my son. Never once have I been calm and rational and not angry and thought: oh yes, the right thing to do now is to hit or shout, it's always been an angry instinctive reaction and I have pretty much trained myself to stop it after 10 years.
I see it as if I don't have the self-control, why should he...
You can save yourself, and then you can be able to really be with someone and not have it based on desperation. I made this mistake and I'm here to tell you!Another bit of Judith Sills fits here:
If you are having trouble finding someone with whom to begin or complete a courtship, I'd suggest you check yourself for an error in your orientation. You are probably making the mistake of looking to receive love from a proper source rather than to give it with a generous spirit.
You are screening the world to determine who might be worthy of your love. You decide that not very many other people are, a decision you refer to as 'havign high standrds'. When you do encounter someone who might inspire your love, you send a desperate message: Please love me back! Please think I'm enough! You have forgotten that it is better to give than to receive.
This is such a fundamental, universal error in thinkign that I can promise you one thing. If you focus on increasing the number of men and women to whom you are willing to offer love, you will eventually find a grateful receiver.