Dear Write,
A busy mess is better than idol tidyness. What are your interests? My clutter comes from too much mail, hobbies (sewing, photography, painting, music, food), and plants. As I look around my space which is the kitchen i see seven up and colke from a family gathering I had last week. No one here drinks those things but since I spent money on them there they are. There is paperwork tablature and music lyrics, insurance claim stuff, newspapers, banking stuff and tablets in four different places. I wish I had an office. In the kitchen is leftover lunch dishes, cakes I'm making for a local funeral, rags in 3 places, partly opened drawers, in the living room are drinking glasses because we three are trying to use only one glass a day, ha ha, more newspapers, clothes a few, and cd's that are laying out. Each day builds up. I have been organizing for what seems years but still refuse to put each thing back as I do it. I feel stubborn about this. I think it would be interesting to try something new for one week and compulsively put things away and throw things away. So here goes!! I don't think you are lazy, I think you are busy. There are always interuptions like car appointments, letters to be written, dogs, and it takes a considerable amount of time to stay fed properly. It sounds like you wished yu had a whole day for cleaning. I did try once to have just a mandala. That is one thing that is the center that radiates outward, so I focused just on the kitchen. it did make a positive difference and the rest of my house became more managable. It sounds like you've got a good habit going with your dishes and your bathroom. I hope this helps answer your question.