Author Topic: do you believe in laziness?  (Read 4568 times)


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do you believe in laziness?
« on: August 21, 2006, 12:09:10 PM »
I took my car for a check-up this morning and the lady offered me a ride home, I thought oh good, I can get some housework done. I've eaten breakfast, read and written some correspondence etc and walked the dog, but the housework remains undone.

As it usually does.

It's something which has been bothering me of late, why I can't seem to keep on top of housework. In a way it was easier when ex was here because he'd be annoyed by the clutter and neurotic about what he saw as dirt.

I read up about the mechanics of domesticity and tried to get into better habits, I do turn down my bed and most days wash dishes and throw bleach into the bathrooms. But the clutter and untidiness remains, if I clear it up it comes back.

Am I just lazy?


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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2006, 12:11:58 PM »
with 4 puppies (2 of which are headed out shortly), and 2 small children living at home most of the time, and not being home enough to clean anything cause I work/go to school/am involved with church, etc...not to mention, running the girls around to scouts, etc, who has time to clean?  Besides, I HATE housecleaning...(said, just after I rearranged my daughter's room and am talking myself into mopping it!)


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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2006, 12:42:58 PM »
I have learned over the years that balance is the answer.  If cleaning becomes such an obsession that it is keeping you from enjoying things you like to do or spending time with children, pets, spouses, etc., then you need to let some of that go.  If your home is a disaster area with creatures moving in to clean up the crumbs, then you need to give cleaning more focus. 

Sometimes we need to run out the door without putting the dishes in the dishwasher or making the bed.  So what??  They'll still be there upon our return and nobody will die in the process.  I think that picking up as the day goes on as much as possible (much harder when the kids are little, etc.) keeps the clutter from becoming overwhelming.  Creating places for stuff to go rather than letting it accumulate on the kitchen counter, throwing out junk mail before even setting it down, and having a bulletin board for the to-do stuff are ways which have helped me to keep clutter under control.

No, I don't think you are lazy.


Certain Hope

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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2006, 12:54:00 PM »
Hi Write,

  With me, it did turn into a form of laziness/ lack of motivation. Having been a former perfectionist re: cleaning and housekeeping, I let myself go a bit too far in the opposite direction (for my tastes, anyway) and allowed too much to go undone. Then I was remarried .. to a man who is an absolute messy. He does an excellent job of controlling his messiness inside the house, really, but with no one who truly appreciates the "neat as a pin" look, my motivation definitely slipped. Currently, I'm still in the process of finding just the right balance, but doing a little each day works far better for me than letting it pile up.

  I think maybe in your situation it's just the lack of that previous catalyst... your ex... who spurred you on = imo, no loss. What you are doing is wonderful, I think. You're eating, exercising, enjoying your dog and your correspondence...  I would much rather be active in those ways than obsessively cleaning my home and forgetting to eat, avoiding the mailbox, neglecting the beauty of life, etc.
It'll all fall into place for you, I am sure.



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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2006, 12:59:32 PM »
You are not lazy at all.  I think most people that lead busy lives feel the way you do about cleaning  I can identify with "if I clear it up" it comes back...  That happens to me all the time!  Lazy is such a 'charged' term, meaning it carries such stigma in our culture.  Just do what you can do and the balance will come.  8)


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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2006, 07:01:21 PM »
Hi Doodle,
I'm either lazy or phobic about certain tasks (particularly financial paperwork, get very anxious so put it off until that makes it all overwhelming).

Clutter? Yep. But when I DO ditch things or give them away, it feels wonderful.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2006, 07:14:45 PM »
believe in it?

some days i think i INVENTED it!!!!! ;-)

what's interesting is that my laziness is directly proportional to the amount of abuse i deal with. Bad week at work, not doing much housework. Good week at work, place gets tidied up on the double.

I think this is probably because housework, while essential, is not terribly glam, and if I've already been kicked around enough to reach my quota, i'm not going to be a very happy scullery maid on my own time.

the one exception to this is if the being-kicked-around involves a lot of wheel-spinning and futile attempts to get the 'professionals' in my workplace to do their blasted jobs. if i get too much of that, i'm mopping the floor at midnight, because at least with housework, you get something tangible out of the effort you put in.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2006, 07:30:41 PM by Stormchild »
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Certain Hope

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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2006, 11:03:57 PM »
Dear Write,

  Just a note to thank you ... betcha didn't realize that this post would be so inspiring!  :) 

We got alot cleaned up around here today that had needed to be done for ages. Tomorrow... tackling the bookshelves!

Hope you have a blessed evening,



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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2006, 10:04:52 AM »
oh thank you all! Sometimes I think I am going crazy.

The friend who sent me this yesterday must have tuned in to my secret anxiety:

1. Open a new file in your PC .
2. Name it "Housework."
3. Send it to the RECYCLE BIN.
4. Empty the RECYCLE BIN.
5. Your PC will ask you, "Are you sure you want
To delete Housework permanently?"
6. Calmly answer, "Yes," and press mouse button firmly......
7. Feel better?
Works for me!


I'm going to put on some music and do 2 hours clean then stop and enjoy the rest of the day.

I've just been out in the woods with the dog, beautiful 'season of mist and mellow fruitfulness, clos-bosom friend of the maturing sun...'
We are just coming into Fall here, my favourite time of year.

Hope you have a blessed evening,

everyone- have a blessed day ((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))


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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2006, 03:27:48 PM »
Sheesh, WRITE, I think you are being way too hard on yourself.  Some days I get a lot done and others I just give it all up.  It sounds like you do plenty during the course of a day. 

Brigid, I think you are right about balance.  Any way too far in any direction seems to cause me distress. 

I'm going to put on some music and do 2 hours clean then stop and enjoy the rest of the day.

This plan sounds so good, I think I will join you in it.  Thanks for a great idea and some inspiration!

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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2006, 09:16:59 PM »
I was going to write a long reply, about how I think laziness is a wonderful thing, and necessary!

But.  I was feeling lazy, so I haven't gotten to it yet.  :P

I do believe there's a reason for the expression "Lazy Summer Day" - in these parts, about the only thing one can get really good at, this time of year, is laziness.  Typically I go in spurts..just sometimes I've noticed those spurts can last years.



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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2006, 10:08:34 PM »
Dear Write,

A busy mess is better than idol tidyness.  What are your interests?  My clutter comes from too much mail, hobbies (sewing, photography, painting, music, food), and plants.  As I look around my space which is the kitchen i see seven up and colke from a family gathering I had last week.  No one here drinks those things but since I spent money on them there they are.  There is paperwork tablature and music lyrics, insurance claim stuff, newspapers, banking stuff and tablets in four different places. I wish I had an office.  In the kitchen is leftover lunch dishes, cakes I'm making for a local funeral, rags in 3 places, partly opened drawers, in the living room are drinking glasses because we three are trying to use only one glass a day, ha ha, more newspapers, clothes a few, and cd's that are laying out.  Each day builds up.  I have been organizing for what seems years but still refuse to put each thing back as I do it.  I feel stubborn about this.  I think it would be interesting to try something new for one week and compulsively put things away and throw things away.  So here goes!!  I don't think you are lazy, I think you are busy.  There are always interuptions like car appointments, letters to be written, dogs, and it takes a considerable amount of time to stay fed properly.  It sounds like you wished yu had a whole day for cleaning.  I did try once to have just a mandala.  That is one thing that is the center that radiates outward, so I focused just on the kitchen.  it did make a positive difference and the rest of my house became more managable.  It sounds like you've got a good habit going with your dishes and your bathroom.  I hope this helps answer your question.


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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2006, 11:32:09 PM »

Thank you so much for the detailed description of your surroundings.
It made me feel so much less lonely while I was reading it!

I'm going to start a thread you've inspired.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2006, 08:07:59 AM »
A busy mess is better than idol tidyness.  What are your interests?

my interests? Oh, life, love, the universe, that sort of thing... :)

I have books everywhere- I read constantly.

Music and papers too, at the moment I am picking some music for a Thanksgiving Programme, then yesterday I started composing from the Bible so today I want to get out a really old Bible and compare words, the older versions are often more beautiful ( and more accurate translation )

There are stones and shells and an insect shed from our various nature rambles, a pile of notecards for my daily correspondence, the piano has Turkey in the Straw and Malotte's Lord's Prayer and I pulled out a guitar even though it's a bit dusty because I want to teach myself some chords.

My office I have been reorganising so it's rather cluttered on the floor, but things are gradually climbing onto shelves; my bedroom I prettied up with posters and my favourite fig candles, although the carpet needs shampooing.

The carpet shampooer and various cleaning products are out ready for inspiration...been there for weeks!

There's a pile of paper for recycling in a few minutes on the dog walk, and the leash and a bag of biscuits.

I guess apart from carpet cleaning it's mainly clutter, I'll go pick up some pretty band boxes later and hide what I can't dispose of.

There's definitely something psychological about it all- my childhood home never had the delicious clutter of creativity or busy happiness and my father became a compulsive neurotic about cleaning later after my mother left him.

I think it would be interesting to try something new for one week and compulsively put things away and throw things away.  So here goes!!

I'd be terrified of turning into my father...maybe that's it, i subconsciously turn from the behaviours they had which distressed us kids. It did upset me as a child the way we were expected to clean things which weren't dirty, and the way a room looked like no one had ever spent five contented minutes in there...

Certain Hope

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Re: do you believe in laziness?
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2006, 10:46:51 AM »
It did upset me as a child the way we were expected to clean things which weren't dirty, and the way a room looked like no one had ever spent five contented minutes in there...

Me, too!

  Reading material, handwritten notes, and pet toys do so much for unsterilizing an environment  :)

Celebrating the deliciousness of clutter with you, Write!
And Shanny... A busy mess is better than idol tidyness.    I think this will become one of my all time favorite Proverbs!
Simply brilliant  :)

With love,