OH.... MY..... GOD.... !!!
ambivalence: poor dear, he's scared, so I'll be extra extra reassuring, show him how rewarding I'd be
inconsiderateness: he just hasn't learned how wonderful it can be to be considerate, I'll show him how
abusive: this must be his buried pain from his terrible mother/childhood/etc., I'll show him kindness
manipulative: this is one of his survival mechanisms and if I am just smart enough, I'll outthink him
indifferent: he's trying to disguise his deep-down yearning and vulnerability so I'll be extra attentive
coldness: I just need to be soooooo warm and giving, even more than before, that will help him thaw
cruelty: this is a test of how good I can be, that I can even love and forgive when he's hurt me so
lying: I know he's so insecure, and this has been his way of coping. I'll show him how to trust
There's women like this too, you know!can add stealing and emotional infidelity there too
& I reckon commitmentphobic is a symptom of a lot more going on in there (or way too little going on in there !)
I'm a guy who's responded in exactly these ways over the last year living with a fiancee who went from the most wonderful fun giving loving caring talk about anything & everything perfect match to, well... all of the above overnight. Thing is, it wasnt that she changed, just one slip & the whole false facade falls apart, revealing what was going on all along. We were just blinded by the headlights before the mack truck ran us over !
All of the above ways of handling the abuse(r) are not so much for their benefit, but for yours

Look at it this way: If you love yourself enough to still be loving and give love under extremely cruel circumstances, imagine how dependable and solid your own foundations are within yourself

Sure, your EGO is battered horrendously, but your SELF is holding you together and will continue to do so !

So yep, great lessons learned about someone else, and yourself, thing is there's good and bad in what we learn about ourselves and can apply it to our lives, talk about it with others, look after our friends better with these insights when they ask us "what do you think about..."
We are lucky to have the opportunity and courage and strength to take an honest deep look at ourselves, blessed to care enough about ourselves and others to learn and use the experience for everyone in our lives hapinness, and ultimately so much better off than these poor wretched cowardly souls who dont have the guts to face themselves, let alone others.
Phew ! Yup, lots of anger here