Yes, Write, I am very happy, very much in love, and I do believe very loved in return, BUT that doesn't mean I have been able to eliminate my great fear of abandonment. My b/f has never given me any reason to believe that he would do that since we became exclusive and serious with each other, but it is something I was not able to completely work through in therapy. I'm not sure that I ever will.
It may have to do with the fact that I really have no other attachments to anyone else, aside from my children. I have some wonderful friends, but they all have immediate and extended families to whom they are close and I will always consider myself an outsider to some degree. Despite how dysfunctional my ex in-laws were, they did become my family, most of them live nearby, and we all did get along for the most part. Sadly, they not only abandoned me, but my children for the most part. The kids never felt particularly close to their grandparents, or my ex sil and her children, but they hardly ever see them now. My ex FIL was always weird about only wanting his own children around and the grandchildren and out-laws were not made to feel welcome. He is an n to the max, and I believe he resented the grandchildren taking away the attention and adoration that he always expected from his children.
I believe that those of us who never felt close to and loved by our parents, just assume that everyone will leave us eventually. For the most part, I haven't yet been disappointed. But I should know by now that being married in no way guarantees that someone will stay with you. It is a merry-go-round that I wish to get off.