I gleaned something here last night that has helped me out, shaken things up and my mind is a jumble so with some apoligies I am pouring the mess out here to try to comb through and make some sense.
My great nightmare has been paralysis. In June I prayed for insight into this paralysis and the word "shame" came to me. I was a little surprised because I had worked through shame many times in the past, reading and re-reading Bradshaw's book. But I had only scratched the surface.
Strangely enough I didn't see the FEAR underneath it until I read a post by Hops last night. Now it seems so clear: of course it is fear. The shame is annihilating but the fear is Fear of being annihilated, fear of being who they said I was. So out of fear I had become what I feared. I have been waiting to be rescued by my father, waiting for him to give me permission to grow up, waiting for him to provide for me financially the way he was provided for the way the people I grew up with were provided for. His message, repeated to me over and over was not to ask for what you want or need but to wait - you get what you deserve. I must not have deserved much.
I've waited all these years, to be freed, caught in an unconscious psychological prison. Now I'm getting it. For several years I knew that my prison was like the string that held the elephant but I could not find the strength to snap that little binding fiber.
My longing to belong, to be loved, encouraged and "set free" by my father has been that string. Now I can break it. But that leaves me afraid of being responsible for myself, leaves me feeling abandoned. But really I can deal with those fears. I have the tools for those fears. How strange it is to see that I have continued to long to be recognized and loved by him. I really had no idea that I was still stuck there. I truly believed that I had let that go years and years ago. I thought I had grieved it all already but here I am again having to do that wretchedly painful grieveing all over again. I hate it but I am willing to do it in order to get through it and get to the other side.
This summer I have really learned that just because I have addressed an issue in the past does not mean that I have fully plumbed those depths. That was a dangerous belief for me, it kept me locked in denial. So now I have to go about grieving my loss of father all over again. But I have a really nice father I created in my mind a year and a half ago and I am going to go talk to him about getting through this new grief and moving on.
I deal with fear by repeating over and over, "I did not give you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind."
Thanks for this place. I'm so glad to have a community where I can talk. I have been so lonely and so alone. This forum has been the greatest gift to me. The freedom to express, to throw my struggles out into the world without watching backs turn or the shades go out in the eyes. I was so alienated in my family and have only recently realized that I lived out that alienation in my life until it finally took a toll and overcame me completely.
Cutting these ties are just the first step. It has always been strange to me at how painful this is. This should be a feel good stage but it's not. It is reliving that excruciating pain. This is unbearable. I'm going to go try to process this. I just have to say again that this is so painful. I'm just laying it all out. It is so amazing that this place is safe enough to do that. That is the great gift of Voicelessness - it is safe.
Safe, secure, safe. My world has never been safe until now. I have so feared the lack of security. I have been so insecure. This place is safe. I am holding on to safe. I did not know that I have never known safe. That word is so powerful to me now. I know how keen this word is because as I first typed it the tears began to flow. I have been so lonely and so afraid. I have known no safety, no safe place, until I found this place. I am so thankful to be home. I'm going to say it again, I am so thakful for a place where it is safe for me to put out my pain and to lay out my hopes.
Thanks to the Board - Gaining Strength, just one step back before I head forward again.