Yes, it was kind of a lightbulb moment. A lot of what my father did all his life reminds me now of what it would be like if ten-year-olds were in charge of the world. Not really knowing what to do so trying to make everything be under control so nothing can go horribly wrong. Something like that. No creativity or ability to go with the flow or understand that just because someone is your child, it doesn't mean they are going to be just like you in every way. No sense of wonder and awe at this new being, who came from you, but who is really just a completely new miracle to discover.
My parents were controlling when they had to pay attention, but for the most part they had very little interest in us. My sister acted out from the age of two on, so what little ability to pay attention that they had in them went to damage control with her. I noticed, though, as an adult in my 30s and 40s, that my parents then began to pay way more attention to me and require my presence quite a lot more often. And I resented it quite a bit. Now that I am busy and have responsibilities of my own, now they want to spend time with me?!?!? You gotta be kidding. And because they had been divorced since I was 14, this meant that I'm doing double duty at times. Can't just go to one house and get a visit with both of them out of the way at the same time. Nope, dad required a 40-minute round trip and mom required a two-hour round trip. Ah, just the little stuff like that really got to me for awhile. I needed them when I was growing up. And couldn't have any of that. Now that I'm on my own and hardly care at all, now they want me around. Great. Yet another responsibility.
Now, you know, GS, logically, that "you" didn't do anything wrong to cause your parents to abandon you. They are very, very flawed people. How very sad that you had to pay the price. It is good that you are learning new ideas and teaching yourself the correct thoughts now. They did wrong things to you. You didn't deserve any of it.
Sometimes I think that the very silence from these N-type people is the most telling thing of all. When they are silent, it is about things they simply can't handle. Period. So, by the silence they make it go away. In their minds anyway. Like toddlers who think you can't see them when they close their eyes because they can't see you. That's what I get out of it anyway. The things they won't acknowlege--those are the biggest things of all and they know it on some level.