Stormy, Amen.
Loving one's enemies doesn't leave room for the desire to see them punished, I don't think. Resting in the knowledge that a person will reap what he sows, though... well that suits my own inborn desire for justice and allows me to live without feeling driven to "out" those who have persecuted and cursed me.
Tt, to me... to allow others to be who they are is to accept their humanity. This comes along with the expectation that my own frailties will be accepted, as well. That's a sort of acceptance I've only rarely received and never before dared to expect, consequently, I was unable to offer it to anyone else. I think all this would have been alot more forthcoming if I'd not been so bound to perfectionism and emanated such intimidating, closed signals. No one likes to hang out with a neurotic, I don't think

Anyhow, life is much better and easier now and I'm grateful. Grateful for the humbling, for the reality checks, for those who have been brave enough to hold me accountable. I'm not a soft sell. Thankfully, God made a way to break my will without breaking my spirit. I don't want anything bad to happen to my ex, or to any of the difficult people in my life. Some of them are still in my prayers, but others... well, it's seemed wiser to say one prayer and let it go, rather than have them constantly in my thoughts. Ahh... ramble, ramble... need coffee. Hugs, Tt. I hope your back is good today and that you'll smile often, for good reason.