Has anyone had the experience of dealing with issues of a lifetime one after another?
yes, and it's taken me a few goes. By which I mean I have 'backslid' eg remarrying ex when I knew it wouldn't work, or losing confidence to work on my career, or gaining tons of weight etc.
Today's been really hard, it's draining sometimes havign so many terminally ill clients, had news about someone with terminal cancer, then my friend today was very confused & the nursing home seemed unresponsive. FInding someone to speak to made me late for getting my son from school, then we were on the run to get to baseball and I was bad-tempered and had to apologise for that.
Tonight I had a mixed evening. Wonderful theatre ( Sweeney Todd- almost operatic ) but the couple I went with are notorious for acting out and being sexual in public- I asked them not to and they were more restrained but still made me feel uncomfortable. I won't go out with them together again.
Driving home the tears started flowing, but none of the scripts in my head were there any more, I just cried my tears and thought about the stuff of the day, then focused on the more positive ( I got another regular gig, patched up a misunderstanding and wrote a poem! )
It probably doesn't seem much to most people but a few tears born of 'fatigue/tiredness/loneliness' would have sent me spiralling down a few weeks ago.
Hang in there GS, you are going to be fine. Healing from trauma takes as long as it takes,
I can't see it or hear it or even smell it from where I am.
but you know it's there!
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