I realized I've been going about this all wrong, cause I've been trying to talk sense into the N boss and his cronies. They all have those enabling annoying henchmen, why?
Anyhoo, so as not to make it seem like he's harassing/arguing with me, I think he's been feeding his views to another of my coworkers.. This time, though, its not the woman I've complained about before, it is another fellow... One of these two are in his office constantly. It's one of the reasons that even if I wanted to speak with him it'd be difficult cause these two take up an inordinate amount of his time (it seems to me, anyway). They are both young - er.. well younger than me. I feel like they say whatever he's spouting, probably to try to make him happy.
Anyway, I've been working on a project for quite a few months now, and the group I'm working with seems happy with me. I got a chance to peak at the leader's proposed plan (goes to our customer, who I've also been invited to meet with, with the group, once a week), where they break down the hours each contributor should theoretically be spending on the project. Well, I was happy to see my hours were up around 100 for each of the months of October, November and December. This is about half-time for me. The only other guy who had more hours than me was the guy I've been working closely with, and his hours were 120 for each of these months. So, that tells us our team leader likes what we're doing and he'd like us to continue, and he has now gone to our customer to ask for approval and the money to do it.
Anyway, this is the point my boss tried to argue with me (about a month ago) in one of our meetings. He tried to tell me that the fellow (the one I referred to above) was "approved" to work half-time, I was approved for 1/4 time, and another fellow was approved 1/4 time. I tried to tell him politely - No, based on my conversations with the customer, they'd like me to keep working this- he kept interrupting me though and got visably annoyed.
I think my boss would like this fellow to get the work. But on the plan he's only approved to work 10 hours for the months of October, Nov & Dec. (this simply says the project leader does not perceive him to have the correct expertise for the project)
It's all kind of silly cause I am the one with the expertise in this area, and am logically the one who should be working this project. But I feel like I have to fight with my boss to make this point. And now the fellow he'd like to have working the project seems to be jealous/fighting with me too.
I've given up arguing with them, and have handed this over to others to worry about (those making more money than me). If my coworker continues to try to work the project, it's not my job to tell him to stop, it's the project lead's. All I can do is work the project as I've been instructed to and now worry about what anybody else says or does.
Sitting on my hands has been tough, but I've managed to do it all week.
At one point, my coworker was copied on some emails summarizing a meeting he wasn't invited to (as he's supposed to be working the project some, so they were keeping him in the loop) and he replied, copying me and our boss: I'm just curious, was anybody from our group involved in this meeting? The meeting organizer responded: Oh course! Bean coordinated these meetings from day 1, she just couldn't make it this week
It took all my strength not to reply to this, but I managed, somehow...