Author Topic: Birthdays, holidays---bah, humbug---long pity party  (Read 2879 times)


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Birthdays, holidays---bah, humbug---long pity party
« on: October 07, 2006, 07:22:10 PM »
Hi all,

   Mrs. Grumpygrouch here.  My birthday is coming up in 2 weeks and I'm already turning into the B from hell.  Last year I sat home (H had to work and D1 was off having fun) with DD2 and DS.  Traditionally, my birthday has never been a day I've enjoyed (has nothing to do with getting older) although in years past I've tried hard to be happy, now I'm usually grumpy and just glad when it's over. I don't want anyone to do anything special for me, it makes me very uncomfortable.  Early in our marriage H didn't care about making my b'day special and we won't even go into how my parents didn't usually give two toots about my birthday.  I think I have a lot of built up anger actually, at least that's what I'm feeling I think as I type this.  Anyway, I don't like being "special" on a "special day" because in reality other than DD2 and DS, no one else thinks I'm special. I hate the fakeness of "special days", holidays, etc... You know no one really cares if you have a good day, a good Christmas, a good Thanksgiving, etc... 

ANyway, since I sat home last year for my birthday and was miserable I decided that this year I'd plan something to do.  No more pity party, I was gonna take the bull by the horns.  So I contacted some cousins (DH has to work) and we were planning to go out THEN cousin #1 realized that's the day of her daughters baby shower but she just gushed and went on about how after the shower we'd all go out and have SO MUCH FUN!   Then cousin #4 calls today and asks if I know about the shower and tells me she's just found out about it and was told by cousin #3 that she probably isn't invited and then said she didn't see how she could go out for my birthday that night with all of them when they haven't invited her to the shower (she has a valid point---she lives in the same town with them and runs into them sometimes and they act as if she doesn't exist---kinda the same way they used to treat me).  I should back up here and add that cousin #1 especially didn't use to give me the time of day.  She'd literally drive past my yard and pretend she didn't see me (we lived in the same neighborhood).  NOW, her parents live for free in a house I own because her mom took such good care of my parents as they were dying and it was a deal my dad made with them before he died.  I've continued the deal, of course, although I'm not bound by anything other than family loyalty.  Ever since cousin #1,2, and 3's parents have been living in my house, cousin #1 has acted like I'm the best thing since sliced bread.  Cousin #4 said today, "You know they'll probably back out on your birthday thing at the last minute, say they're too tired after the shower. "  And then we discussed again how nice they are to me now, now that their parents are getting a free residence BECAUSE if I were to want to sell the house or rent it, then cousins 1,2 &3 would have to come up with $$ for a place for their parents to live.

As if I don't hate my birthday enough as it is, now this monkey wrench.  So I think I'll just tell my cousins that something else has come up and I'll probably sit home again.  Why not party with friends?? Don't really have that many, I don't like most other females, or I guess I don't feel comfortable with most females.  I get along with and like guys much better than I do other women.  I tell myself I should make friends, but I just can't make myself get out there and do it. 

Guess I could throw myself  a big party somewhere, but that would cost a fortune and what if no one showed up????

Then there's Christmas coming.  Just thinking of Christmas makes me want to cry.  All that forced holiday cheer. 


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Re: Birthdays, holidays---bah, humbug---long pity party
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2006, 07:40:00 PM »
Option (c): Go out to dinner with Cousin #4, and talk about the family dynamics. If you get more honest input and some support, and have a chance to respond in kind, that's not a half bad birthday present. ;-)
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Re: Birthdays, holidays---bah, humbug---long pity party
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2006, 08:00:05 PM »
Option (c): Go out to dinner with Cousin #4, and talk about the family dynamics. If you get more honest input and some support, and have a chance to respond in kind, that's not a half bad birthday present. ;-)

THanks.  She's an only child too, and my dad and her mom (brother and sister) were very close but are both gone now.  She and I talk pretty often. 


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Re: Birthdays, holidays---bah, humbug---long pity party
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2006, 12:21:28 AM »
Option D:
Go out with the nice cousin and forget those blockheads!  Just partay!
PS don't forget to tell a transparent lie to the other cousins about why you cannot make the shower.
ok now a wicked Plucky


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Re: Birthdays, holidays---bah, humbug---long pity party
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2006, 11:38:49 AM »
I went to a kid's birthday when we first moved to Houston and the parents were so controlling. They ordered the pizza they liked and no plain ones the kids liked, then nagged the kids to eat. Each bit was ceremoniously presented and interminably photographed, it felt like the kids were poseable dolls and they all got whiny after a while because they weren't allowed to relax and enjoy themselves. It struck me then that we were missing the point of having a joyous celebration and just play-acting a routine we were supposed to do each year...

Break the mold! Do something youwant to that energises and refreshes you for another year. Justify a little expense or indulgence 'it's my birthday gift to myself'. Spend the time with someone who cares about you.

Sidestep everyone else's needs for a while- they are exhausting you and giving you nothing positive back.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


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Re: Birthdays, holidays---bah, humbug---long pity party
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2006, 05:01:05 PM »
Y'all are the best!!! THanks for cheering me up!  Last night I was thinking of what do I want to do and I think I might have cousin #4, her hubby, her dad and his new wife over and just tell the other cousins (in advance of course) that something came up and I have to change plans.  My uncle is getting old and I love listening to him tell about the old days, that would be a nice evening. 

Don't you just hate it when family members are so self-absorbed and self-centered.


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Re: Birthdays, holidays---bah, humbug---long pity party
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2006, 09:26:03 PM »

Hi Adrift,

I read the first five posts all at one time, Edit in: including your opening post.  So neat!  I went from anger and near tears reading your opening post to big smiles and you go girl's at the end.  It's kind of like (except better because it's real) the old serial movies where you had to wait from week to week for  the next Exciting installment.  I wait with excitment for the story to develop and especially your celebration day.  Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the opportunity to share the tears and the smiles.  :o

« Last Edit: October 08, 2006, 10:37:24 PM by teartracks »


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Re: Birthdays, holidays---bah, humbug---long pity party
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2006, 09:50:54 PM »
Hi Adrift,

I had quite a few years when I felt sad and hurt because people didn't make me feel special on my birthday, and I wanted to. So I decided to do it myself.

I have made a point ever since to made a big trumpeting deal out of my birthday when it's one of those years I need a boost. Shameless. I have, in various years:

Invited about 30 of my favorite interesting friends to join me atop a mountain at a state park lodge for the whole weekend, making the invite silly and fun (mainly the lure was they'd all find each OTHER so interesting) and to my amazement, 12 came. We had a blast, playing like children.

Lots of years I've just walked around telling everyone, it's my BIRTHDAY! And letting each Happy Birthday lift my spirits.

I mainly just turned it into a day to declare to myself, I am so grateful to have been born, I am happy to be alive, and this is just a great day to be pleased with myself. (It's one day when you can do that without feeling like a jerk!)

I will be VERY happy to howl you an off-key Happy Birthday keep us posted!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."