Who to spend the holidays with. My family is fragmented. We used to spend it with my father's relatives. They are very tiresome now that I see what they are really like. Just ignorant and loud. And now the cousins are feuding and they want the rest of us to take sides. Drive an hour to our house, not theirs. I'm not planning to go to either one.
My mother still lives within an hour too. She may want to plan something, if her husband seems like he might be holiday oriented this year. Way more pressure than I need.
My husband's family is just as difficult. One year, we thought we would try it because we figured his brother and sister would be there and we like them and get along well. But it was held at his cousin's house, we have something of a bad history with her. We actually started driving there. It took an hour (of course) and the closer we got the more anxious we got. So, we drove by, noticed no one else was there yet and made our decision. We were certainly not going to be the first ones there. What if nobody else we liked came or they came very late? Yikes! So, we turned around and went right back home.
Husband and son like staying home. I do have a built-in excuse these days for not committing to anyone, or even telling the truth, (the truth is, "You're all annoying and greedy and boring and it's no fun with any of you.) My job is pretty much 365 days a year, so I might have to work on the holidays or on the Sunday before or after. And I won't know until the last minute..... So.... we're not sure what we're doing and we'll have to wait and see. Phew.
So, soon we will come up with some quiet things we would like to do. And no, my oldest son in NYC does not come home for the holidays. Everybody asks me about that, and I always say, he doesn't get paid time off and can't afford it. The truth is, he hates it here in every way, though he likes us, in small doses, and will never come here again unless it is for a funeral or something else very important.
The holidays are pretty much manufactured and I'm glad to see that people on the board are coming up with their own customs and calmer ways.