can I have a thread to get me through the next few weeks? Everything is so uphill getting divorced somehow, especially with my ex...he's taken to being moody again, last night he sat in the chair pretending to fall asleep whilst I was talking, I was really happy because a job I had been warned might fall through not only is it going ahead, but the new manager is going to double my hours in the new year and wants me to run it like I'd really like- one hour of music then one hour of one-to-one with some patients who are very sick who otherwise would not be getting attention. And she was very complementary & enthusiastic about my involvement.
But of course my pleasure at this good news triggered his N response, he said something about having less money than he thought and then started rolling his eyes and not listening.
For once I didn't get into it or him, so I suppose that's progress, but it really does show how slow that progress is, and how hard it is to operate without any empathy ina relationship. I really felt quite dismissed and disrespected and yet he did very little except refuse to acknowledge my joy.
I had been talking about one of the patient's illnesses and the overtly sexualised behaviour, he is usually very knowledgeable and interested in these things but he said 'as someone who has made an inappropriate pass at a friend you should deal with that pretty easily!'
There have been several little digs lately about some of my worst moments during illness, and a few comments about when I start drinking again, though I have felt no compulsion to drink, actually the opposite.
I guess there's a bit of sour grape sabotage going on, plus we still have a few practical things which have been sources of stress, plus I will have to look at his money situation again...he has such extravagant gestures he may well commit himself to alimony he can't afford and then it will be an ongoing friction which he seems to take as evidence of being alive or something! ( sorry to be flipppant...)
Joking apart, this is the kind of stress which leaves me seriously deflated and often precipitates getting sick.
I want to take some Xanax and wake up in 20 weeks!
So I thought about how to plan the next few weeks and get through it and try to turn it into something positive overall.
20 weeks takes me to the end of March, so I'll set a few goals fr then:
*weight loss
by the end of march I can be at my perfect weight and shape if I continue to diet and exercise
I can have 5 chapters of my novel written I think
I'll have to renew the lease by then so I'm going to take another 7 months and work towards buying a house in Novembe 2007- my original goal was to buy a house in March. I also plan by then to have everywhere looking tidy and pleasant and to entertain more!
*social life
I'm pretty isolated a lot of evenings, so I want to start a couple of new social activities.
I am going to dip my toe in the water of formal 'dating' and start the process with an agency or club, so I'll research that if not actually go out until I'm divorced: still feeling strange about that latter bit because I feel it's okay to go to dates, not okay to have a relationship until divorce is final ( wish I wasn't so weird about this kind of thing! )
Want to wean off spending so much time with ex.
I'm going to enroll and complete at least one course by then.
So by March I want to be thin, fit, getting out and maybe dating, more qualified & have some of the novel done.
That's achievable.
I want to feel like life isn't so much on hold, that feeling that I am behind the starting line revving up and unable to move is making me unhappy.
And my plan to not see El Crusho isn't working to make me forget about him, I am thinkign about him more than ever! I just woke up at 5.30 am and I'm thinking about him.
Had coffee with my friend yesterday and she was blunt- I don't think he feels the same about you! It's probably that, but it's also I miss seeing him ( it is a delicious distraction to have a potential romance in the air ) plus I am resisting this urge that 'I screwed up' because now I don't have someone to hug me or go to concerts with....
I really need to reframe some of my thinking for the next few weeks, or I'll be quite depressed by march!