ANd yet SeaStorm I cry for him my every alone moment. And to make it worse, mt jerk N has a new "love of his life" and he is so happy. THey even bought a weekend place together. My heart breaks althoug t should be singig!
I understand about crying for the person. I still cry over the person in my life too, but not every moment. It takes time, really does. It takes finding yourself again, because THAT is what they steal from you.
As far as the new "love of his life"...I'm almost betting that he dared to rub your nose in that? They like to dangle their new "loves" in front of your eyes and say "But THIS ONE makes me SOOOOOOOOOO happy...more than YOU ever could, but that's ok, I forgive you for that. Better that we found out now rather than later." Am I right? If not, ok, then it's just me sharing what happened to me. I watched the person do this to several people as she went from one to the other. I'm thinking she finally might have met her "match" in the current companion however, so maybe the two of them will be "happy" together and not bother other vulnerable people. It's kind of like once a person is caught, put safely in jail...they may get a few meals and be "rewarded" with a warm place to live, but the point is, they are off the streets and away from hurting anyone else! Maybe you could try to see it that way...he is with "her" and leaving other vulnerable people alone?
I do know how hard it is when they just callously tell you "oh by the way, I'm so happy with _____, happier than when you and i were together. We have so much in common and this relationship is NOTHING like you and I had."
I'm here for ya! Been through it too and still trying to piece some things back together with the help of my Lord, some very wonderful friends on this board and elsewhere.