Hi Gaining Strength…
I struggle with fear too, then after the fear I feel angry, then I feel fear again. It’s like a vicious circle for me. I’ve been working with my T on this issue and have found a method that works for me sometimes. I thought it may be helpful for you too. I talk myself through my fear and become my own soothing parent. I’ll use your fear of going to the party as an example. This would be me talking to myself. When I started feeling fear while dressing for the party, my self talk would sound like this.
I know I would like to attend this party, and I acknowledge that I’m feeling fearful right now. Maybe I’ll just lay out the clothes I would wear if I were going. Here’s an outfit. This would look nice. Now, I’m feeling fearful, but if I weren’t feeling fearful, I would probably be excited about dressing for the party. Maybe I’ll just get dressed for the party. Dressing for the party doesn’t mean I have to go to the party. In fact, if I don’t go to the party, that would be just fine. Right now I’m working on fear issue. So I’m going to practice going getting dressed for the party even though I may not go.
Okay, I’m dressed now and I look nice. I’ve practiced getting dressed for the party. If I were going to the party, I would get the directions to the house. I’ll do that. Even though I know I don’t have to go to the party, I’ll practice just as though I’m not feeling the fear. I’m feeling a little thirsty. An ice cold coke would taste nice now. My mouth always gets dry when I’m feeling fearful, and that’s okay. I think I’ll relax and drink my coke while thinking about the directions to the house.
Still practicing overcoming my fear. I’m going to the car now. I’m going to drive to the party. I know I don’t have to go in once I get there, I can change my mind, but I’ll drive there just in case I decide I would like to go in.. etc. etc. etc
This method has been helpful to me because it always gives me the choice. When the time for the party comes, I may or may not attend, but the rule I give myself is that even if I don’t feel strong enough to go in, I have practiced healthy self talk that may make me strong enough to go in once I’m there. If I don’t feel strong enough, I would tell myself that I did a good job working on my fear issue, then go out and celebrate by buying an ice cream or something that would feel safer for me. The good thing about this method is that as long as you are concentrating on being your own soothing parent, your making progress because you can’t tell yourself 2 things at once, and while you are thinking positive, the negative fear self talk doesn’t have a chance to take over. Sometimes when I am doing this I will still think a fearful thought, but I give myself permission to think that while still being soothing. Okay, you heard that old tape again, but it’s just a tape, and write now I’m rerecording etc. etc.