This is why I love this board. I come here and read CouldBe123 and Grattitude saying things that I needed to hear as a child and never heard and though I am nearing 50 it warms my soul to hear your encouragement as though I was only 15. I am truly strengthend by you both and by some many here at Voicelessness. This is a priceless community. Here I find what I have needed and lacked my whole life. This place is a true blessing. Oh it may only be cyber space but it is so real and the love I experience here is so real. And talk about unconditional. Noone here expects anything for one another nothing but love and caring. Four months into being here I still marvel over my experience here and I still give thanks and I know from what happens here that I WILL heal and I WILL begin to function in the way I must and I WILL feel free and happy before too long. Thank you CouldBe123, Grattitude, Hops, WRITE, Jacmac, Pennyplant, ReallyMe, Teartracks, Mudpuppy, Seasons, Seastorm, Stormchild, Penelope, Mum, October, Dragonsamm, Dreamsinger, Sela, Brigid, Moon, Sovereign + Safe, Kelly, and all the others. So often at night, just as I lie down I go over your names in my mind and I give thanks, thanks for this place that is so real and so different. Good night and thank you.