I decided to start a new thread on the subject of being heard because I feel a need to be heard.
I have struggled today with obsessing, rerunning old stuff trying to change the outcome...........crazy.
I need to hear that I will never be heard by XN. I have been saying the same things for so long that it began to bore me to death. I find the rejection of my voice so painful right now. I just wanted to be heard, acknowledged, seen. All the pleading, begging, hoping changed nothing. It has been the same story all of my life. The only time I am seen is when I can do something for someone, or so it feels like.
Why do I keep after the deaf and the blind hoping they will see or hear me. I feel so small. I am crying for me. I need to see me. I need to hear me and I dont know how. I have so much sadness right now.
Today I went to my daughter's grave and cried for her. She saw me and she had to leave and I miss her so much. I feel if she was here it would be easier. Sometimes I feel held by her but as time goes on she gets further and further away from me.
I feel full of grief and loss. XN could never see my grief would always try and stop it with platitudes........she is a better place blah blah blah. I want to grieve for what seems like the whole world.
I need to buy a christmas tree. I cannot bear the thought of decorating it without her. That was her job. I am soooooooooo angry.
In all my vulerability all XN could see was his needs, his kids, his x, his house, his dog............and after all of that I came in somewhere.
Please someone hear me.