GS, you're such a love.
I'm still going to believe on your behalf if you don't mind.

I'm very touched. And I know from experience you got great vibes!!!!!!!
Funny...if you believe I'll find someone to hold and love, I'm more inclined to believe it's possible.
Thank you.
As to why not dream...the truthful answer is that I need to act. Been dreaming a loooooong time.
Hi Write, Merry Christmas and peaceful happy new year to you too! I hope you have a mellow day tomorrow.
Thanks for inviting me to think about my list of attributes in an ideal mate. This is practice:
1. Funny. I would melt at the ankles for a man who takes pleasure in making me laugh. I have a few decades' worth of laughter stored up. If he delights in sneaking up on my funnybone, I'd be in bliss.
2. Honest. (This used to come before funny, then there was menopause.) I want him to never be brutally honest, but always ethically honest with me, if you know what I mean. And it ain't a euphemism for being critical of me "in the name of honesty." Just to be a guy who voluntarily and comfortably shares his basic truths with me. At the same time, he needs to tell me my cellulitey ass is lovely.
3. Kind. Not kind as in charitable, but kind as in really warm hearted. Really able to see me as beloved, warts and all, because his good heart is the lens he looks through, not the current culture.
4. Intelligent. Not sarcastic or cynical but definitely very sharp and keen observer of life, and enjoys...
5. Conversational. I'd love to be with someone who just naturally enjoys communicating and talking and sharing observations and daily thoughts and stories and such.
6. Curious. Don't need a mountain climber but someone who likes travel whether it's around a new corner or a new country. And who's as curious about new individual people as about culture.
7. Tolerant. Someone who is not judgmental and hostile toward people who are different, but who genuinely loves the diversity of planet earth and its people.
8. Likes animals and plants.
That'd do. Oh, forgot to say...
9. Health-minded. Basic good habits, no addictions, appreciation of wholesome food and exercise (but not obsessed with it all).
10. This is a wish, not a requirement: would go to church with me now and then.
That was fun to write. Thanks, Write.