Author Topic: Do Ns commit suicide?  (Read 6130 times)


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Do Ns commit suicide?
« on: January 15, 2007, 02:31:57 PM »
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if when an N loses N supply and perhaps they can find no other, will they seek suicide as an option.

Here is why I'm asking:

Since I told Nmom not to call me anymore at all for any reason and I have instituted my "No contact" policy, she has called one of my bleeding heart cousins and has been crying and saying strange things like: She wishes that darkness will come and take over her and that when she wakes up in the morning, she wishes it would be night again.

Sounds very strange to me. Is it manipulation? Or is she going over the edge now that she feels abandoned?



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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2007, 03:44:20 PM »
My opinion is definite manipulation!  My H does this to control me and get me back into his reach just so he can pound me emotionally again.  But somehow I end up apologizing for his mistakes and trying to fix his problems.
Nowadays, since I have to live with him for now, just to get it--his drama queen episode---over with.  Anything is better than that.

I think your mom knew just who to call to get the message back to you.  She is using them now like the witch on Oz used those monkeys.  No offense to the partular characters in your life---but ya know what I mean? 

My mom did the same thing to me.  I had a brother who wouldn't quit calling me after I cut off contact with her.  I wouldn't even answer his calls cause I knew what they were up to.  He thought he was just playing peacemaker, but SHE was controling him like a puppet.

CB123 sounds like they are on track with noticing these are quite vague "threats".  Mostly for sympathy and then to get at you.

Don't buy into it.  You can't afford it.

Peace & Namaste

Sunny D


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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2007, 03:53:10 PM »
Hi CB and Divine,

The cousin that she chose to carry the message is so emotional that she will cry if someone's lolipop falls on the floor. Not sure if Nmom is N with BPD traits although she has never threatened suicide before. But this is the first "No contact" period for her so I expect that she will be desperate.



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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2007, 04:07:02 PM »
Do Ns commit suicide?

Not nearly as often as would be optimal for the rest of us.



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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2007, 04:33:49 PM »
Hi liberty,

I've been following your story and I really feel for you.

I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but to me, your question seems connected to my post about kidnapping & the Stockholm Syndrome: Why do we not leave the N?  and, on the other hand, what are the consequences when do do leave the N?

Here, you've decided to leave the N, but she's trying to pull you back with veiled threats of suicide.

Do you call her bluff, or not?  I don't know.

If you contact her, have you given in?  On the other hand, if you contact her and reaffirm your original letter, maybe she'll get the point and maybe that could be a "win" for you.

I'm just trying to think this out.

What if you emailed her and told her that since she never took your letter seriously, you decided to do a "no contact" but, that if she agrees to discuss your letter in a meaningful way, you'll listen?  But then, you'd have to listen to her, yuck!

What about having a therapist referee a session with her?

It's a really difficult decision.



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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2007, 05:48:23 PM »
Hi Dazed,

I follow your trend of thought and I think in fact that it is manpulation. Since I made the post , I called her. I will call this piece:

"Inside the mind of the N"

I asked her what she wanted and what her expectations were. Her first response was that she wanted me to trust her and then she went on and on about how hard she had it when I was a child etc etc. and that she was afraid of moving out on her own. I listened and did not interrupt but this time, I felt absoloutely no emotion, not love, not hate but nothing.

After she was through, I told her that as hard as she had it when I was a child, I had it worse. I pointed out to her that I expected that she would have protected me but instead she knowingly left me to take abuse and only ended the realtionship and became brave when a threat was made to her life.

I told her that I found her to be cold, emotionless and uncaring as a parent. I also told her that as a child I was unable to share any of my emotions with her because  I could never afford to get her upset and I gave exapmles of thei times that I tried and her dismissive attitude "So you had a hard childhood so get over it!"

She responded by saying that in her opinon she was not cold and uncaring that that I was in fact abusive to her and I stabbed her in the back by sending her the emails on my views on my childhood and I should learn to accept people as they are not not try to change them. She said that as she accepts me as I am.

I told her that while she may be who she is I don't have to accept behaviour that is unsuitable to me so that we can agree to differ and we don't need to have any sort of relationship at all.

She began to back pedal quickly and said that we could and should have a realtionship and that she is not aware of her coldness and that perhpas I should telll her when she is being cold and she would tell me if I was being rude to her. I told her that this sounds fair.

Regarding her phone calls she said that she used to go on about herself because she was so exicted about her achivements / accomplishments and that I was the only person that she shared these things with. I told her that this was not fair to me as I was not her spouse and that I had a life of my own and was not interested in carrying her emotionally anymore.

I told her to only call me if she want to find out how I am and don't call me to tell me anything about herslf. I told her that I would do the same for her as well. She did not seem to like this and went back to square one with her blaming. I reminded her that if we could not get along suitably in my estimation I was very comfortable not having any relationship at all.

Finally, I told her to stop involving third parties and sending people to call me. She denied this saying that she never asked my bleeding heart cousin to call me. I told her that if she inssisted in telling lies we would be left to have only a superficial relationship. It was her choice. She got quiet again.

The conversation ended shortly after.

The significant thing is that I really feel nothing. I didn't feel angry. I don't feel close. I don't feel sorry for her. I feel indifferent. I don't think she will change and I don't care anymore. Now that she cannot call me to talk about herslf, I don't  expect her to call at all. What I am saying is that the change  is not in the situation or the circumstances. This time the change is in me. This is what I'm feeling.



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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2007, 07:16:48 PM »
I think NO CONTACT is best and that means no contact indirectly through third parties. Anyone who understands what you are going through knows that this is best for you.

Sea storm


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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2007, 07:30:01 PM »
Wow Liberty!

WOW!!!!  WOW!!!  WOW!!!

Your conversation was AWSOME!!!  And I love what you said about the change being within YOU!!!!

I am awed by your power and strength. 

You really got to the heart of the matter.

Whether or not she will act better in the future is almost secondary.  You let her know how you felt.

Liberty, this is so great and I am so happy for you.  Well done.

And, at least we know she's not suicidle.

You are a role model for me.




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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2007, 01:34:36 AM »
Do Ns commit suicide?

Not nearly as often as would be optimal for the rest of us.


Dang, mud, you stole my punch line: Nowhere near often enough.

And the sad thing is that these Ns and their phony dramas can result in people not knowing when to take a genuine suicide risk seriously, we become so cynical that we see all suicidality as manipulative... that is tragic.

I've noticed that most Ns can't resist checking to see how their theatrics are affecting people... so that's what I watch for, that little 'pause' in the show that tells me it is most likely only a show. When I see that, I know I'm dealing with a drama queen [or king].
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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2007, 05:29:44 AM »
Mud ,

You stole my line also.

Do N's commit suicide?  My initial thought was ....... God if only.

IMO NO NO NO.  What would the world do without those amazing people.  Liberty, I believe if someone wants to commit suicide they will do it.  Do I believe your Mom will - No.  I hear games, games, games.

I believe you have worked through so much lately.  Personally I would not have called her as I know the only way you get free is NO CONTACT.  And as far bleeding heart cousin I would suggest to her, since she is so concerned about your Mom that she might like to go and spend time with her. 

I am convinced they will do anything in this world to get what they want SUPPLY.  They just want to talk about themselves ALL THE TIME. 

I figured this out a long time ago with my Nparents.  When they would call my first question was What do you want.  Sometimes they would go through the pleasantries and they tell me what they wanted.  To which I would always reply Oh so that is what you wanted and that is why you called.  Really pissed them off.  My contact with them went down to almost nothing before they died.

I think feeling neither love nor hate sounds healthy but be careful they have a way of squirming back into your life if you take your eye off the ball.



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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2007, 07:11:49 AM »
 Hi Axa,

I understand what you are saying about them trying to sqirm back in. I called because I wanted to assure myself that she was not suicidal. I have done this so I'm clear about that now.

Good advice about bleeding heart. She atually lives not too far from Nmom so the next time she calls I will suggest that she visit Nmom more often and perhaps find ways of spending time with her. :twisted:



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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2007, 03:40:28 PM »
Hi Liberty

It's been a while since I read posts here but it still amazes me how similiar N's are, and I feel you are in a good place right now.  It's good to be able to open your eyes and see what is happening.... learning about how N's behave, then seeing it with the N in your own life, kind of like a fog clearing maybe?

Your conversation with your Mum, reminded me of a conversation I had with my N dad, from the accepting people as they are and not trying to change them, to views on childhood, how you should have a relationship, to asking to ring if she wants to find out how you are.  Mine was that I asked him that he could at least at me one question about myself when he rang/emailed.

It will be 2 years next month since I last had contact with my dad, and while I don't forget about him, I know in my heart that I've done the right thing for me.  Reading your post helped me re-inforce this, that he is still the same and if I did get in touch, it would still be the same.

Good for you Liberty, and here's wishing you strength and most of all, here's to your voice.  One thing I learnt from dealing with my N dad is that "you can't change anyone else, you can only change yourself and the way you react". 

Take care

H&H xx

Dear Mud - so funny as always....  How is Mrs Mud doing?
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2007, 04:10:16 PM »
CB you just don't know how validating your words are to me.

thank you so much for your kind encouragement

warm wishes,

« Last Edit: January 16, 2007, 04:12:28 PM by leah_nomoretears »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2007, 05:12:14 PM »

The significant thing is that I really feel nothing. I didn't feel angry. I don't feel close. I don't feel sorry for her. I feel indifferent. I don't think she will change and I don't care anymore. Now that she cannot call me to talk about herslf, I don't  expect her to call at all. What I am saying is that the change  is not in the situation or the circumstances. This time the change is in me. This is what I'm feeling.

"This time the change is in me."  are exactly the word I would use to explain how I have learned to cope with my narcissitic mother.  The day came when she couldn't hurt me, where I didn't care if she understood, when I finally realized that she would never understand or care.  That anything I said could and would be used against me...that reacting to her comments or meanness was pointless, she really, really, really doesn't get it or get me.  Once you cross the line, life is much easier.


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Re: Do Ns commit suicide?
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2007, 05:19:19 PM »
I'm so glad, Leah.
When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010