I accept that the unconscious can keep us down. But you can struggle to get out of that bad place, whatever it is. I pulled myself up by my bootstraps. You got out of that bad place, too. If someone is struggling to 'get out' then you can give them a helping hand. Some people just want to drag you down with them; some people want to stay in the same place cos it feels safe. It's a choice.
There it is. I had to let this sink in, but there’s the key to what keeps me bound to her in confusion.

Even if we don’t know what’s making us feel bad, even if we don’t know how to fix it, we can know something’s wrong. And we can struggle to find answers. We can find the courage in ourselves to face our fears, our demons. Or we can choose to stay with what’s familiar.
"If you knew what to do to, for, or with her she wouldn't be like this, in this spot, and you wouldn't get hurt. So it's all your fault. You're responsible"
I thought she just didn’t know how to pull herself out. I thought she just couldn’t see the door. Her abuse was worse than mine. I thought I owed it to her to help her out since things were easier for me and I found a way out. Wrong, wrong, WRONG!
Mom knows she was abused. She tells the same stories over and over – but she doesn’t want to understand them. She wants sympathy.

Who will feel sorry for her if she gets well? She knows that she’ll be out of money soon. She knows that if she doesn’t get a job soon, she won’t be able to pay for the house, pay the utilities, pay medical bills. She used to know that her mother would step in. She finally cut her mother out, so that stopped. She used to know that her friend would lend her money. He finally got fed up with feeling used, so that stopped. My relative and I are all that’s left, and we know we can’t allow her to run from her problems anymore. That would be condemning her more than it would be helping her.
‘can you spare some change?’ ‘No, but I’ve got a banana in my bag, do you want it?’ (I had got one.) ‘Er…no thanks, I don’t eat bananas’. (Thinks: tough then! Your choice. No banana for you.)
She is surrounded by people who care about her. We have all tried to offer helpful suggestions, ways she can make more money until a job comes along (like rent out her extra room). She makes excuses.

Her sickness IS her excuse. We offer our experiences with similar situations, and we try to tell her that we understand where she’s coming from. She twists our support into criticism.

She uses her victimhood to force us to rescue her then be her persecutors (yes, I see it now R). She doesn’t hear (maybe she really can’t) that we really do understand, and we really do want the best for her – for HER. Not for us. Whatever that is. And yes, with a string attached - that she find a way to
take care of herself. To be
Even if she can’t tell up from down, even if she’s lost, even if she was terribly abused, she still has to decide
to make her own way out. And this is NOT too much to ask. This is NOT expecting the impossible from her. It’s NOT like asking a 4-year-old to solve a calculus problem. She has the ability to get well. Now I see that. She’s intelligent, and she has people around her who care about her and want the best for her. But she doesn’t want to help herself out of this. She wants someone to take care of her – without telling her what to do.
That sounds like such a bitter, needy, spoiled child, doesn’t it? Ugh.
I did originally write that about myself, but it really is about her, isn’t it?
'that's great that you're so aware of what's happening for you. What's your plan to handle it'!!!!!
“and I plan to have my own breakdown around the same time; I’m relying on you to be strong for ME”.
This is all right on, not overstepping a bit. I laughed at the bit about planning to have
my own breakdown during her crisis, but you know what? It’s kind of true. I probably will have a little bit of a breakdown in the next wave. Hopefully only little. In my dreams, not at all. And before I started working through all this, I probably would have put my feelings aside during that breakdown because my feelings aren't ‘as important as hers'. She’s the one who’s suffering, not me (wrong). She suffered so much more than I did as a child (irrelevant. Really?? Really!).
What your therapist hinted at about not being able to see how your mother hurts you and what's happening to you because your emotions get in the way. Did she mean by emotions your love and concern for your mother, or the emotions of pain you experience from the whole life experience with your mother? Or all of the above?
She meant, I think, mostly my love and concern for her, and maybe some of the pain that causes all the guilt/confusion. I do love my mother, in spite of all the yucky stuff. I have moments of awareness in which I become so, so angry with her, and then guilt overwhelms me and I collapse into hating myself. And I resolve to shove all my ‘bad thoughts’ about her down. Way down. I forget. I’ve been in this awful cycle for so long! No more.

I didn’t understand before. And I didn’t have enough confidence in myself to stand up against the guilt. It feels terrible to be so angry with her, but I didn’t make this happen. I am NOT responsible for what happened to me as a child.
I got away from her, but I never really dealt with my feelings for her. I thought things were okay, even wanted to believe they were okay, because she didn’t need me anymore. She stopped needing me because I wasn’t there and her friend was. Her friend is gone, now it’s me again. Gosh. That's really all I am to her?
I have a few home spun techniques, but I'd be interested to know what you'll do or intend to do with this next round that you know is coming?
I have a few ideas, mostly about protecting myself and who I want to be. 1) No more yelling, for one thing. Yelling at her rips me to shreds. If she can’t hear me, there’s nothing I can do. 2) Be kind whenever and however I can, because I can’t bear to lash out in her in frustration. That makes me feel horrible, too. 3) Find a way to get off the phone if my heart begins to race or I start feeling panicky. But beyond that? I’m not sure, but I hope that’ll become clear as these ideas tonight sink in a little more.
You guys, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
(((((((((( R CG Portia ))))))))))