You guys are all crackin' me up! At least we can look at it with some bit of humor. Means we are getting better. Better at dealing and better with understanding the games and how they are played. And how to opt OUT! When and if needed.
How about becoming as self-centered, arrogant, pompous, egotistical, god/goddess-like, ETC (you know where I am going with this) as THEY are!
Probably cause we can't--it's not in our nature----that's why they chose us----- or use it on us (whatever the case may be). Yes?
These people are like watching the Gaston character from Beauty and the Beast(Disney version), or Denny Crane (Boston Legal), or Sam Malone(Cheers). Or maybe J. R. Ewing(Dallas)? I can't think of anymore off-hand. I know there are tons in movies and TV. These I think of cause they are some of my NH's favorite characters--he always chuckles --and says---"I LIKE HIM!" It's also who I feel like I live with most of the time. Choose any one. Then I feel like I am just watching TV.

Not able to think of good ones for the women characters--although I know there are many. More queenly/ witchy types maybe for them.
Any more funny characters you guys can think of?
Have a great day all!
Peace & Namaste
Sunny D