hi Guys,
An airhead? -----just doing and not thinking of all the people involved down the line/on the flow chart?----with only me being left out because I am not a Member, not on the Board, eventually end up invisible, or fell off the bottom of the chart, onto page 2 that he doesn't know exists!
If that is airhead I will go with that-- and forget the anger/whatever.
Dissing?-- meaning a putdown?--I think, if he thinks, he realizes value, and that the whole place would fold, temprarily anyway, if I didn't do what I'm doing....and that's pressure....
so dissing? NO!Hops: so interesting that you thought of the little invisible farm child............ and you too
CB As well!
"There're lazy lttle bastards here
but I reallly don't know who
Somehow the cows get milked and fed
When my mind goes askew.
that I am reacting to two things at once.... WOW! That thought has crossed my mind a nunber of times--even two or more things-- THat is SO confusing I just stop thinking!
I can take to reading the Minutes (sent to me regularly by the Sect'y) every month and see what happens that affects my job 'down the line'. Then I will be on top of things. Normally everthing is sent web ready with no need for me to read--just Copy, Paste, Format, Save, Upload.gratitude28: I think you boss just doesn't want to admit that you are good, and that you are missed when you are gone!
