Hi CB,
You guessed right that I was trying to be cheerful, hadn't dealt with it yet. It caught up with me last night and I cried until 4:30 a.m., emailed a long vent to my minister. It's in the dark of the night that the pain is greatest, when the thought "my only child hates me" gongs in my head, and then I think of how she is (now) and how my Nmother is (always), and how I feel smashed in between them. I even see how my D has many behaviors like my mother's, such as walking in the door talking about herself and what she needs and never, ever, asking me how I am. And, refusing 19 out of 20 requests I make to do anything with me, small or large. My friends are quite busy, so I really do need to get better at meeting my own needs. (I suppose my fantasy of sitting on a barstool waiting to be plucked off but some younger fella looking for an education isn't the right idea?).
I used to refer to my D as "evidence of the god of getting one thing right." To see what we are now, I guess, feels like "evidence that I really have not done anything right." Anything that matters, anyway.
It's just long and hard and lonely when she twists the knife. I know that in time there will be more contact. One tough thing was her pulling the "oversensitive" and "overreacting" labels out of her quiver. I don't think I became a poet by accident, that state of being is wired in. At times in my life I've been a human harp. It's probably taken all my skill to develop as much hide as I have, and compared to many's, it's a thin one with moth holes. And, in many ways, she reminds me more and more of her Dad. Love her? Unconditionally. I am just feeling like a punched-out teddy bear who could use some love herself and doesn't know where to find it. I think one of the worst times, dark of night etc., is when I extrapolate that this kind of loneliness is my permanent lot. I know the cures: help someone else, get out and walk, don't ruminate. I'll do 'em. Feel better this morning, too.
I can't thank every one of you who has eyeballs to read this enough for doing just that.
CB, you ask really good questions:
Do you see anywhere where you need to set a boundary with your daughter? Even non-N's can get to feeling entitled. I can get drawn into that if I already feel guilty--and I almost always feel guilty about something.
I give her money I truly can't afford. I do feel sorry for her poverty. Still, she did blow her whole inhertance from her Dad at 19 and 20, and ever since, seems to feel I need to make up for it.
Do you feel bad that you couldnt enforce a boundary with her (like when you said you didnt want to talk while you were negotiating the weather)?
Yes, I do. I think I let them fall because I am so fearful that she will abandon me forever. And that's a terrible reason to let her take advantage of me. But I do. It's a hard habit to stop and I should. I can't "buy" or "fix" or "pay for" her to become appreciative or loyal or kind. If it's not who she's decided to be, so be it. I just have a lot of trouble accepting it. I'd better, though. I want to do it while maintaining some faith in her...and I'm losing that. Maybe in myself, too. You know...just the usual incoherent despair people feel when they're badly hurt. I'm not making good sense.
Or are you just sad that you would have to?
Both. Sad that the old shared-laughing goofy domestic friendly togetherness seems permanently gone. And deeply hurt that she keeps making new declarations about it. Those are the things that hurt me most, her statements. She says it's simply honest and there is no need to ever censor herself, ever. So she says things to me like: I only want a superficial relationship with you. And last night on the phone: I think you are a person with whom I might occasionally blunder into something that we might possibly enjoy together, but that's all.
When she makes rejecting declarations like that, with details, it really, really, really, really kills me. (Well, hyperbole...but I guess the verbal truths hit home. That's where I live, word-land...statements like that linger a long time.)
Anyway, sun's out. I'm still breathing.
Thank you. All of you.