Thanks so much Axa, Deb, PP, Leah, Dandy, and Moon...
I think what gets to me more than her venting about her frustrations is that she has an attitude of entitlement:
give me money, food, support, time, anything I ask for ... unfortunately, her critical rants are par for the course.
It'll pass. She's contacted me a couple times today and realizes I'm not happy. Even said, "Are you all right?" I just said "More or less" since I couldn't talk from work. BTW, thank you for the Non-defensive communication link, Dandy. It was dandy--really good.
I won't obsess. She'll turn out okay, or not...but I've pretty much done all I can for now.
Thanks for your kindness and sympathy...just what I needed! Pooooooooor me...
(I'm sure you're right, Moon--she's still deeply affected by the loss of her dad six years ago.)
I'll go home and focus on a peaceful, nondefensive evening. All will be well.
love to all,