Hi Portia,
Thanks for your posting. I know you said not to reply, but, but...
It's possible that my mom in an N, and that's something I've struggled with over the past few months as I work through my own childhood issues (I was never
really allowed to have my own problems because hers were always bigger than mine). I think what I'm learning here, though, is that it just might not matter. I simply can't deal with feeling responsible for her well-being.
Something that I haven't really been able to voice rose to the surface today: an old thought that's been banging around in my head and encouraging me to reach out to my mom and help her. "I see myself in her, and it was so hard for me to struggle through, and there was no one there to support me. But maybe I could be there to support her and lessen her suffering."
Oof. I see myself in her? Or I see
her in
me? Big difference.
Sounds like she just went into ego-protect mode. She’d heard enough truth and went into ‘light’ mode to deflect any more truth. See, she’d done her bit with an explanation and in her mind that’s it, finished, over. She wants to go back into what it was like before. She won’t really consider your words and thoughts, she reacting to the immediate situation and doing damage-limitation. Then she can go back to her world!
I think that's exactly what happened in that last email. I feel silly now for not realizing it, but even if she's not an N, she can't change overnight, and I can see how she might have wanted to end the conversation. Truth is, I didn't want it to go on either, but I also didn't want her positive response to go unrecognized, and her apology unaccepted.
Yes darling wasn’t that a wonderful story about how I nearly killed myself driving with no hands on the wheel/sleeping with a man who had blood stains all over his bed (was he the serial killer?) but don’t you worry, I’m fine now and you don’t have to worry about me ok? But just let me tell you about what happened…
She does this to me all the time!!! The last time was when she went out after a hurricane to do some beachcombing. In flip-flops. And surprise...she stepped on a rusty nail and had to go to the emergency room. Never mind the fact that a uniformed officer stopped her and told her it was dangerous to be out in the debris because of, well, contents under pressure (heart attack). At least I'll be ready when I have teenagers of my own, I guess

P.S. - Thanks for the writing comments. It's important to me not to forget others no matter how much I'm going through - 'cos there'd be a lot of time to forget others if I did

P.P.S. - I was just thinking for a little bit and this surfaced

. Going back to rest mode.