Be 'accurate' about what you feel, search to share what you feel, if you can, without blame if you can, rather than be 'strong' and 'in charge'. You are the child; you are the daughter. Let's get these things the right was round for once!!!
It turns out that my mother was in trouble, was contemplating suicide, and was most definitely crying out for help when she wrote to me on Friday. I think she’s finally stable now, which is why I finally have time to write about this.
I hit a crisis point yesterday in trying to deal with all of the problems in Mom’s life, and I want to say that the advice I’ve received here went a long way to helping me through this past 24 hours.
I took your advice, Rosencrantz, and asked my mom to let me know if and how she needed help, the whole time trying to think of her as a separate person who is completely responsible for her own life and actions. It felt right, and I felt more comfortably distant in that act, and I’m hoping it’s the start of a healthier path towards maintaining a relationship with my mother.
She responded to my offer yesterday morning. I received an email consisting of a numbered list of extremely lucid and detailed items for me to do for her – most of which involved making phone calls. At the end of this email, she said that if I could do just one thing on this list, she’d be able to make it through the next few days. Otherwise, she’d have to admit herself to the hospital and she wouldn’t be able to earn any money and the house would be gone by the time she got out. Then she forwarded me another email letting me know that I shouldn’t worry about her if I called and there was no answer because she would be out mowing the lawn, which takes several hours.
It took a long, long time for me to calm down after that, but fortunately one of the things she’d asked me to do was to call an old high school friend who was also a therapist. This was the first gesture she’d made towards getting any kind of therapy, so that was the first “task” I completed. This friend was more than happy to give my mom a call and help out – and I’m so relieved to know that someone with training – even if it’s a friend – is helping her out now.
When it came to the rest of the items in the list, I was really torn, partly because I felt so manipulated and used. After a bit of soul searching, I decided the following:
1. I would honor my promise to help her out as best I could
2. I would stop protecting her from the truth, and tell her how her emails had made me feel
3. I need to learn to be as supportive, compassionate, and healthy as I can be in my interactions with her.
Regarding the last option, I was originally thinking this because she had such a terrible childhood and expects people to treat her terribly, and she needs to be treated well if there’s any hope of her getting better. I still believe this, but I’ve also realized today that I need to do this for me. This is at least one way I’m going to be able to love her, while distancing myself.
I was surprised by her response to my honest feelings. She wrote a long letter apologizing for making me feel that way, that she hadn’t meant it to come across that way, and that she would try to do better. Keeping my resolve #3 in my heart and mind, I replied immediately with the thought of encouraging her and being open and honest with her. The email I got back, though was very strange and surreal. She was almost jolly. She said things like, she was fine now and it was all because of me. And she was so encouraged that I’d “jumped in to save her”. On Monday morning she didn’t have the strength to go to the store, but now, thanks to me, she could go to the store and go to work tomorrow and Friday.
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo confused now. My relative has seen all of the emails that have passed between me and my mother, and he’s furious. He says that she’s acting just like my Grandmother, and he’s so shocked. I tell myself that she has certainly picked up some bad habits from my Grandmom, and some pretty bad ways of thinking, but I guess I’ve always thought they were just random wounds, and that she could pull herself out of this if she tried. I’m really starting to question that now.
Sorry for the long posting, but it’s been a pretty big few days for me.