Author Topic: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????  (Read 3651 times)


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Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« on: February 20, 2007, 05:47:14 PM »
Hi everyone,

I have a birthday in a couple of months and this thought came to might prove interesting.

I have never been thrown a birthday party, or graduation, or bridal/baby shower (***) anniversary, or  going-away…………..

(***) I was never married but the ladies of my hometown church didn’t know that and put together a wedding shower for me in Jan 64, for my supposed wedding on Nov 29. '63. I was 5˝ months pregnant but not showing, as I knew this shower was coming and kept the weight off.

One lady came up to say ‘hello’ to me and put one hand on my back and one on my tummy….suspicious, eh? I was wearing a suit that had a box jacket, was nervous as hell, and don’t remember what I said in my thank you speech.

So, gang who was ignored and who was pummeled with parties?


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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2007, 06:45:41 PM »
I was very disappointed when I turned 16.  I thought I might get a party but nothing.


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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2007, 06:48:49 PM »
You never had a party? Your parents never celbrated your birth day? I am so sorry. Despite that I had an N mom she celebrated all my birthdays until I was 15. My lastone was at 14. She never celebrated it again.


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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2007, 07:11:52 PM »

I am rather expecting answers like yours.

so kel and lupia

You have parties up until those ages?

No parties, to  me, meant I was unimportant. On the other hand, my eldest sister thought that no parties simply meant no need to remember birthdays, two sisters, two different end results.


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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2007, 07:12:14 PM »
This is a typical example of my life as the non-golden-child...
I put together my tiny wedding. I had a JP, invited my parents and a few local friends. They came down for a conference (I changed the date so they could just stay during the conference and not waste money). I slept on the couch the night before my wedding since they stayed in my apt. I had a one-night honeymoon. I bought my dress and bought the cake and champagne we had after to celebrate. I had no photographer. I have to admit, I also feel the marriage is more important than the ceremony... still...

My sister was bought a beautiful dress which my mother helped her pick out. They rented out a hotel, chose the menu, invited everyone. I was told I would be able to choose the dress I wanted to wear... they would give me a color. Of course, they ended up choosing a dress for me. I ended up saying I didn't want to take part, at which point I got seething calls from my mother about how hateful I was. They spent months tearing apart everyone who had any problem with getting to the wedding/daycare,etc. My sister didn't even live w/her husband for three years after the wedding... and... frankly, I think he's a jerk. My mother pushed her into getting married.

Birthdays were nonexistant (tho they bought tons of presents). That was stressful, too, because I knew they overspent every holiday and they must have talked about it a lot, because I felt that burden for as long as I could remember. My birthdays "always took place when we were moving." They planned parties for her, and I remember one year it got snowed out and it was such a bummer for my mother.

I got tons of presents always... along with guilt over how much they cost and the criticism that I didn't use them... especially when they had bought something that wasn't quite what i had wanted and tried to allay their guilt by making me express great love for the gift.

This leaves my stomache sour... but I needed to get it out. Thanks, Izzy.
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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2007, 08:59:32 PM »
I did have parties when I was young.  Stopped at 14.  My wedding was a huge affair.  But it was not about me.  There was 500 People there.  She planned the whole thing and forbad alcohol so half the people left to go downstairs to the bar.  I was forced to marry because we were living in sin and it would be better to be married to the wrong man than to have anyone know we were shacking Up


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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2007, 07:25:24 AM »
I've pretty much 'given over' the Official Occasions. My FOO made sure that holidays were an abusive thrash, and birthdays were an occasion to be dreaded, not celebrated -- any pretext at all would be used for taking offense, and imposing some form of punishment.

When I left home for grad school, most of my peers either had healthy FOOs or were still firmly enmeshed, but they were all still far too young and oblivious to notice [or care] that one of their classmates never went home for TG or Xmas. I generally spent those days resting - and grateful for the chance to rest.

My ex's FOO was totally enmeshed. Everybody went home for TG and Xmas and even most weekends... yet the fact that none of the adult children had married, well into their 30s, was regarded with amazement... !

I don't miss these events now. Over the last 20 years it has become so hideously unpleasant to travel, that I only do it 'for pleasure' when I have a buffer day on both ends of the trip, to recover from the hassles of the trip itself. If opportunity to celebrate comes my way, I do so, and am thankful for it, but I don't have expectations; I can always use a day of rest.

And quite often, gifts or celebrations tend to come with strings attached. I am very wary of people who become angry at me for waiting until Christmas or my birthday to open a present, for instance, especially if they know that, because I live alone and have no immediate family in touch, their gift may be the only 'authentic' present I will have on that day - i.e., the only one that I didn't buy for myself.

I'm equally wary of people who know just how I 'should' celebrate anything, and try to 'make' me behave in the way that they consider most appropriate. In these situations, the gift or celebration isn't and never was about me; it's about them, entirely and exclusively, and sooner or later there will be a price to pay for it.
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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2007, 08:10:10 AM »

Boy did you put it into words... that's it exactly...

((((((((all of us)))))))))))

May we have heathful, peaceful, calm holidays and celebrations.

Storm, I too, took every opportunity to stay on campus during the holidays when all were gone just to "be."

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2007, 02:40:26 PM »
Hey Guys,

I'm sorry.  I am learing how on aware I was to things around me. I thought everyone got birthday parties, maybe not showers but a Happy Birthday at least when you were a kid.  How sad.  Thinking back of mom words.  You know some kids don't even get to have a party, teaching me to be greatfull. I would think Ya, right, No party sure. I thought it was like the law of the Land.

My kids are to big for parties now nor would they want one.  Even my 12 year old is like um NO. but he does have a sleep over and to the movies or a rented movie.

The thing he likes is in the morning even a school day he wakes up to decorations and eat cake for breakfast!!.

Then he bounces off to school. Sugar High! 

So belated,Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, Congratulations, GLAD YOU ARE HERE!!  Where would I be without knowing all of you.

Love me


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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2007, 03:36:19 PM »
No Leah, no parties.

I remember when really young, not yet in school, without any flourish, my mother handed me an envelope. It contained a Quarter and a toy watch--I remember nothing else or for the siblings.

I had parties for my daughter from age 1. That was a get-together of new Moms and their 'babies' and we all had cake and coffee, but the babies/kids weren't really involved. For every birthday I baked her a cake and we did something special. Then I had to go out to work so my sitter would throw the party, but I still baked a cake and we had cake for breakfast, so I could beat sitter to the punch.

Then I was injured and in the hospital for her 6th birthday, but I got out of the hospital and travelled to home town for her party. It was a surprise for her.

The I was out of hospital for her 7th and gave parties with gift packs for her guests. Soon she felt too old for those so it was always her sittter and family, another friend and grandma and grandpa at my house. This was right through until she left home for university.

Except for her 16th. That was a biggie because her boyfriend was born same day, same year and his gang joined ours at my house.

Too bad Scott was 'called' to be a priest. He was far nicer than the N she met, 2 years after and married the following year.----all too fast a suspicious to me.

Damned Ns


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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2007, 04:37:35 PM »
For me, parties symbolize popularity and self-confidence.

As dysfunctional and awkward as my FOO was, we did always celebrate birthdays and the holidays.  In fact, I very much looked forward to my birthday and Christmas because those were generally the only times things were bought for me (other than for a new school year or necessities).  It was also exciting to have people over.  I still enjoyed my relatives back then.  There were no fights that I was aware of.  My mother didn't like my father's family, but it never caused any obvious problems that I could see as a child.  We did certain things with one side and certain things with the other side.

Always had a cake and gifts on our birthdays.  One year my mother asked an aunt to bake each of us one of those cakes that had a doll in the center and the cake part was her gown.  I seem to remember getting those cakes because my mother was kind of envious of the aunt's daughter having one.  Don't know if I'm on the mark about that or not.  Just a faint memory of the motivation.

A very memorable birthday for me was when I turned 8.  It was the last week of second grade and I came home from school and the front door was locked and all the drapes were drawn.  That was very unusual.  The reason was that my mother had made a surprise party for me.  The guests didn't even know that was what they were doing that day after school as my mother had called the parents and asked them to keep it a secret.  Lots of decorations, refreshments, games, etc.  In my picture of it, I look a little overwhelmed.  My sister is showing off for camera and guests.  I have no idea how my mother came up with the idea to make it a complete surprise.  I don't know if I had been asking for a party or she got the idea from a magazine or TV.  Even at that age I seem to remember being surprised that so many kids came.  I think this all took place before my mother realized that some of the neighborhood parents did not have a high opinion of us.  Or maybe it was before the general consensus turned against us.  Probably that is it.

Since I got a party that year, my sister also had one a month later for turning 7.  In the picture, the party is a little less elaborate but she looks happy.  It wasn't a surprise, of course.  I'm sure my sister would have had tantrum and after tantrum if my mother had kept it a secret, because she would have thought she wasn't getting one.  If I had a party, she had to have one too.

After that, the birthdays were just a couple close friends and special meals, cakes, and gifts.  For the "party" we had one picnic in the summer for relatives and this picnic was always held in the month of my sister's birthday so she wouldn't be offended that it was held on my birthday a month earlier.  But it was for both of us.

As time wore on and I had more and more problems with peers, I stopped even wanting parties.  I did not have a sweet 16 or a graduation party.  It never occurred to me that I would be able to successfully invite and entertain enough people to make it into a party.  I could have had a graduation party.  My mother asked me about it.  But I felt it would be relatives only and that would just rub it in my face how unpopular I was.  I did start having friends again after a horrible 9th grade.  But it was very tentative at that time.  So, I went to several graduation parties for other people.  Then a month later I got pregnant.

There were no showers ahead of time as I was planning to give up the baby.  But when I changed my mind and kept him, my aunt (the one who made the doll cakes) threw a shower for us with the family, and other people gave gifts individually.

When we got married three years later, this same aunt gave us a wedding shower with a wedding cake (because we were going to a justice of the peace) and we also received individual gifts.

We have always done something, usually a party, for our kids' birthdays.  A graduation party for each of them as well.  I insisted with our oldest and it was all family and family friends.  He didn't invite anyone from school as things had deteriorated socially for him by then.  But he seemed to not mind that we had the party that we had.  He tolerated it, anyway, and was polite and sociable to everyone.

It's funny how mixed up I get at birthdays and holidays in general. I always hated my mother's insistence that everything be EQUAL with my sister and me.  Always gave gifts to our sons with their individuality in mind.  Trying to keep things reasonably even.  But it is hard and sort of triggers anxiety in me.

We just did a birthday weekend which involved a very nice dinner out and regular gifts plus items our son had asked for that he needs in his new place.  We spent quite a bit actually.  And the thought popped into my mind--I usually give the oldest son (in NYC) a check for $100 dollars so he can get what he wants or go out to eat.  And I got anxious thinking, that is only half what we spent on A.  Plus, the time we spent together.  Oldest son has been far more "expensive" in general due to choices made.  So, we have probably really been "shortchanging" the youngest if it was only dollars that you counted.  But the thought of sending only $100 to C is still bothering me.  I want to double it this year for some reason.  Then I think, will he wonder why it is more this year?  And what does that mean if the answer is, it's more because your little brother got a lot this year?  This really bothers me.  I was thinking of writing on the card, we have been getting lots of overtime this year (true) and decided to send more than usual.  Then I start to think, well why were we so stingy in past years?  We make more money now but also have more bills.  So, what is really going on with my thoughts and anxiety?

If this is bothering me so much, it must be for a deeper reason.  Just hard to figure out if the reason is issues from my childhood or issues from C's childhood.  Both I'd imagine.

My husband's family actually forgot his birthday one year when he was a little boy.  It came and went with not so much as whisper.  It has never been mentioned in fact.  He was so hurt by that, he just keeps it bottled up inside.  One year his father mailed him a birthday card, but he mailed it in time for his older brother's birthday six weeks later.  His mother still sometimes forgets to send him a card or call yet at one time she used to make a big deal out of remembering my birthday.  That made me angry and uncomfortable.  Neither one of us ever said anything though.  I guess we would feel funny "demanding" a birthday.  Oh boy.

I think this is a sad topic.  I don't like to make a big deal out of my birthday.  But if it were completely forgotten I would be hurt.  I guess it is one of those things you shouldn't have to ask your family for.  Yet, I do know people who have to do just that.

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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2007, 07:50:21 PM »
Parties and Showers--Who had 'em?????? 

I have a shower every two weeks, like clockwork.



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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2007, 08:01:26 PM »
I have a shower every two weeks, like clockwork.


You always bring a smile to the board!  :D

How is Mrs. Mud these days?

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2007, 08:34:53 PM »
I haven't had a shower in 37 years, 4 months.



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Re: Parties and Showers--Who had 'em??????
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2007, 10:14:45 PM »
Dang, Izzy.

Is there some disability advocacy group you could call on to make your bathroom more accessible?

When Ma became less mobile we called the local Board for Aging and they came and installed every bell and whistle in her bathroom. At no charge.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."