Hi Lupita:
Sounds like you're really having a tough time. Not fun at all. Sure wish it could be easily fixed but like anything...I guess it will take plenty of ideas and effort to make a difference. Please don't give up.
One thing strikes me:
What about consequences for these kid's behaviour? Are there any?
Can you devise some? Would any of the following be useful?
How about keeping the 10 kids after school for awhile every day, to discuss the problems?
I doubt they would like that a whole lot eh? Could you tell them that you are concerned about
their behaviour in your class, not happy with the disruption it is causing other students, wondering how to make class more useful to them, hoping to enhance their education, determined to discuss their lack of respect and that you want to understand what they want to get out of your classes and ....
.....that you will persevere in finding these answers/ discussing these issues with them, day after day, until some answers/ resolutions can be found, but that you won't be wasting class time doing so?
Or how about giving them special assignments? "Why I think it is my right to disrupt the class" or
"How I see my behaviour" or "Why school is important" ??? Or even: "What I like about myself" ?? Are you not allowed to keep them in class, even a few minutes, as a consequence of their behaviour?
Is there another teacher in your school who would be willing to assist you? Come to your class every day for 5 or 10 minutes after school? To help sort this out?
Worst case scenario: Can you call a meeting with them and find out what they would like to be doing with the time? Maybe they want to read a novel of their choice or doodle or write about a topic of their choice? If that's what they want, you can explain that you cannot force them to learn or get an education. Wouldn't it be better for them to be reading/doodling/writing comic strips than disrupting your class? Can you not send them out, when they do disrupt things? Or give them some crayons and a colouring book and tell them to go to it, if that's what they prefer?
I guess what I'm getting at is.....these "kids" could have choices that could help them decide to alter their behaviour or at least, shut up and let you teach the rest of the kids.
If they are making rude or insulting remarks toward you, could you use all of your resolve to
NOT REACT to their immaturity and instead.... document their exact words....again.....keep them after school to discuss their motivation, intention, reasons they feel obliged to speak in this manner? Kind of treat them like lab rats under your microscope? Try to figger out what makes them tick? Ask them if other people speak to them in this way and how it feels? Let them know that's what you want....to understand why they behave the way they do? (haha! this is starting to sound a bit silly but I'm serious. Who wants to be treated like a lab rat? Better to go to a little lower key and not be studied maybe?).
If the whole group is too much, could you meet with them individually? Always, always expressing concern for their welfare, as well as that of the rest of the class and not reacting to... but rather curious about....their behaviour and how they feel? Maybe, if they had to communicate one on one with you, as people, they would not feel so full of themselves? If you're worried about stories they might make about about being alone with you, during these discussions, again, is there another teacher who might assist you? Or can you call their parents in for the meeting?
Are the parents not available? It's a difficult situation to have kids who behave badly and parents who don't give a hoot. Makes me wonder if that's why the kids behave badly to begin with maybe? Do these kids need someone to care about them? Do they resent the others who might have that? Are they just evil beings who have come to taunt your classroom? Which thought is the most realistic and makes most sense to you Lupita? Are you taking it too personally? Do these kids behave like this elsewhere or just in your class? Do they connect with any adults? And fianally......will you keep in mind, first and foremost, the idea that these kids will soon be gone from your world....this won't last forever? Maybe there is a way to help them make better choices until then?
Hope some of this helps ((((((((Lupita)))))))) Sorry they are making things so difficult. The good news is:
160 give me a lot of satisfaction
I'm very glad that it's such a huge majority! That's encouraging eh?