Thanks for the replies. Its really weird thinking about this. Its like i have been in a bubble. Brainwashed even. I didn't even realsie how unevolved my sense of self was all these years, if it was (see, still in denial(?).)
Today my grandad chapped on my room door and asked if i would call him a taxi. (so he could get to the pub of course!).
I said 'eh, I've no money in my phone.' and looked a bit puzzled.
He looked up at the window (it was raining and cold outside) and looked sorta (what am i gonna do now). It was like as if I was supposed to jump up and say' Oh no, its raining and cold! How ARE we going to get you from A to B, when its raining and cold outside???I think 'we' have a crisis on our hands here!'.
LOL, I mean there is a phone box a few yards from my house y'know??lol.
He had money in his hand, and I seriously thought he thought i might actually offer to go along in the rain and call him a cab. Eh, no way!
And wouldya know it, when i went downstairs 20 minutes later, he was gone! No problems after all then.*ahem*
I dunno, I'm starting to realise my family is waaaay disfuctional.
My mother always runs errands for my g/d, always has done it seems. I think he has taken on a role of victim, so you can never critise anythign he says or does, or he will (partly spoken by my mum) be upset. And yeah, she seems to have fallen for it too.
The upshot of it of course, is my mum never feels appreciated, and no doubt I've gotten someof the resentment shot my way in the past. So many screwed up things going on there. And games on both peoples part no doubt! I remember my mother using guilt on HIM at times, (when she couldn't get what she wanted), because when i was a kid he 'used to' take me for a walk on saturday mornings into town, and making him feel guilty because he didn't seem interested in doing it anymore.
So yeah, this reminded me of that 'poor' him role, and 'dont do anything to upset him'. Had to type this, as I have to get it out!!!!
I'm wondering how essential family is, anyway.
Can you exist without them, I mean totally cut of and not suffer for it? I mean sorry but lifes short, and for these things to be going on for so long in it, I can't imagine them changing. Its just too much, and goes to far back. These guys certainly aren't gonna entertain therapy! I'm strting to think all they could ever be to me is a hindrence.