Hi Gratitude,
Part of the reason I rarely post here is because I am concerned about backlash if who I needed to talk about found out. I'm not an anonymous person on the web. Because of my music and human rights activism, I am very easy to find. Got a ton of websites, etc. Creativity is such a part of my healing journey, and I love to share my music when I feel it can say more than my words. Also, what I learn comes from my work in various causes, etc. Much of my work has to do with overcoming and healing. I've been asked to speak as a survivor, and I do. It's no secret! This brings me comfort and a sense of resolution within myself to take something negative and offer it to the positive. It's a big part of my own healing. So I like to log in as who I am and share what I have to share.
However, I, also, have my own personal journey that I sometimes need help with, when I feel like I want to scream my head off and just vent or need to describe what happened for feedback. It's then that I feel constrained. I can't speak the pain, I can't share the details as DreamSinger - the consequences could be pretty nasty if found out. And I've thought about signing in as a guest or someone else, but that just feels so weird. I haven't been able to do it. I'm not afraid of others finding out. I'm afraid only of the N finding out. My fear goes beyond just pissing them off, but for my safety.
Right now, I can talk about N's generally, because I come from a long line of them, so what I say doesn't necessarily point to any one particular person. But it's gotten to the point where I have been more and more seriously thinking about deleting my account and starting over as someone else, so I can get the personal support I need for specific situations. Either way, a part of me will have to remain hidden. I don't know that I can post as two people, because the thought of that messes up my head.
But your post has really gotten me scared, because I want to know - how can you tell members are signing in as guests? Is it their IP info? Is that available to the general public or do you have administrative privileges?
Please let me know. This is, also, good information for me, since I was stalked at a forum I run. I've been asking different people involved in internet safety if you can find out who people are through IP address or other means, not only to be aware of who's stalking you, but for those who need to cover their tracks on-line from abusive partners and such. Haven't gotten a definitive answer yet.
And I think it's good to know just how private privacy really is on this or any forum. Thanks!