When I was 17-years-old (1970), a virgin, and dating someone I thought I might marry, we wanted to have sex. I asked my family doctor if he would be willing to prescribe me birth control without telling my parents. He did so. And then he called and told them.
My n mother went into her Southern Belle mode yelling, screaming, crying (she was allowed to express emotions; I wasn't), "If you get pregnant you will go away to have that baby and give that baby up. You won't stay here to embarass your sister." (the point behind asking my doctor for birth control was that I did not want to become pregnant. . .)
She demanded that I give her the prescription, said that she would have it filled, and that I WOULD take it.(again, my original idea . . .)
I was beaten and kept home from school for a week.
The next morning, with my father there to guard me, mother went down to the library and checked out the six books that had to do with sex.
She walked in the door, placed them on the coffee table, and said, "You will stay home for a week. You will read every word in these books. I may have raised a whore, but I will raise the best educated whore in Litchfield."
Several years previously, when my paternal grandfather died, I added the dates up and learned that my paternal grandmother had had a child out of wedlock at the age of 16 in about 1912. I learned that my Aunt Beryl had been born out of wedlock.
I only thought of this today. How might my father have thought being a witness to this drama and knowing that the mother he loved and I loved had had a child out of wedlock?
I know that he grew up in a home with alcohol abuse and learned to make himself small and silent to avoid the abuse. My father -- who I love -- would go a mile out of his way to avoid any sort of conflict. When he committed suicide, it made perfect sense to me. That is the ultimate way of avoiding conflict.
I don't know why I never thought of this until today. Maybe my father was as voiceless as I was?
I want to thank you all for your posts. I have ordered two books that you have recommended to me.
It is much easier to not deal with this than it is to deal with it.
Thank you all again.