I was going to ask you Iz, Must I have a Myspace account to access Pennyplant's photo? I don't and it seems I'm not allowed to view her pics unless I have a membership.
It appears so. I have an account, did so just to access something quite some time ago. I haven't spent very much time there.
Yes. We all look so normal, and no one can tell what is within a person from the exterior.
I once had my roommate (we were late teens) look at me in the mirror then look at me for real and tell me if the view was the same. I didn't believe my reflection. I was just beginning to understnad that I was not so normal--emotionally.
I usually think all is well with the person with the smile, so I practice always to have a smile when I'm around people--part of it comes from when in hospital we were told to always look our best, as people see the wheelchair first and the person second.
Iz, that is funny. You really have had that sweater all this time.
Yes OC. I thought it funny too and yes, the picture tells the tale and the year. I have another one just like in in beige and white. I never buy trendy things. I must buy for comfort and haven't worn a dress iin over 10 years. Slacks are best so the wind doesn't blow up one's skirt to reveal one's breakfast--and for when one topples over and falls and the bloomers are showing. Plus using the bathroom--pull up a skirt and it falls back down. Pull down slacks and they say there and don't drag in the toilet bowl.
Losing weight is not a fun thing from what I hear! I heard Weightwatchers was the best--from a sister and a married couple out here!
so I look normal-- how pictures can lie as well!!