Author Topic: All About Me Me Me  (Read 15267 times)


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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #45 on: April 07, 2007, 12:09:22 AM »

OK ladies,

I'm confused on the photos.

There's Beth with the children and Alex   I know that one.

There's Hops  I know that one.

There's two ladies with Teddy Bears in the foreground.  Don't know that one.

There's a lady with a teenager (daughter).  Don't know that one.

Someone please let me know which is OC and which is bean.




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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #46 on: April 07, 2007, 12:15:51 AM »
 The two ladies with Teddy Bears are me on th left and my n mom on the right.  No one could see me so I sent another one with my daughter taken two years ago.  Bean has a link to a web site.  Thanks,  Kelly (OC)

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #47 on: April 07, 2007, 10:36:22 AM »
Kelly, you are so pretty and your eyes are beautiful. Your daughter is a gem.
Hops, I always imagined you as lovely, but you are breathtakingly pretty.
Bean, I will check out your link soon... I am beat after Easter Bunny duties.
PP, I know you ;) You are too sweet and pretty and I love your hair.

((((((((((((((((((((thank you everyone)))))))))))))))))

Birdy, I am glad to hear you are in VA and I want to hear more.
GS, I would love to see you. And everyone else.

Thank you thank you for a happy evening.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #48 on: April 07, 2007, 12:05:56 PM »
Hey, did I miss something?  I didn't see a pic of you Izzy.  And PP nice to see you.  Now every time I hear your advice I can think of who you are all of you.  And it will keep us from getting too ugly in our words.  Because now we have someone's face to get mad at!!

Love to see GS.  And where is Lup lately.?  And Leah??  Where's your pic...?

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #49 on: April 07, 2007, 02:03:48 PM »
Rather than bring the thread forward. This was posted in January

but less recent is on the not complaining thread, even though I sound like I am complaining, and also a picture of my bloated legs--as opposed to normal ones.--even though right one is awayyyyyyy down this morning.



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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #50 on: April 07, 2007, 02:13:20 PM »

Hope you get relief from the foot swelling over the weekend. 

You sure look good.   I love what you said about us all looking so normal.  Once I got in touch with all the stuffed pain, I had a new awareness of what might lie behind all those expressions of normalcy.  I'm not nearly as apt to assume that behind a smiling face all is well.  By that I mean, a smiling face doesn't always mean that there is not pain within.  For a while there, I simply believed that every person, every person was in deep pain.  But then when I feel bad for whatever reason physically, I think the whole world is feeling as badly as I do in that moment.  Whatever and however did such a thought take root?  Now, I don't think everyone is in pain and I know tht just because I feel bad doesn't mean everyone else does too.  I guess that was a phase I needed to experience to get a healthy perspective.  Will finish this later.

OK, I'm back to finish.  I needed to take a phone call there. 

I was going to ask you Iz, Must I have a Myspace account to access Pennyplant's photo?  I don't  and it seems I'm not allowed to view her pics unless I have a membership.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2007, 02:47:33 PM by teartracks »


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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #51 on: April 07, 2007, 03:49:47 PM »
Thanks TT

I had a silly idea to show how long I keep my favourite sweaters, etc.

This was taken in 1989 (I was 50) when my eldest grandson was 3, and the granddaughter just 5 months and look at my sweater and the wall hanging behind me. I bought the sweater before KC was born and since I am still wearing it, it is over 20 years old.

Love Izzy


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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #52 on: April 07, 2007, 04:25:06 PM »
Iz, that is funny.  You really have had that sweater all this time.  And it looks great!!  I guess if you buy clothes that aren't trendy you can get away with wearing it.......or if you hold on to it long enough it will definitely come back in style.  Although the clothes in my closet that might come back in style will be a few sizes too small.  I went to the doc today for a sinus infection and I weigh more now than ever!!  Need to lose a good 50 but better if I lost 60!!!  Thinking about the lap band but I don't think I qualify as too much overweight.  I thought of filling my pockets with quarters before I go into weigh.  I could prob ably pull it off with another ten pounds but I am not willing to really gain that much!!!

You look better now than you did 20 years ago!!!  Beautiful!!  Normal!!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #53 on: April 07, 2007, 04:51:59 PM »
I was going to ask you Iz, Must I have a Myspace account to access Pennyplant's photo?  I don't  and it seems I'm not allowed to view her pics unless I have a membership.


It appears so. I have an account, did so just to access something quite some time ago. I haven't spent very much time there.

Yes. We all look so normal, and no one can tell what is within a person from the exterior.

I once had my roommate (we were late teens) look at me in the mirror then look at me for real and tell me if the view was the same. I didn't believe my reflection. I was just beginning to understnad that I was not so normal--emotionally.

I usually think all is well with the person with the smile, so I practice always to have a smile when I'm around people--part of it comes from when in hospital we were told to always look our best, as people see the wheelchair first and the person second.

Iz, that is funny.  You really have had that sweater all this time.

Yes OC. I thought it funny too and yes, the picture tells the tale and the year. I have another one just like in in beige and white. I never buy trendy things. I must buy for comfort and haven't worn a dress iin over 10 years. Slacks are best so the wind doesn't blow up one's skirt to reveal one's breakfast--and for when one topples over and falls and the bloomers are showing. Plus using the bathroom--pull up a skirt and it falls back down. Pull down slacks and they say there and don't drag in the toilet bowl.
Losing weight is not a fun thing from what I hear! I heard Weightwatchers was the best--from a sister and a married couple out here!

so I look normal-- how pictures can lie as well!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Izzy  :P  :P  :P  :P


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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #54 on: April 07, 2007, 09:23:37 PM »
hi GS

You upload it to a website, Myspace, wherever, but some place that it is on the Internet---that will be your choice.

Now when you have a good view of the photo, look up top to see the address (URL), highlight it all, Copy it, then in our message boxes here click on Insert Image, and Paste what you copied between [iing} and [/img]

Ask again if problems



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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #55 on: April 07, 2007, 10:33:20 PM »

I have a program that resizes. Want some help?--Send a PM!

Love Izzy
« Last Edit: April 07, 2007, 10:52:12 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #56 on: April 08, 2007, 03:12:02 PM »
PM sent to you GS

Let me know if you want the resized one returned to you or posted here?



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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #57 on: April 08, 2007, 05:39:26 PM »
Hi, pretty CB

I appreciate your thanks, but I don't think I had anything to do with your being able to do this.




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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #58 on: April 08, 2007, 05:58:07 PM »


You sooooooo pretty.  Love having a photo to go with your always tender and wisely thoughtout  posts.

By the way, I see lots of strength in that gentle countenance.



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Re: All About Me Me Me
« Reply #59 on: April 08, 2007, 06:39:58 PM »
About MySpace.  I first went on there, in January I believe, to check out another member's MySpace.  My son is a member so I used his account to surf around.  Then I made my own page.  It was, and still is, incredibly hard for me to figure out what I want to say or tell about myself.  Then I surf around and see all these pages by young people and they are so exuberant!  They seem not to be censoring themselves at all!  And they are so interesting.  I feel like a flat boring paper doll by comparison.  Working on my page is kind of an exercise in being myself.  Without apology.  Boy, I never would have thought it would be so hard to do that, but it is.  I'm really a toddler in some respects.  Still looking at my fingers and toes and trying to understand what they are and how they work and are they really mine.

About the physical beauty of our Voicelessness Members--I used to believe that beauty kind of ensured a good life or good treatment.  But I have changed my mind about that.  Sometimes beauty brings out a savage side of life.  Some kind of primal urge to break it.  The desire to possess and control it.  Beauty is power on some level.  Power that the bullies just can't deal with, period.  Other than to be drawn in and then they try to possess and control it.  Perhaps that also happens with unusual looking people, which is where I place myself.

I agree, it is nice to have faces to place with names.  Adds another level of connection.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon