Good topic Gratitude.
It's one of the things I am facing now, is I never let people get close.
I make myself vulnerable with all kinds of intimacies over the years but always keep a barrier, never really trust.
I do tons of stuff for others but rarely tell or ask for what I want, then when I do it sometimes spills out inappropriately like when I'vebeen ill...
I'm not a gracious receiver, though I haev been trying to be.
I don't think I could trust anyone else though until I could really trust myself.
Trust myself to take care of me and know me and- goodness this still feels a bit odd to write- love me.
It's great you feel trust for your husband, I hope I meet someone I can trust and share my life with too.
I've always had a lot of people in and out of my life, I do a lot of things, but I have noticed since I have let some of my barriers down I have more close intimate friendships than before.
Haven't managed a true romance yet though, though I get a bit closer each time.
But I've always secretly felt it's being open on too many levels.
Years ago I preferred a sexual relationship with someone who was otherwise a stranger; fortunately I haven't been unmarried much or I dread to imagine some of the relationships or situations I might have gotten into.
Though I doubt anyone could have hurt me more than my ex

I can never trust him totally, though I do love him and understand him now.