Stormy…. here’s a survey I found online about female bullies. It shows that females are not only more likely to be the targets of bullies, but that there are also more female bullies in the workplace than male bullies. another article about a workplace where a group of women were bullying a male coworker. One of the workers stood up for the coworker and became the next target. one was talking about female bullies but I think it applies to all bullies.
The bully lives, eats, and sleeps to control others. She never really experiences life in any other way.
Living, for her is to control others with power. The power, real or imagined, she is both in title and her ability to generate fear and chaos in the work group. here are some that talk about bullying in general.
Bullying is a cause of underperformance, not the solution
There are recognized ways of dealing with underperformance, bullying is not one of them
Bullying makes underperformance worse, not better
Bullying prevents employees from fulfilling their duties
Underperforming employees seem to follow the bully wherever h/she goes
It is always the bully who is weak, inadequate, and underperforming.
Bullies are weak managers, bullying is designed to hide that weakness while diverting the attention away from the bully. this section they describe bullying. It sounds like emotional abuse to me.
constant nit picking, fault finding and criticism of a trivial nature
a refusal to acknowledge you and your contributions
constant attempts to undermine you and your position, status, worth, value and potential
being isolated and separated from colleagues, excluded from what’s going on, overruled, ignored, and sidelined
being belittled, demeaned, and patronized, especially in front of others
being humiliated, shouted at, and threatened in front of others
being overloaded with work, or having your work taken away and replaced.
having your responsibility increased but your authority taken away
finding that your work and the credit for it is stolen and plagerized.
This isn’t the complete list. There's much more. there is a lot more information on main page at bully online.
http://www.bullyonline.orgVery interesting subject.