Author Topic: Vomiting Air  (Read 6087 times)


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Vomiting Air
« on: May 14, 2007, 07:17:40 PM »
Short version.  When our friend came to move stuff out of the house next door, our old house 2 doors down from our new house..... friend found that 2 cabinets had been pretty badly damaged.  He was almost in tears talking about how bad it was..... things had been ripped out from inside.... screws holes stripped.  It truly looked like someone had had a bit of a rage attack.  One very heavy cabinet lay on it's side and one had a shattered door.  We're talking Henredon furniture.... $10,000.00 if you bought them brand new.  I called my attorney and we were hastily trying to move things out..... terrible pressure and N did deliver that dumpster in front, just like he said he would.  I didn't want him throwing out all my photo albums and baby treasures.  Friend brought strange men over to help him move stuff... men from off of a street corner so.... I was trying to move my journals and keep eye on the girls but too too too much.  I didn't trust the men and N was coming over soon, to see the girls he said.  I was frantic bc friend was so upset and we were moving stuff as fast as we could and there were some other factors driving me nuts..... more pressures.  My attorney was sending a courier over to get some of the evidence..... he was unhappy I had it on me when N on the way but I was dealing with it when friend called frantic so had to put it on back burner and then had to go get girls...... When N got to the house I was trying to pull out of the drive.  He blocked me in and agressively came around my door.  I put up the windows and asked him to move the truck.  He said he wouldn't. I said I'd call the police and started doing that.  He said he would but instead went and told the workers they were trespassing and should leave.  I got the police and asked them to come.  N went to the new house, where girls were and started playing with 4yo. It was bad.  Poor her saw everything and he took her back over with him to see the police.  I had called my 75 yo friend to come and keep the girls safe.... there was a fork lift running and I was so overwhelmed..... both girls should have stayed with her away from police, but didn't. 

Let me explain what he said on his way over..... on the phone I asked him why he destroyed the cabinets and he said it was an accident but there was no way that he needed to be moving those around by himself and he made it clear from the start that he was making trouble when he demanded the girls Mother's Day weekend and immediately started moving in  2 doors away and saying he was going to throw all my stuff away and not give any time to get it out.  Anyway..... whew.... he said I had enough time to move all the stuff and he'd "tricked you again you dumb bitch."  I think that had something to do with saying it was ok to change locks, I spent over $500.00, and then he said he would get cops to make me give him a key.  Terrible thing.  He went on about threats with a sledgehammer and coming back with other people and tearing everything up.  It was awful.... I felt like I did when he choked me out of the blue.  The raging is something very new in our relationship.  He's usually the quiet threat making type. 

Anyway... one of the things making me nervouse was I had something on me that the attorney didn't want N to get.... evidence.  I was trying to get out with it when he came home and as I was running to give it, and a box from the trunk, to the courier sitting in the other drive, N was following me fast.  AAAHHHHHHHHHH!  I was shaking and afraid N would grab the courier and take everything, which seems to be the way my luck is going. 

Cops came and I told story.... N told story.  4yo on my hip.  Very bad.  I've sheltered them so much up to this point and now she'll go to school tomorrow and tell everyone about the police coming to her house yesterday.  Can't stay focused, sorry.  Police said they can't keep N away or out of either house.  My attorney, once again, can do NOTHING.  We plan for a temp hearing on Wed but..... opposing counsel's MIL is dying in hospital so there may be a problem or funeral.  ::sigh:: SO frustrated and my neck is about to snap and my stomach is stinging like I'm in labor.  N came over and talked for a while.  Really scared me to look into his eyes and just let him talk again.  I can't beleive I started laughing.  I laughed and it was a bit off for me.  Not typical but it struck me that I'm SO TRAPPED!  I can't get OUT!  This is really happening to me and this was the opposite thing I always thought I wanted.  I waited to make this kind of commitment for THIRTY SEVEN YEARS!  ::breathing deeply:: 

He said he'll be back over in a while.  He said that I've lost all credibility with my attorney and that he wants to withdraw from my case... that there's something I need to know about the 80K he's supposed to return to me, very ominouse.  He's going on and on about how he loves me and how I've hurt him.  He teared up and said this is all my fault..... I should just settle and quit escalating everything. 

OK.... I never can give the short version.  Margo


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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2007, 08:23:46 PM »

You dont need to give the short version.  I'm not sure there IS a short version on such a horrible day.  Write all you want to, we'll read it.  You have my complete sympathy and horror on your behalf.  I SO wish there is something I could do for you.  What a nightmare you are in. 

Margo, you will survive.  You will make it.  Your children will make it.  I know it doesnt feel like that right now--but there are so many here that can testify to how bad it can be before it gets better.  Brigid, Mum...their stories were bad as well. And now they have new lives.  You will, too. 

Much love, Margo,

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2007, 09:10:40 PM »
Thanks CB.  He just left after talking and talking and talking about giving me a quick settlement if I'd promise to "give him a second chance."  I just couldn't say yes and I couldn't let him touch me.  He said "that's ok, I know what I need to know now" which creeps me out and frightens me. 

He doesn't have a key to this house but I'd feel better if Auntie Pat had been able to stay the night.  I really need a dog.  Margo

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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2007, 09:33:46 PM »

I am so sorry you are going through this.  Try to stay strong and centered (easy to say eh? not so easy to accomplish - they get you so off balance with their craziness it is hard to remember which way is up.)

Would it be possible to insist on contact by e-mail or registered letter only?  Or maybe direct contact only when a third party is present?  This way you have documentation of his threats or a witness.  My father was always at his worst when it was one-on-one.  Most likely because he had no qualms about lying through his teeth to protect himself.  Just a thought - not sure if this is possible or safe in your situation.

My heart goes out to you. Hang in there. I am praying for you.

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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2007, 09:42:56 PM »
Dear Margo,
  There was a time when I was thinking of leaving. I pictured your type of situation and that was part of the reason that I stayed. I don't think that I had the courage to face what you are facing. In fact, i know that I didn't and probably don't now.
  I saw friends go through divorces with vindictive husbands with ample resources and community  standing that was used to drive them crazy.
   They all emerged fine, after it was over. A part of me knows that I "weenied" out because of fear . I can never know what would have been the better way. My husband has "mellowed" and does not sound like he is in your husbands league.( My mother would be though)
  Anyway, you are showing great strength . i admire that . Wish I could give you a hot cup of tea.and  a hug.                                                                 Love to You  Ami

Let me tell you.... I didn't have the courage to face what I'm facing now.  I had no idea when it started and I was so freaked out I wouldn't have started this and done it the way I have.  I'll post about what I did right and what I did wrong, IMO...... later.  

But let me tell you...... there's something inside of me that keeps going and won't be backed down.  Even when I really really really really want to just to get some of the pressure off and we all know how badly I wanted that.... may cost me dearly.  I just can't and I worry sometimes that I'll end up one of those people who looks back and wishes they hadn't picked this particular fight.  

For me.... the fights for two things.  Fighting for money.  And fighting for freedom.  I look at those words and...... I can't back down. Like he says.... he hasn't put enough pressure on me yet.  I'm so afraid I'll regret facing up to him.  Just can't see backing down now.  It's a circle and I don't see any plausible outcome working out for me.  

btw.... I couldn't read the first paragraph I wrote on the OP.  Incoherent.  Thanks for reading guys.  

As for that cup of tea..... I'm going to have one now then go to bed.  

This board is an oasis of understanding.  So nice not to have to convince anyone of every little crazy unlikely detail.  I couldn't write fiction like this.  Margo


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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2007, 09:50:13 PM »

I am so sorry you are going through this.  Try to stay strong and centered (easy to say eh? not so easy to accomplish - they get you so off balance with their craziness it is hard to remember which way is up.)

Would it be possible to insist on contact by e-mail or registered letter only?  Or maybe direct contact only when a third party is present?  This way you have documentation of his threats or a witness.  My father was always at his worst when it was one-on-one.  Most likely because he had no qualms about lying through his teeth to protect himself.  Just a thought - not sure if this is possible or safe in your situation.

My heart goes out to you. Hang in there. I am praying for you.


I've been waiting for someone to help me control him but the police and attorneys say there's no order so.... he's pretty much free to do what he does.  At some point..... won't the system help at all?  Someone TELL me it will!!!

I just played his words in my mind again..... "I just tricked you again, you dumb b*tch."  It was like my minds eye looked right through the skin and bone of him and into the black hole that was always him.  The man I thought he was,never existed.  There's just a big black mawing dark hole of need, anger and pain.  And he's relentlessly focused on getting his way. Relentless is a good word.  Margo


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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2007, 10:20:32 PM »

If there is evidence of him destroying your possessions and threatening you and stealing your checks and hiring convicted murderers to help him move and talking about hit men and videoing you without your permission or knowledge, it boggles my mind that your attorney cannot procure a restraining order on this jerk. They are often given as a matter of routine in a case such as this. Even if it was a mutual one that restrained you from contacting him as well it would be better than what you are going through since you obviously have zero desire to even be on the same planet as him. What is the reason you can't get one?
Of course if you are dealing with a truly violent person they are of little value, so if you do get one you'll have to be extra vigilant, but you seem to have the worst possible scenario right now.



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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2007, 06:29:07 AM »

When you put " I worry sometimes that I'll end up one of those people who looks back and wishes they hadn't picked this particular fight. " it made me think  that you DIDN'T pick this particular fight - HE DID. But, you're fighting for your soul, and freedom for you and your children.

You CAN get out the other side, but it's so hard to see at the moemnt, I know.

When things were at their worst with me, I used to wake up in the mornings and immediately faint with the fear and realisation of the mess I was in. Now I can look back on that as just something that I got through.

It will get better, and you're doing what needs to be done.

Thinking about you all day!



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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2007, 09:35:53 AM »

If there is evidence of him destroying your possessions and threatening you and stealing your checks and hiring convicted murderers to help him move and talking about hit men and videoing you without your permission or knowledge, it boggles my mind that your attorney cannot procure a restraining order on this jerk. They are often given as a matter of routine in a case such as this. Even if it was a mutual one that restrained you from contacting him as well it would be better than what you are going through since you obviously have zero desire to even be on the same planet as him. What is the reason you can't get one?
Of course if you are dealing with a truly violent person they are of little value, so if you do get one you'll have to be extra vigilant, but you seem to have the worst possible scenario right now.


I'm just on my way out the door to discuss options with attorney.  His paralegal knows I'm upset with them and her excuse was...... "well.... we had other cases going......" 

I'm going to set up an appointment with another attorney to discuss what's happened as well.  I'll ask if he specializes in family law. I've read everyone's post and can't reply right now but will get back after appt.  Thanks for all the advice and support.

If we can't get a restraining order..... I should at least have the temp order saying he needs permission to come onto this property just like CB said.  I can't imagine, but..... (that seems to be the theme of this debacle.... I can't imagine) that I'll be left hanging on my own much longer.  My biggest fear is that this temp hearing will be cancelled and my attorney will send me on my way again, same old same old.  I have the feeling that he's ON my case right now though.  They seem to turn their attention to what is going to court next.  That would be me. 


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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2007, 11:36:08 AM »
Hiya Margo:

I wrote a post on your other thread and then read this one.  Go for the restraining order!!  Make a lot of noise!!  Point out all the stuff he's done......over and over and express your fear to the the lawyer.......(but hide it from N)!!   I hope they will grant the order!   

Hang in there!  You are doing this!  You are surviving it!  And the beautiful thing will come out of it and heal from it and go on with your life and your children will do the same but him.......

........he will continue to rot from the inside out.



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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2007, 02:11:01 PM »
Good that you're getting a second legal opinion.  The law is on your side.  Your cops and lawyers trump his craziness.  In fact, he's probably burning up some serious money with his behavior.

As for dealing with NH's statements, do not believe a word he says.  Not his attempts to make you doubt yourself, not his attempts to win you back, not his threats, and not his promises.  Don't even listen, because your rational mind will seek to make sense of things that are inherently irrational, things that will never make any sense, except from a legal and/or medical standpoint in terms of consequences and/or treatment.  Only the legal and/or medical system can deal with him now.

Try to get into a calm space and stay in it.  He will try everything to drag you out of your good place.  Avoid him.  Just stay away from him.  As far away as possible.  Be careful.


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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2007, 01:32:27 AM »

Yes, go for the restraining order.  He sounds like a complete nut.  Keeping yourself sane and grounded in this time has to be your priority.  I am so sorry for you little D also.  Surround yourself with good people and keep posting.



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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2007, 01:58:44 PM »

I don't want you to think I am not thinking about you but I did go dead quiet when I read your post.  I feel as pissed as I did 15 years ago.  I had to deal with the courts also and there is not much for me to say accept that I know your frustration. 
I was denied A Protection order when I was in court and ordered to come back in 30 days with my H for another hearing.
I was so (mad,insane crazy)  I wanted to jump up and hold the judge accountable and scream it in his face but of course did not for fear of contempt.

I know what you are going through and I am thinking about you. 

Hopefully soon it will all be over and done and your life can go on without him in it or bothering you. 

Thinking of you Margo,



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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2007, 08:30:54 PM »
Hiya Margo:

I wrote a post on your other thread and then read this one.  Go for the restraining order!!  Make a lot of noise!!  Point out all the stuff he's done......over and over and express your fear to the the lawyer.......(but hide it from N)!!   I hope they will grant the order!   

Hang in there!  You are doing this!  You are surviving it!  And the beautiful thing will come out of it and heal from it and go on with your life and your children will do the same but him.......

........he will continue to rot from the inside out.


I think part of my problem has been that I've been a bit too stoic in dealing my my N.  I haven't made enough noise.  I haven't broken, hardly at all when other people can see me.  I'm very private.  I hate being in this position.  I don't want him to see what he's doing to me etc.......  I've been trying to be strong in his face.  I'm going to post on another thread about the day.  Still in shock.... "::shaking head::  Margo


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Re: Vomiting Air
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2007, 08:32:14 PM »
Good that you're getting a second legal opinion.  The law is on your side.  Your cops and lawyers trump his craziness.  In fact, he's probably burning up some serious money with his behavior.

As for dealing with NH's statements, do not believe a word he says.  Not his attempts to make you doubt yourself, not his attempts to win you back, not his threats, and not his promises.  Don't even listen, because your rational mind will seek to make sense of things that are inherently irrational, things that will never make any sense, except from a legal and/or medical standpoint in terms of consequences and/or treatment.  Only the legal and/or medical system can deal with him now.

Try to get into a calm space and stay in it.  He will try everything to drag you out of your good place.  Avoid him.  Just stay away from him.  As far away as possible.  Be careful.

I shouldhave a month of calm space to heal and grow calm.  Margo