Author Topic: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with  (Read 5418 times)


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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2007, 08:59:54 PM »
I've just got to post this now (at 2am) - I went to church today (well, yesterday, now) and one of the hymns was 'How can I keep from singing?' AND I COULD SING IT! And the other three hymns, too! It was so brilliant! I was buzzing, I was so pleased.

Thanks so much to everyone on this thread who helped me get over this one. It'll be easier still, next time, I'm sure.



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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2007, 11:57:10 PM »
 :D :D

happy happy for you Janet!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

finding peace

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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2007, 11:54:04 AM »
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEAH - I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2007, 12:22:33 PM by finding peace »
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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2007, 05:10:52 PM »
Thank you, thank you for the lovely comments - I really feel as if I've got over a BIG block with this one!! (Still can't quite believe it, actually)



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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2007, 03:28:05 PM »
went to church today (well, yesterday, now) and one of the hymns was 'How can I keep from singing?' AND I COULD SING IT!

isn't that wonderful!!!

Synchronicity too. Perfect.

I don't sing because I'm happy; I'm happy because I sing ~ William James


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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2007, 03:52:18 PM »

Yes, I couldn't quite believe the synchronicity at first, either. When I first got into the chapel, I looked at the hymn numbers up on the board, and I thought, 'They look familiar - in fact, they're the ones we had LAST time!' So, I went and had a word with the organist, and he went 'Oops!' and changed them. A tingle went down my spine when I realised what he was changing them to! It was just so weird.

I love that William James quotation. I can relate to it NOW!!!



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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2007, 01:17:26 PM »

That's an interesting idea. When I lived with an Nboyfirend for 6 years in my twenties, I ended up feeling so flat and useless that I stopped doing my embroidery for almost all of the 6 years I was with him. now, I find it difficult to believe I did that.

When I started getting stronger (as I put on weight and got over my anorexia) I started doing embroidery again - but he sometimes deliberately damaged my 'work in progress' when I wasn't looking - like spilling paint on it, or cutting it, etc. He knew it was important to me, and had to try to stop it.

Isn't that awful?

Still, as with you, you know what enriches you inside, and *eventually* you get to have another go, free from the controlling N.

What have you been reading? Have you re-started playing the piano yet?



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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2007, 02:09:21 PM »
I ended up feeling so flat and useless that I stopped doing my embroidery for almost all of the 6 years I was with him. now, I find it difficult to believe I did that.

When I started getting stronger (as I put on weight and got over my anorexia) I started doing embroidery again - but he sometimes deliberately damaged my 'work in progress' when I wasn't looking - like spilling paint on it, or cutting it, etc. He knew it was important to me, and had to try to stop it.

Isn't that awful?

yes, two awful things:

ending something we love to 'fit' with another;

I have to say as I am learning how to do healthy relationships it is interesting how often we subconsciously do all this stuff too- not all of it is overt malice.

I don't want to sing on the 10 th for something because I don't like the woman who is directing and I found myself thinking yesterday I nedn't go, it will be a rush etc, making excuses...and then realising that I was secretly delighted to spoil it for her.
The difference is I suppose I will fulfill my commitment, I am even rather amused to find I am so much more human than I thought, didn't see that coming....and it is maybe a sign I am recovering to drop this 'good girl' stuff!

But I have found a secret vein of resentment in others which they do not see as such, which sabotages your best efforts sometimes.....

even sometimes disguised as 'helping'.
And I know for myself sometimes my zeal isn't healthy, I have the courage of my convictions and I like that, but I also need to let other people be even if I don't agree with them or sometimes can see how they are even causing problems etc

I'm getting better at that.

And my singing voice gets better all the time too Janet, if you'd told me a few years ago in my forties I would again be singing, this time for a living, I would have been stunned.

I tell jokes and stories too, and never have a moment's stage fright!

I am reclaiming what my mother stole from me.

maybe she just borrowed it Ami, and now you are asking for it back?

I rememeber clearly praying one day to that effect, I would like my health and my life, love and peace. I distinctly asked G_d for it.

People recover from the most amazing things don't they? I worked yesterday witha lady whose only child was raped and murdered a year ago, when we started working together she was so in pain, yet she has helped me turn this place around musically, she totally 'gets' being an entertainer and motivator, and she told me it is helping her come to terms with living with a loss she just can't assimilate.

She heals others through her pain, it is amazing to see how much love flows around this woman.

I can't help but feel if G_d or good or whatever we want to call it gives strength to her in those circumstances, it will be okay for me and you too.


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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2007, 04:33:56 PM »

I think women are particularly good at 'fitting in' with others, especially in relationships. Their own sense of self is often (not always, I know) too weak to say 'this is what I like to do - get used to it' - even if said politely!

I had a friend who started going out with a new boyfriend, and within two weeks had ditched all her Glam Rock CD's to buy Country and Western! When I said to her 'but you HATE C & W' she said 'I'm getting used to it...' and looked a bit forlorn. Not only was she giving up what she loved, she was trying really hard to like something she felt nothing for.  I know I've done the same, many, many times. I think, though, that I was able to see it in her easier than I can see it in myself.

More self-confidence needed, I suppose.

Great about your singing. I think I'd die if I had to sing on stage! I think you're very brave.

The woman whose daughter died such a horrible death has amazing strength  - thanks for sharing that about her.



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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2007, 12:07:43 AM »
The word's anhedonia, Ami, and it brings me joy to hear you broke past it.

In fact, I'm awed.

I think the moment where you let forgiveness in, was the moment when joy had room to slip in beside it.

I am very happy for you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2007, 02:40:11 PM »
I think women are particularly good at 'fitting in' with others, especially in relationships.

absolutely, it's a strength if you want to nurture others!

'but you HATE C & W' she said 'I'm getting used to it...' and looked a bit forlorn.

we can take to pathetic extremes though!

You decided to do the right thing,no matter if someone else would not have

thanks for pointing that out Ami, it's tough sometimes when no one else notices something you do that is hard to swallow!

I tell myself 'G_d "sees" everything'....


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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2007, 05:37:15 PM »

You wrote:

"This is my mother. She will kill me."

Oh no she won't, because you know what she's up to, and you can rise above her level now, even though it's really hard. No-one wants or chooses a mother like yours (or mine), but we've got to deal with what we were dealt, that's all. You can't change her, but you can change yourself, which you are doing.

I know what you mean about your mother's actual death in the future being just a formalisation of how you feel already - I expect to feel relief and closure when I hear of my Nmum's death. For me, she died 13  years ago, when I started NC.

You can work on reconstructing the value system that your grandmother started in you, and you can learn from books, experiences, and people on here - it could take ages, it might be quick, but any move forward is better than going back to what you had to put up with before.



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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2007, 07:00:23 PM »


If your NMum appears to be *agreeing* with you, you can be sure it's a trap - she wants to give you enough rope so that you can  metaphorically hang yourself.

Please, be VERY careful. She's got a plan up her sleeve, you just don't know what it is yet.

If you agree with her that it was hard to have her for a mother, she'll have you going over the past when you're trying to move on from that. Any discussion, even an argument, will give her Nsupply - and she'll love that, but you will be made to feel dreadful by the turmoil it creates in you.

If you disagree with her and say that she wasn't *so* bad, you'll be lying to yourself, and screwing yourself up to please her, which she'll love as well, because it'll cast her in a good light.

Either way, she feels better, and you feel worse.

The only way to respond is NOT TO RESPOND AT ALL. Just ignore what she's said. Excruciatingly difficult to do (and I should many times have I fallen for that one?), but it's the only way to win. And you need to win this one.

She might be trying to get you to say something in particular, so that she can quote you to others, to back up her version of events. I'm guessing here. Does she know that your stomach pains have been going away? She might have realised she's losing her power over you, and she'll be terrified of that happening.

Just be very careful, please. You're right, it's a ploy.



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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #28 on: June 01, 2007, 05:47:47 AM »

I'm sorry my post made you cry, but they're good tears, really. Lots of people on this board care about you - this is the most supportive forum I've ever come across. Wish I'd found it before I spent thousands on therapy!

You're right, she knows you are healing, and she won't like that one bit.

When I started recovering from 12 years of life-threateningly serious anorexia (my weight hovered around 75 lbs for all of that time), my Nmum, despite having *said* for years that she was 'worried sick' (but never actually *helped*), told me 'I used to like it better when you were thin - you'd do as you were told then'.

What an admission!

When my weight went up to only 85 lbs, her and my sister started to say I was 'fat', even though I never had the (apparently 'universal') anorexic tendency to have a distorted view of my body size myself. They knew I was slipping away from their clutches, and they got far more severe in their methods to try to get me back. My sister is still trying it, although my Mum doesn't try directly any more (she gets her latest boyfriend to do it instead).

Health is a very good indicator of how we feel inside - so if you are healing your stomach pains, then your psychological healing is obviously taking place, too. It's visible in your postings here - you've come such a long way already. I should think your mother can spot it a mile off, too, although, unlike us here, she hates it, while we love it!

What a good thing that she lives a long way from you. That will make it easier for you. My Mum lived 10 minutes' drive from me for years (now it's 350 miles - YES!!!).

Possibly, what she might try next, if you don't respond, is to get other people to contact you for the response, so be ready for that one - the answer should still be NOTHING. Not even an 'I don't want to discuss it.' They'll only say  'Why not?'...and you'd be staright back in, discussing reasons that will get shot down. NC is the only answer, I'm afraid, and that's really hard.

How does she contact you? By email? Blocking it might be easier, as then you wouldn't have to even read her stuff. Phone calls are harder, but Caller ID is wonderful! We call it the 'Anti-Mother Identification Unit'.

As to being lonely - you can know dozens of people, but with this subject, hardly anyone will talk about it, so, yes, it's lonely. On here, though, it's different, so keep talking!

I think your grandmother must have been a very special person - you were lucky to have her in your life. Was that your mother's or father's mother?

Try to have a good day, Ami.



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Re: When I'm in Church, I have no voice to sing with
« Reply #29 on: June 01, 2007, 07:51:17 AM »

What CB says is exactly right - it doesn't sound like a REAL apology, it sounds like what an android would think a human might say in a similar situation. But N's don't get it, with apologies. Have alook at this site, for Christian views on N's apologies:

The wording N's use is crucial. They have to say they are sorry for what they DID. Not say sorry that *you* got upset by something-or-other (probably your fault anyway, you've always been a bit screwy, blah, blah, blah...)'.

It's jusy not the same thing at all.
