I can not believe what comes out of this mans mouth!! (father in law)
we go visit him yesterday at his cottage, first i go to the grocery store and pick up all that he asks me to buy him... we get there and I explain how well the wedding plans are going for his granddaughter, how excited we all are , then I tell him we have a pet sitter for the pets as I will be gone for the entire weekend of the wedding
He turns to me and says ( in a calm cool collected voice) " You don't need a pet sitter, you just bring them out here and I have 3 cement blocks and some rope, we just drop them in the lake... HUH?????? My heart just sank , I started to go into panic mode!!! - still i change conversation to the dvd I brought him to watch "The Secret"........ I excplained what it was about, then he did nothing but mock it and make fun of it....... mocked me in a sneaky way for believing in it............. I just hate visiting him, I don't even want to be arround that man, he whispers cruel things to me when nobody is arround (what the hell is that about)
Later in the day after we are back home, he calls here to tell us that a pipe came off of the water pump and the basement of the cottage was flooded, because his other son did not use a clamp, ( which i dont beleive), this man thrives at playing a victom,
so i listen and eventuallly turn the phone over to hubby (his son), he then says to hubby just before he hangs up
"well just thought I'd let you knnow if you find out I have dropped dead , it is because of all the work i did here cleaning up"????
oh i hate it when he is at the cottage .......... i just hate it, thankyou for letting me vent