Thank you so much for not keeping your thoughts to yourself but rather, sharing them with your friends on this board. It helps people more than you realize, cause, every time you post, we post, and we finally feel HEARD and like we EXIST again too.
You said: Once I let go of the circling thoughts, fantasies, and reprimands that were once the major part of my thought process, I didn't always know what to think about.
I just want to say, after my last episode with X, i came away from it, not knowing anymore who I was, especially without X. I went through the same thing you have...that feeling of "if I don't talk to X every day, if there isn't some crisis going on with X, if I'm not getting blamed for something and having to come up with a defense, if I'm not trying to look just perfect like X's family and X want me to...if all of that has just ended, WHO THE H*** AM I? Gosh, how WELL I remember that empty, lonely feeling!
I literally began to start doing two things:
I began journalling like this: take a piece of paper and write columns on it for FEELING, WHEN I FELT IT, HOW IT FELT, WHAT I WANTED TO DO, WHAT I ENDED UP DOING.
Doing this, I quickly learned my "trigger patterns" concerning X. i began to see that certain activities, songs, situations, would remind me of X, and I was able to gradually learn to distract myself from those things, because I STARTED SEEING WHAT I WAS DOING...that is the KEY, my friends....Dr Phil says "you can't change, what you don't acknowledge." I began acknowledging that I was stuck in a cycle of needing X in my life and getting used to all the drama and crisis surrounding X.
The other thing I did, was I told myself that, if I had to survive (prayed for God to TAKE ME HOME AFTER THE X SITUATION OF REJECTION AND FACE TO FACE DEVALUING, but, of course I didn't die, so I had to face life and begin living again)...since I had to continue LIVING and wanted to do so as MYSELF, rather than an X-clone, I needed to conduct a desperate search to find out who I used to be before X.
I began literally taking one SECOND at a time, then, when I could live through a second and survive, I tried on MINUTE, then I tried for 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30...I LITERALLY had to re-learn how to exist and live each millisecond of the day, without letting the pain of losing X, stopping ME from wanting to live. I was very suicidal, so this was the HARDEST thing I have ever endured...but, ya know what?...after a while...after deciding to find out again, what hobbies I enjoyed, what beliefs I had, what goals I wanted to push toward...after a long long while, one day, I looked back and said "wow! I dont' even remember feeling lost and alone. I don't recall what it felt like to miss X so bad that I didn't want to live and breathe without her. One day, I FOUND ME!!! really ME.