Hi Everybody..
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for Mammaw. She’s doing okay, I think. I was prepared to make the trip early this week, but so many things started happening that I decided to take my Dad’s advice and wait until early next week to make the trip.
This has been a very hard week for me. My son woke up early Sunday with a swollen cheek and said he couldn’t sleep because of tooth pain. So on Monday we were at the dentist, and put him on antibiotics for three days so he could do a root canal today. He also put him on pain medication. My son sailed through the root canal today, and says he’s not in as much pain as before, and the pain medication is taking care of the pain he’s having.
Dad has been calling twice a day about Mammaw. One of the reasons he didn’t want me to come this past week was because my cousin was flying in on Tuesday. He said if everybody started showing up, it may alarm Mammaw. I don’t know how though, she’s been sleeping almost non stop since the operation. He also said that each day I’m there and she’s still in the hospital is a wasted day, because I’d be more helpful at rehab. I’ve worked out child care for my girls. I could take them with me, but I don’t know how long I’ll be there, and when I’m there I’ll be at the rehab center with Mammaw, and really don’t want them around my mother for long periods of time. Rehab should take 2 to 3 weeks. I think 2 weeks is pretty much my limit and am hoping to get her through that. Two weeks is a long time for the girls to be away from home, especially if I’m preoccupied with the rehab. I think they’d do better here with their Dad.
Then Mom called about Dad. He’s getting sick every night, continuing to try and work and help with Mammaw. All of these things have really had me down. I know Mom has a habit of exaggerating Dad’s condition, so I’m hoping this is a game and not the truth. But he didn’t look well to me when I was there. So I’m worried. I’ve been somewhat successful at trying to control my emotions throughout all this. This has always been such a problem for me. But I started writing down some things to help me with that. Stormy… the verses are helping too.
Some of the things my parents told me that I’m remembering are;
When the nurse took Mammaw’s pulse the day after her surgery, she smiled and said Dynamite comes in small packages!! She had a very strong pulse!
When the nurse was preparing Mammaw for surgery, she tried to take Mammaw’s teeth out. Mammaw let her struggle a while why trying, then reached in her mouth and handed the nurse her teeth and smiled. That sounds like Mammaw.
Mom said the incision is pretty small, so this is something to be thankful for.
Today with a lot of help, Mammaw sat in a chair for 15 minutes, and today is the first day she’s eaten regular food since her surgery.
They’ve had to watch her ALL the time. The minute anyone turns their back she pulls at the tube that drains her stomach. Today, finally, they took the tube out. I’m very thankful for that.
The things I’m worried about are:
Mammaw took forever to wake up after the surgery. I’m talking 3 days. She’s been sleeping day and night and she’s very weak.
When I tried to talk to her on the phone mom said she smiled then closed her eyes, so I know she heard me but it is Thursday and I’m thinking she should be stronger.
They originally said they would transfer her to rehab tomorrow, but today they said early next week. So I don’ t know what’s going on with that.
She had a real bad infection on top of the femoral hernia problem. They are giving her something to clear that up..
I don’t know how cooperative she will be in rehab. She becomes a different person when she’s not feeling well (I guess most people do) and Mom says she’s not sure how much rehab she will agree to do. But maybe if I do the exercises with her, this will encourage her and maybe if I promise to take her for rides if she’s able, that will encourage her. Dad says he’s not sure she will cooperate with anyone else during the rehab, and I’m feeling some pressure with that. I’m not god, I have no answers, but I can try. I know if I can get her to laugh she will cooperate. I think if I can get permission to take her best friend from assisted living to the rehab center for a little while, that may perk her up a bit. I’m working on keeping my head straight so I will be useful, but some days, it’s really hard. She has to complete the rehab before going back to assisted living.
Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers.