I don't expect anything from him. When I think about it, he's not stood up for me in the past, so I can't expect it now. I had my counseling session tonight. If nothing else it help me put things in perspective. My counselor's advice is to combat my negative thinking with positive thoughts. It was good, even though I spent most of it ranting.
Boy, sometimes I look forward to my therapist appt JUST TO RANT THE ENTIRE TIME! And I needed to rant if I did. Most of the time my therapist is pretty sorry that things are so unfair and he's sorry nothing can really be done in the present to RIGHT anything. HOW FRUSTRATING!
I'm just sitting here feeling violated and sullied by this new layer of the world that I've become aware of. I knew that bad things happen in the world, I just didn't realize there were so many subtle variations of soul murdering tactics (that are near impossible to pin point and nail down so you can deal with it and make yourself clearly understood on the facts.) Truly IMPROBABLE that parents would devour their young for NO GOOD REASON so it's hard to make yourself/ourselves understood to other people, in any meaningful way when we/you/anyone tries to explain NPD and how it affects those in the orbit of that disorder. People should care, but it's just plain hard to wrap their minds around it. Improbable that your mother and father would actually DO THE THINGS you say they've done. Sure. But there it is.
I have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that the District Attorney would spend more time trying to prove you're story is false, than prosecute your mother. <shaking head> The rage in my stomach is red and it's hot and my back is seizing with the epic INJUSTICE of that scenario! I have my own version of that right now within the legal system and those who are supposed to help me, have been holding my hands to my sides so I can be beaten, figuratively. ANOTHER EPIPHANY! I HAVE TO MAKE A MOVED AND GET MYSELF OUT OF ANOTHER MESS I made trying to get myself out of another mess! Cost me dearly! In every way and it's improbable and unfair and I wonder if my body can take everything I have to go through. <clearing throat>
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH what the hell?! I gotta rant a bit more, loll. It makes me so MAD that things are so UNFAIR on elementary levels of humanity and NOT ONLY IS IT DIFFICULT TO DOOOOO something about it! It's good and GD impossible, so covert and sinister and under society's radar! So even if we do <gasp>say it out loud, society tends to marginalize if not out and out deny what we're saying or, God forbid, wonder what the victim did to get themselves into that position. ARGH!
Oh my God I hope I'm not ranting through my entire day. It could happen, lol.
Eh, anger is a clarifying emotion that helps define who we are and give us the energy to change our circumstances. That's where I live right now. <sigh> That's where you live right now. Our unfair circumstances won't be changing unless we make heroic efforts to fend for ourselves in an unfair fight where we feel awful for having to attack (back) people who should be protecting us.
OMG, that is so sad and I feel so bad for us all. Every once in a while I feel I should be able to save everyone in my family, then I want to shake myself until my teeth rattle. I can't even save myself, up to this point. So very sad.
OK, back on topic.
Keep fighting tayana. Have you gotten anywhere with those decisions about where to move? You can always ask your father for help, though keeping your expectations in check will keep you from being bitterly dissapointed, once again, if he continues to do what he's always done. Nothing. (((tayana))) So sorry about that.
Think how strong you'll be once you've overcome this and are feeling better and parenting WITHOUT all this static and negative hurtful behavior aimed at your head. You are so gonna rock and what an amazing Gramma you'll make! You'll be so wise once you get this all behind you.