When I left my daughter's father after 3 years (plus 2 of dating) I was confused about how to travel. I put $15.00 down on a '60 VW beetle and they held it for me, $350.00 altogether from my "mad money", and I didn't even have a license-- finally got it
That car was a mess and needed a lot of work.
My father, who had NEVER done anything for me in his life, except beat me, sat me down with Mom and they said that he had arranged a bank loan for me, and had also found a much better car, --so I biught the car on this loan: paid off the loan, in monthly payments, while he had co-signed it. I never let him down. I was already in the hospital after the accident and could never drive that car again, but paid off the loan completely then sold it. I bought one later, when out of the hospital that would work with hand-controls.
Anyway, that was a good thing he did and one thing he said was that I was doing a good job of being a mother, and working and raising my daughter. THAT time it looked like he wanted to vomit, just to tell me something 'nice'.
Makes ya wonder