thank you everyone who responded, this is great advice.
I just thought of what might be considered classical "majical thinking" on her part.
This was another slam, but it wasn't directed at me (so I guess I can be lucky for that). Also, I do vaguely remember gloming on myself...oooh, I don't like that I did that, but I guess I was protecting
me subconsciously, at that moment (so I guess I can forgive my coworkers, for doing the same, huh?) ick, being around an N is so uncomfortable for everyone. They can upset the apple cart, or tip the boat or whatever the appropriate cliche is, in so many subtle ways..
Anyway, this is what she said to another coworker of
hers (must also view her as a threat, that is a great point, thanks for making it).
I just remembered that you have a conceled weapons carrying permit....(I can't remember how she even worked this into the conversation, but it was classic posturing - as it was brought up at the most uncomfortable time, when we were all sitting in a conference room together - her coworker turned bright red, I'm sure she was so embarrassed. It was not a compliment, in other words - what she said next proved it).
Me: So, we better not piss you off? (said whilst trying to sound joking, while looking at N's coworker - but it came across sounding more like a slam

oh dear, why did I just say that, I thought immediately, after saying it)
I had a former coworker who had a conceled weapons permit, and I had a dream one time that he came into work and started picking everybody was so freaky, I couldn't see him the same way after that. (is this magical thinking? or paranoia, or both? I think both! So in one glib comment, the N has managed to make everyone else in the room doubt her coworker's sanity - sneaky! the gloming on on my part was when I said what I said above - why did I say that? I'm not usually mean like this - especially not to someone I really like, which is the case for N's coworker!)
N's coworker: (meekly)
ya...(looking like a bright red lobster, not sure what to say, I bet)
I was just going through, in my mind, all the responses to this that could have diffused the situation a little better. N's are so shocking, at the time I just felt unbalanced, but not knowing exactly why (I'm not usually attacked, nor do I typically see others get attacked in this manner, so I was not expecting it). I was having trouble understanding what to do next, if anything.
I guess I could have said (under my breath so just N's coworker might here it?): feeling paranoid???
When the N attacked earlier, I think I could have said: Feeling frustrated? (in computer voice)...then, no matter what her response (
Yes! You're always saying what you are t-h-i-n-k-i-n-g - I can imagine her saying this, since this is exactly something she also did say to me at one point yesterday.
"Thinking" was said like it was something horrible - like burping rudely, or picking my teeth after a meal - she said it disgustingly. Also, I obviously felt I was taking up too much oxygen - by her tone, I think this is exactly what she intended me to feel too.
It's so tricky, cause with N's, you have to respond a little (to avoid a bigger attack) - cause they want supply. So you can't exactly ignore them just altogther, although this was my instinct yesterday.