Author Topic: Abusive family  (Read 13037 times)


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Abusive family
« on: June 10, 2007, 05:11:22 PM »
Has anyone dealt with an NPD parent who physically and psychologically tortured them at a young age (1-12)? I can’t really relate to people here, because most were not physically abused, which makes it different…
I'm new here.
My story:
I'm an eighteen- year old female college student. This year was my first in college and my first taste of freedom. I have learned in the last two months that my father has NPD, and that my mother is/was a brainwashed pawn, too afraid to leave him.
He verbally, physically,emotionally abused all three of us (my sisters and I) when we were young. I was the oldest so I got it the worst. It started as far back as I can remember, probably around age six. I was constantly mocked and belittled and he would use homework to humiliate me. He would scream and yell and tear away at me until there was nothing left. I would start to cry-I would be mocked for it-then I would hate myself for crying and he would threaten to beat me (or burn me with an iron) if I cried and I would be too nervous to do the work right. Then i would get a beating with a belt. These sessions would go on for hours on end, at night when my mother was at work. I now realize that these were torture sessions. One time when I was eight, I was beaten until my leg split open. My sisters and I have had to stand in dark closets for hours on end, eat dog food, sleep outside half-naked ("like dogs") and live in fear. I had no self-esteem (still don't). I hated myself so much. By age ten I wished I would just die in my sleep. Good times.
I can not describe the terror. He would blow up over nothing. He wanted us to be afraid of him. He stopped being physically abusive in 1999 with an incident with the police (family dispute where he strangled my mother).
But my mother would invalidate our experience along with him. I guess it was to make herself feel better by what she ultimately condemned us to. We would be so afraid of him, and she would get mad at us, "Why do you act like he is some monster..other kids would love to have a father etc..or my favorite: “he loves you” (keep telling yourself that bitch) He would say: "It's all in your are making it into a big deal..."
So I never really knew what to think. And I have so many problems. I might have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I have no sense of self.. coming to college and living among others who have not had to deal with this has made me realize how dead I am, how utterly empty and hollow I am. I realize that I live in permanent depression. It feels like I am not even really living, or something. Until just recently, I learned to stop hitting myself. At fourteen yrs. old, I was starting fires at school and cutting words into my hands. I think I have dissociation episodes. I can’t even comprehend how messed-up I am. And I feel like I have become him. For instance, I can't understand love and why it is such a big deal. At the end of April I read a book titled, "People of the Lie". And it trigged so much rage, now I understand what is wrong with my sick, sick “family”. So I have gone NC with my father and mother too, since she is his pawn. I have cut them off, completely just, last week as a matter of fact.
Has anyone dealt with an NPD parent who physically and psychologically tortured them at a young age? (5-12) And last year he told me this: He told me that he is not crazy, that all that stuff he did on purpose to destroy what I was and to create what he wanted.


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2007, 05:43:26 PM »

You are not alone!

My Nmother would go into Narcississtic Rages, at the drop of a hat, over nothing.  She treated her children like possessions to be used and abused at her whim.  For myself, I'm not ready to go into all of the details due to PTSD.

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2007, 06:07:20 PM »

You are not alone here.  My mother was never physically abusive, but psychologically, she was a master.  I've only just now found some real self-esteem, and it's pretty fragile.


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2007, 06:32:58 PM »

I am very very sorry. You DO have've been through hell.

GOOD for you for deciding no contact. They are not "parents".

I have an Rx for you, and it's totally my bias, I just believe it would help. You need to fight this war on mutliple fronts until you are free and at peace. (And you CAN be--you will be if you do these things, imo.)

1) get yourself to a women's shelter pronto and ask them where the best support groups for adult survivors of child abuse are
2) attend one faithfully, regularly, every single week.
3) get into therapy--with a psychiatrist, imo, for such severe depression--once or twice a week and plan to do it as part of your life for the next 5 years. Shop around and choose the best qualified person you have access to
4) go see an MD and get a complete physical and tell him or her what you just told us

Think about being 30 years old. It's going to be very different for you. Better.


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2007, 07:17:40 PM »

You are so welcome here.  I think there is a range of suffering that each of us has lived through--and I think there are people here who will understand much too clearly the life you have lived.  Please keep coming back and I'm sure they will respond as best they can.

You sound as though you are deeply hurting.  Is there anyone where you are that is keeping track of how you are?  Do you have a therapist or support group?  I think it's important for you to take advantage of every resource out there.  You are worth it and we will tell you that over and over--but you know that there a lot of hurdles that you have to go through before you believe that it's true. 

I am so sorry Elculbr, that you have had to go through this.  You may have to tell your story over and over until you heal--and to give us a chance to tell you that your perception of what was going on is correct and that you don't have to believe the mind games that your parents have told you.  Tell it as often as you need to tell it--and we will listen.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2007, 07:52:33 PM »
I can't afford therapy.
The university counseling is giving me the typical bureaucratic crap. I am through. I don't even want therapy. I was eager for it in May,but now I don't want it. I don't care. But I don't trust therapy anyway. I don't trust anything really. I despise institutions:government,god,any structured thing I hate. I see it all as a form of control. I was actually trusting therapy at the beginning, but then of course its a month later and I still haven't seen a proper therapist (not a graduate student in training). it figures. I don't even know why I bothered in the first place.
I just want to find a second job so I can work all the time. The weekends are so bleak. I need work for structure. I would like a weekend job, so I have been looking for one. The job I have now is only 20 hours and barely covers rent.  I'm just very tired and want to be left alone. Now I will focus on making money and leaving everyone. I just want to be left alone. I don't want to deal with other people and their endless bullsh*t. But then sometimes I see other teenagers and I wonder what it is to be happy? I can't even imagine what that is like. Sometimes I have moments when I feel how empty I am inside. Its like I'm off balance, like I'm falling, or floating. I need to be held up from the outside because I will collapse on the inside. I think I'm collapsing in on myself like a blackhole. But if I focus on doing things, I don't have to think about it. That is why I need more work. I would like to work all waking hours.


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2007, 07:59:03 PM »
Dear Elcubar,
   That was so beautiful what CB said -- that you can tell your story over and over again here and that will help you heal.
  Welcome, I think that you will find your 'little group' of people here who will share your particular pains. You will find people who can say,"Yes, I understand and I am still living."I found that and I needed that desperately.
  I am so very, very sorry that you were the child of two monsters. You did the right thing with NC.
  I see how you blamed yourself for all THEIR sickness. We all do. I remember reading "People of the Lie".It took me a very long time to face that my parents were in it.
   I have not had the physical abuse. My mother broke my mind and my father stood by and watched. I almost lost my mind until I found the board.
   My "bent" would be to pray and ask God to lead you where you need to go and to whom.Ask Him to find you those people who will nurture you.
  I really know that feeling of being in college and feeling "separate" from the other kids. You lived through a war zone and they seem like"regular kids" having regular college problems. i have felt separate from people for a long time. Very few people do have our reality(with NPD parents)
 i think that you made a big first step by reaching out here.
   I will share an incident that surprised me when I was in graduate school.I was at U Va. It was a preppy  type of place with a feeling of "care free " students" just having a fun life in college.That was my impression. I was taking a Human Sexuality course and I had to go to a meeting of incest survivors as part of the course. When I went, I was so shocked to see so many of the "preppy'  girls and other "carefree" looking kids sitting there.
   I was so naive about what other's suffered and I still am. I have felt very alone with having a NPD mother. I stopped opening up to other's about my life because they would look at me with a blank stare. They would want to understand. But, they couldn't and I gave up on friends, slowly.
 As I heal, there will come a time when I think that I will be O.K. with me. However, it is a step by v step process.
   I felt like I wanted to share this because I bet that there are resources for you on a college campus. I would be sure that you are not alone. .
 Please keep writing and sharing. This will be a first step for you    Love and a big hug Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2007, 08:00:33 PM »

What kind of work are you doing?  Are you looking for a second job in the same field, or a different one?

How are you doing in school?  

I'm just asking the questions to get to know you better.  Feel free to answer or not, whatever makes you comfortable.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2007, 08:06:37 PM »
Dear Elcubar,
 I did not see your last post. I was a graduate student. IMO- I would talk to them if this is your option. You are in a life or death situation now and really need to have some human connections.
 When you say that you don't like Government, God etc -that is pain talking. You don't want to go down. You are reaching out.
   If graduate students are what is there-  they are supervised by teachers and I bet that you will find a person who will help you.
   I am reading Frederick Douglass's book on  slavery. What really amazed me was how he was led out of tragedy by an "unseen 'hand.
   I know that you don't like God and I respect your feelings. However, you need to just hang on ,now and let the Unseen Hand help you to find some support.
   I will pray that you find a human being to give you some help tomorrow. I am praying for a miracle for you                                                                                   Love Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2007, 09:56:30 PM »
Hi El,

Here is a link for you:

I emailed their moderator to ask what free or nearly-free support and resources they'd suggest for someone in your situation.

I feel strongly that you must not numb yourself for too long, even with work. I understand that has been an anesthetic for me too at times. Even now.

But if you work yourself into exhaustion to avoid feeling the pain (which a skilled therapist CAN help you heal from) then the eventual reckoning when your whole inner self tries to fight its way out (which it will, deep inside you WANT to heal) far harder on you.

You know better than most, youth is no vaccine against breakdown. I don't want you to break down.

I'm glad you posted here, hon. Keep coming back, keep talking, keep typing. People here have lived through fire and come through to see the beauty in a scar.

With love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2007, 11:35:48 PM »
Okay. I walked to the store for milk and stuff and I was overcome with rage, I wanted to ripe the leaves from the trees and watch everything burn. But I'm better at controlling it now. I didn't kill the plants or anything, or hurt myself like I used to. I haven't destroyed anything like electrical appliances like I did in April. Then I got home and played Soul Calibur on my gamecube and I won, which gave me confidence. I feel better now. I least until the next episode, but this one was rather mild. The videogame was good for me and I decided to give this website a chance, that is why I'm replying again-I was planning not to.

I'm working at the university library in the "preservation department" I sew sheets of music into pamphlets 4 hrs a day 5 days a week. I looking for other work in any field, doesn't matter to me. I applied for other jobs in the library-they aren't hiring. I have tried the bookstore and a foodstore and I'm applying to a dog store. Maybe I should clean people's houses. I will look into that.


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2007, 12:54:15 AM »

Hi el,

Welcome.  I hope you'll stay and allow us to stand by you, one on the right and one on the left during this time of deep need.  I'm so sorry you were born into that living hell.  Leaving and NC is a good thing. 

Does your college have a telemarketing department?  Just a thought about the job thing.



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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2007, 01:41:55 AM »
Hi El.

I'm glad your in college and I'm sorry that you had to go through that trip of hell with your *very sick parents*.  My mom had abusive NPD father and a mother who was brain dead.  Same crap as you.  He blacked both her eyes destroyed everything she had and she had to take care of her siblings.   He even starved them but they ate well (the parents).  They hid food so my mom would sometimes make candy for the little ones out of sugar and water until he found out and beat her. She got out at the age of 18 and never went back.  She suffered in silence for years.  She felt she missed  her childhood, she did, but was able to overcome her nightmare of being these peoples child.  Don't give up hope.  Things can and will change if you allow it in.  Trust is a very hard thing after what you have been through but it can be  gained and you will find out that not everyone is a monster. 

They have agencies where you can go for therapy for free or sliding scale agencies.  If you apply for assistance from your public assistance program you will be able to go for free, get medical and even most likely get grants to help with your college.  Call your local congressman and tell them your story.  Ask how they can help.  They will. 
Don't give up and work on your rage.  Of course you are angry.  I would be too.  They were terrible abusers and you were just a kid.  Everyone failed you.  Where was the system.  Didn't the school notice any thing in your behavior, appearance or bruises?  You poor kid.  I know your sick of the system and mad as hell.  But don't give up try just a little bit longer or one more time.  You will find someone you like and will be tremendous help to you. 

Take your rage and turn it around. Be verbal. Use your voice to tell everyone and anyone that can help you.  Don't feel you need to do this all on your own, right now.  Call the courthouse where you are also and ask for what they call here,
victim/witness program and ask them what can be done for you.

Turn your life around now Hon, It's yours and you have the choice now.  You can get happy.  I promise you this.

Do not listen to you father that he is not crazy and he was destroying who you were to create what he wanted. That saying alone is crazy.  You know what was done was WRONG, MEAN, AND ABUSIVE.

I can't imagine your abuse but I do know what my moms was.  She learned  how to live without rage and be a compassionate, loving, happy person.  So can you!!

Work is good and can keep you busy make you stay focused but you also want to get rid of the crap that was forced upon you, so please think about therapy, if just one more time. 

Keep coming here El. 


sea storm

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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2007, 02:19:27 AM »
I was very moved by your story. Thank god you have found your voice and are speaking your truth. I am so sorry that your perceptions were minimized and denied by your sick parents. That is one of the most powerful tools that abusers use. To deny what you say and then to accuse you of being insane.

You show an amazing ammount of insight into your past. Feeling alone in these powerful insights is very hard. You are so right when you say that there are few who could understand. I will not say that you are kidding yourself because it is hard to find help. But it is such a good step forward for you to come to this site. Many people here have suffered terrible abuse and they have worked through this hell and can offer a hand up. Taking one step at a time is good and it is safe. Keep yourself safe dear one.

Finding yourself in a safe place away from your family allowed you a new perspective and opened up the floodgates. You WILL SURVIVE. It  can feel so overwhelming at times but something tells me that you are very, very strong to have survived what you have and to be able to write it all out here with such skill, insight and honesty. These qualities will gude you through. Try to keep writing here. You will find a lot of validation here. When you are ready, you can investigate other supports. Victim services, womens resource centres, that sort of place can offer support groups. There you will find people, probably women who will  be honest and talk about their feelings. The path with heart and through feelings is avaiable there.

You are not alone. That is the main thing. Although what you feel inside is painful, finally there is hope that the road ahead will be so much healthier than the one you are leaving behind.

With love,
Sea storm


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2007, 02:42:47 AM »

I was just now reading other post where some of us are concerned about having children with a spouse that is or may be an N  living with or divorced and sharing concerns of what will happen to the children who have to deal with the N parent.  How will they be affected?  I saw your post also in response to others.

I just wanted to say that I hear you El as a child who was living and affected by the N parent telling us to get out or get them out.

Thank you for sharing that with  us.
