Author Topic: Abusive family  (Read 13035 times)


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2007, 02:47:58 AM »
dear elculbr

I am so sorry you've gone through such hell in your young life.  You didn't deserve that, you're father is ill and so is your mother.

Your reaching out here has told me two things about you.

1)  You're lost and in pain, you don't know how to free or find yourself.

2)  Despite the trauma and PTSD, you're able to face your reality and look at it, no matter how awful and confusing it is.  

So, you're brave and you're capable, even if you don't know those things about yourself.  Yet.  

I hope that you can find a good therapist.  You need help navigating the path your parents left you on.  There's no reasonable explanation for what your parents did to you.  You'll have to take my word that they didn't do it bc of you.  They did it in spite of you and they couldn't do any better, or they would  have.  

Welcome.  There are many here who want to hear your story and share their knowedge.  I hope you'll find some comfort here.  


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2007, 03:05:08 AM »

Your wanting to work and play games is your escape from the pain of examining your life. 

Everyone tends to go from one distraction to another, in order to escape pain.  It's human nature. 

I want you to know that facing your pain is the way out.  You must go through it in order to get past it.

So glad to hear you aren't hurting yourself.  Please remember to be kind to yourself, however you can.  This is a process and you'll have better and worse days.  This isn't a dress rehearsal, this is your life and you can decide where to go with it from here. 

Do you decide to heal and commit to that?

Do you keep spinning and hurting without end? I sincerely hope you begin healing and that doesn't mean the pain ends abrubptly.  I would suggest you start reading with that spare time and filling yourself with knowledge about NPD and how it affects people.  Knowledge is always the beginning of my feeling better.  ((El)) 


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2007, 04:11:55 AM »

I am so glad you are here. I was so angry as a young adult... but I never knew why. Since I had only the psychological abuse, I felt hatred towards my parents, and then felt I was the bad one for making a big deal out of "nothing."

I think you need to rage. And be angry. For a long time probably. But you must find a way that will not hurt you. I believe that you can work through this and come out on the other end - the real person that has been hidden since toddlerhood from fear. And remember that you will not know the person very well, maybe. There are no doubt parts of yourself you have yet to "meet."

El, please remember that no matter what that evil man did to you, none of it was your fault. And I would absolutely stick to NC. And I would search for help, if you truly want it. It seems to me that you are sitting on the edge of the fence. Do you fear the change?


Please share what you can with us. There are so many wise and good people here. We all have been abused in different ways, but we can all find similartites to help each other.

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2007, 06:48:32 AM »
dear elculbr--Hi--I'm not going to try and give you advice--I have a 20 year old son and I know how that sometimes goes!! We are very close and he began suffering at his fathers hand(and mouth) since about age 10--that ackward age--you know when he wasn't living up to the "Dad" image. He endured long "speeches" all the while being physically "poked" into a corner--the threat of REAL physical violence always present---forbidden to  utter a word in defence--no matter what. In that manner we ALL were "trained".

I did step in--in sons defense for years--usually I got it much worse later--behind closed doors when I did. At 14 my son found his 1st "true love"--and his "Dad" began to IM her--as son--pretending--soon he was "chatting" as himself, calling her his soulmate--of course in a round-a-bout way that didn't exactly come right out and spell s-e-x but was perverted none-the-less
But that single incident was the beginning of the end--and destroyed my boy. He went on to be a "cutter" in school --he wrote very dark poems--enough for the counselors to call me. I picked up a glass of wine all to often to medicate myself--and stopped stepping in so much as he got older.In essence it felt like we all gave up to his manipulative ways. Then like you he went off to school--and I got the courage to leave.I quit drinking any alcohol--opened my eyes--packed and left.

The kids and I moved and my son and I began having loooong conversations about feelings we had--validations really.His self esteem was in the gutter--he is a reader--so am I--and thats what we did. We talked and we educated ourselves--I suggested to him to "do esteemable deeds"--thats where you re-build--and re-think your life.As awful as it is--there's always someone worse and to connect selflessly to another human being repairs the soul.

I gave him the book-"Trapped in the Mirror"its geared to children of N's--but MY favorite -so far- has been"Stalking the Soul"--It allowed me to clearly see the dynamics of the beast so to speak--so I would NEVER be prey to them again.I wish I could get you together for a conversation with my son--it does help to talk to someone whos "been there".

Okay heres the high school teacher/mom coming out in me---beware of ANY self medication--beware the fix-it relationship--Embrace the Anger as long as need be--then let it go, it will eat you alive-like they did.Educate yourself--obviously you had the grades to get you where you are!!! If spiritualitys not your thing just now have you read the tao?Paint-Draw-Write-Sing-Run-Do ANYTHING that validates you!!! My heart goes out to you--breaks really-- but I promise it's uphill from here--and it DOES get better. Trust yourself.


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2007, 07:40:16 AM »
Dear El, you are not alone. Promise you. Just the fact that you have decided to change your life is a positive fact on your favor. Read a book about positive thinking. It is very helpful to know what to do when bad or sad thoughts are coming into your head. Do not let sad toughts be the predominant thoughts. I am trying that. Not very successful yet, but on the way. The book that I am reading is "The Secret". Very good and helpful. Listen to Hopalong, read all the threads. You learn a lot fron al the posts.
Also, the action of writing here helps a lot. Knowing that somebody will listen.
Everybody welcomes you here.
God bless you.


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2007, 08:43:25 AM »
Hi, El...

Here's what I heard back from the Warm Room at the forum I posted the link to:

There might be community help she can seek, or she can get on touch with a therapist that will charge by what is called a sliding scale. They charge accordingly what she makes. If she is a student they might be able to send her to a free clinic. Any hospital can give you some information on it. It probably has to be her who makes the inquiry though, due to the privacy act.

Not the detail I was hoping for, but it confirms what I pretty much know about community resources. And that's not a negative, hon...keep in your mind the understanding that you can't predict you won't find good people to give you good therapy. Some of the best therapy I ever had was in a free group therapy program that a hospital referred me to.

So I'd advise: go to the best hospital in your community, or call a Dept. of Psychiatry--a very good option is at a hospital with a medical school, but many community hospitals have excellent departments even w/no med school. Ask for an "initial consultation" appointment with a psychiatrist who accepts private patients. When they ask if you have health insurance tell them you would prefer not to be charged for an initial short visit, but you plan to pay privately, not through insurance. If they ask what the issue is, you can just say depression and PTSD. Accept the appointment, and at the appointment--tell the doctor that you are here to find out where you can get ongoing free or low-cost psychiatric help--that the college's counseling services are not adequate. You could even hand him or her a printout of your first post on this thread. I can't imagine a better summary.

Hope you can trust me on this. I worked for two years recently in a psychiatric department...and I do have a sense that this is a place to go. If you show such determination to find help for yourself, what they might possibly do is refer you BACK to your college, if necessary, but they would help to cut through the nonsense there so you would see a proper doctor, or, if they say the regular appts need to be at your school (they might or might not--I image someone would see you themselves at the hospital's clinic) -- then you still could have an M.D. psychiatrist take an interest in supervising or directing your treatment.

That's what it is, hon. Treatment for a broken heart. You need to understand that your family broke your heart, and now it's time to heal it. New hearts don't pop up like toast, but noone, absolutely NOONE, can destroy the essential core of you which now is buried under layers and layers of hurt and disappointment and fear. This treatment, if you go and stick with it, will help you find that core and build a new life.

I am absolutely positive you can do it, dear.

with love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2007, 08:55:39 AM »
All this advice is GOLD, El.

Deb has suggested some great stuff, as have others.
You were also the victim of crime. Add to the list:

Victim's services

Perhaps an attorney (Legal Aid does not charge). Being beaten until your leg split open and tortured is a crime.

You have a major at school, right? You can have a double is your other work. Be your own ally
and take that rage and keep demanding help and resources. Be like a hero door to door Fuller Brush
salesperson. You keep asking until you have the support you need. There is nothing that can stop you.

I think you are that strong.

You will find it. And there's no telling what life-changing richness this fight for yourself will bring into your life.

ta for now,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2007, 09:13:23 AM »
Dear El,
   I am thinking about you and praying for you. The essential you is still there,as someone said. The fact that your F said that he wanted to "re program " you shows that he was a classic NPD. Most of them don't say it,though. They just try to do it.My mother drove me to the brink of insanity trying to program me.
    I am looking back on my life, as I am reading Frederick Douglass 'book, and see how I was directed all the way through. I went through tremendous pain and almost broke many times. However, Divine help came right when I needed it-every time.
  Once, I was in college, I was in a school  that was too close to home. I realized that if I didn;t get farther away from my mother that I would be destroyed. My aunt in another state  said that I could come to stay with her and my cousin. I knew that I had to get away from my mother and this just "opened up". Then, through a series of circumstances, I met a famous actor,who you would know if I told you. He took a special interest in me and he helped me to get in to college in that state. He pulled strings for me(all this was unasked for by me). He had donated money to the school. I want in to see  VIP for an interview and, got in to that school.If not, I would have had to go home to the school near my mother.
  It was completely Divine. I have so many of these things happen to me like this.
 I think that you will find people to care for you and to lead you if you don't give up. We are here.
 You were made for a purpose. It was not to be abused. Your F  and M are monsters. You will find your essential core if you don't give up.     Love and Hugs   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2007, 12:21:58 PM »

All of the advice here is amazing.  I hope you will come back here, at least for the support and having people validate your feelings. 

Some other suggestions for your job search, try your city or county government offices. Often they have positions that are during the week doing filing or office work.  If your city has a recreation center, you might try there too.  These are usually good jobs and pay well, at least in my area.  You could also try your public library, rather than the school library.  They often have position for library pages to restock shelves and check out customers.

I hope you will follow up on Deb's suggestion about low cost therapy.  You could also try a local domestic violence shelter or look for a support group for survivors of abuse.  The hospital might know about support groups too.  Our hospital here does, and often the meetings are listed in the newspaper.


I wish you the very best, and please keep talking.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt

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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2007, 02:59:03 PM »
dear El.

I am learning so much from your posting. You opened out and shared the horror of what happened to you. There is such healing in that, especially because you were believed and understood. Your reality was validated. I think this is the most important thing in healing. j

I wonder at your ability to survive under such non nourishing and soul destroying conditions. I have seen this resource develop in abused children and can only assume that it is the grace of god that is leading you through. First year at university is a tremendous adjustment for any kid, trust me. I know that from my own experience and from my daughters as well.  There is a vast ammount of research on this subject. Success in managing to keep attending university under such stress came down to something surprising was... that the person found one person to relate to who seemed to care. This could be anyone. That is ... the woman at the hamburger stand, a teacher, the janitor anyone.  So the illusion of university being like the Waltons or some lovely, just ducky place is just that. An illusion. You are not a freak for finding it all a bit hellish.  Try to hang in there. You are so smart and such a survivor.

Sharing your story helps you and it helps us all.  Chit chat can degrade the meaning of this site and every once in awhile someone comes along to challenge and wake us up.  Your honesty and bare emotions are an awakening to the need for honesty and sharing. If you feel vulnerable for opeining up remember that you are helping us as much as helping yourself.  I hope I am putting this ok.  There are people who have been through hell here. Intelligent people who are still standing. Who aren't abusers and have chosen the path of service instead.  I try to be one of them.

 Keep telling your story. We can take it. There is hope dear one.

Sea storm


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2007, 09:26:44 PM »
Well, thanks for all the advice. I don't know where to start. It makes me weak just reading these posts. I will go to the Women's studies department tomorrow for abuse resources.

Debkor- My F only stopped being physically abusive because of an episode (I call them episodes) where the police came, in 1999. Basically I was so scared that I got the phone and called my aunt in Miami who called the cops. (I grew up in South Florida). Now I'm at college in Atlanta, which is an 11 hour drive away. Two weeks ago (gauging time past is hard for me), I had my aunt get that police report from the city for documentation. I need to become financially independent-but the university has strict polices. I am bound federally to my parents until I am 23 (26 at my college) or until I get my first degree. My F payed for college this year, so that was another layer of control. But I told my financial aid adviser my story and I have given her the necessary documentation (the police report, a letter from my counselor, my own statement) and they will be factored into this year's financial aid, so hopefully I will get more aid. When filing a FAFSA the parent and student financial info is used, I need to be independent, that way I don't need their financial info. I think that I will be granted this-but it is very rare that this happens. My fin. adviser said only about 5 students at the school have this.

So, I was dealing with his mind games all year. When I would come home for winter and spring break I would have to still deal with the subtle “your trash” statements.. “There aren’t many people like you in the real world, you will have to grow up, you are unsure about what you want to do with your life, this is evidence of someone who doesn’t believe in a higher power, you have so much fear in you (I was always criticized for living in fear, living in a shell)…implying that this fear in me was from satan or something…”There are drugs you could take to make you not like you are, but this isn’t always best..” All things were said in a sort of father-bestowing-knowledge on daughter lessons, done outside on the porch in the increase the effect. And I was sitting there thinking “what is so wrong with me”.  It is so sick. That was spring break.

So anyway, I went back to school and worked very hard to find work and a place to live in Atlanta so I wouldn’t have to go back to home. This was before I read People of Lie (at the end of April). I fell apart then and this was during finals. I had to look for a place to stay and dealing with this stuff, finals were last priority to me. I failed two of them. I could not sleep, I could only eat sugar, thoughts were racing around in my head. I resigned myself from staying away from them and getting counseling this summer. The M and  F were actually proud of me for being adult and whatever. I was dealing, until I got an email from my M that said the family was coming to see me for my birthday (July 23). I snapped. I kept telling myself that I would put up with them coming because he pays for college (that was the only reason that I answered the phone when they called, but the phone issue is another story anyway). I would just deal with it all until I graduated-that was the plan. But then it occurred to me that I would be expected to hug him or something when they came and that was more than I could stand.

And then the solution came to me very quickly. I didn’t have to wait three more years. He actually had my university password, to pay for the tuition bills, but he would use it to look at my grades and classes. I changed the password. Then I emailed my M telling her I didn’t want to see her or him this summer and not for a long time. I told my youngest sister (13) that I would do this (I had sent both of them NPD resources.) So I new my M would be calling me that weekend so I talked to financial aid (or tried to warn them) and I told my counselor. And when my M called (Saturday)I told her I don’t want to see them for many years and that I need help. And she starts crying about how she “wanted things to be how she wished or something” and how she stood up for us, and she would get into so many fights with him over how he treated us (strangling incident) and that we wouldn’t tell her about what would happen until much latter. (My M works at night, leaving us home with him for hours at a time). It was sad. I told her to tell F to call me. I told her to tell him that I don’t want to see him. I told her I was getting rid of my cell phone (she begged me not to). So I waited for him to call me. He called at 3 pm. He goes “your mother told me about your pity party”. (He always mocks us for feeling sorry for ourselves). I said that I don’t want to see you. And that I changed the password, he says, “I know, you don’t want me to see your grades!” And I said, “If you want to know my grades you can ask me.” Silence. I said, “you don’t have to pay for my tuition any more, I’m doing that myself.  He started to say something, then I said “goodbye.” “Why are you saying goodbye?” And I hung up. That was the end of May. So much can happen in a day. The rest of the day I talked to my M a couple more times, basically she told F more than I told her to tell him (she always tells him everything, so fucking weak). Next time she called she was actually mad that I would have to cut out my family to get help, when I told her that my so called family is the reason I need help in the first. She was like, “its like you’re cutting out cancer.” And I said that I am, I’m cutting out the cancer in my life. Then she was like your Daddy is very upset (that bitch never gets it). He wants to hear your voice, he s in here going crazy, he just wants to talk to you. And this really pisses me off, “He is always going crazy and I’m sick of him. And I hung up.

My youngest sister was my spy during all this. She would email me what was happening at home. She said that they were checking the cell phone records to see who I’ve been talking to and getting counseling from (she actually told him that I was getting counseling). I told her I was getting university counseling. I broke my cell phone into little pieces and threw it into a like. She said don’t get rid of the phone and here it is being used against me, like I knew it would be. My youngest sis says that F is saying that I’ve always been crazy that I talk to myself that I’m in a cult etc. etc. That was Sunday. My S said that my M was coming. I didn’t believe it, but she came Tuesday or Monday (I forget when) with my aunt. My aunt had the police report (that I requested). I didn’t want to see M. I asked her to leave and she did. She said she wanted to see if I was living okay and if I was with reliable people. On the phone Saturday she said that she wants me to be happy even if that means she will never she me again. Interesting.

Well..anyways the police report made me angry because, it didn't even mention the strangling. The incident happened in 1999, I thought it was 2000. I was eleven, my second sis was ten and the youngest was five. I didn't see much of him strangling my M-I saw it briefly before I ran to call my aunt. But it DID happen. My middle sister witnessed most of that. The police report said that there were "conflicting stories" and that my F pushed the chair from under my middle sister and her head hit the ground, but it doesn't mention the strangling. This means that both the F and M lied to protect him. It all could have ended there. So I guess the kids were telling one story and the adults were telling another, so the cops just said "conflicting stories". The report labels my M as the victim, but the write up only mentions my sis hitting her head, thus she lied to protect him.. He did spend some time in jail, a couple days, and he has never forgiven my aunt for her calling the cops. From what I hear, he has never liked her. Well, it was good she called because now there is actual proof of his violence. After this he refrained from actually hitting us. Although one time I swear he punched me n the stomach then he lied about it when I told my M, so I didn’t know what to think. I thought maybe I imagined it. Then the youngest one said that he put chemicals in her eyes, but then he said that she had fallen in the bucket or something. These things didn’t happen every night. They would happen every few months but there was always the fear. And when it was one of the others being targeting, you were relieved because it wasn’t you. Unfortunately it was usually me. I was attacked the most, perhaps because I’m the oldest.

(to be continued..)

It was very hard for me to write all this. I got a headache from it, trying to think about these things is physically exhausting.


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2007, 09:49:26 PM »
Dear El,
  You are so brave. I am so sorry that you have been so betrayed. Your F is a total monster. Whatever comes out of his mouth( concerning how "bad" you are) is a total, sick disgusting lie. The fact that you are even in college and going forward is the epitome of courage. You will find someone to take you under their wing. I know it. You will not be alone in this. Keep going forward ,as you are.
   You are so very strong  to not have completely fallen apart by now. You are so strong just to be taking care of yourself. Also, you had the strength to separate yourself from EVIL.
   What you are dealing with is "evil" -pure and simple.. It sounds as if there is not even a "person" left within your father. He is just a walking specimen of evil--- in human form.
El-don't give up                                            Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2007, 09:52:35 PM »
Bubble bath for you, El...and a nice cup of chamomile.

You don't have to relive every awful moment. Only write here what feels helpful to get out.
And at your own pace.

We're here to hold you in our hearts and help when you need support.

Don't worry about talking or writing when it's too draining.

It IS terribly hard, and you've done an absolutely magnificent job of reaching out here,
and trusting others with your story.

You take care of yourself, hon. Something nurturing every day.

We'll be here but you owe us nothing.
(I'm using the presumptuous "we" but I'll bet my fanny everyone feels that way.)

Okay? Peace. You deserve a piece of peace, and a gentle evening and a good long sleep.

Keep on breathing, don't fear the waves, you've got your eye on the shore now.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2007, 10:30:57 PM »

My eyes are stinging and I have cold chills reading your post.  Your life has been so crazy making hard and I want you to know....

You are an amazing young woman and you've been through so much and come out more whole than you think.

They way you handled your parents and requesting that they not contact you.  You didn't give in to your parent's request that you see or speak to your father.  You didn't let them bully or guilt you into relinquishing your boundaries.

You set up financing and looked into options that removed you from your parent's control.

You stood your ground when your mother came to the school and enforced the boundary you set for yourself. 

I must say, on some levels you're way ahead of where I was at twice your age. 

You don't know it yet but, you're going to do amazing things and your going to continue healing. 

I hope you stay in touch with your aunt.  She sounds like someone who believes in you. That's so important and of course, you have us as well. 

If you don't mind my asking what school your attending, no other identifying info please, we can do searches in the area.  I also have a psychologist friend in  Buckhead, GA and he may have some ideas for surrounding resources we haven't thought of.  If you don't feel comfortable giving this information, that's OK too.  You need to feel safe and I hope you do. (((((El)))))


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #29 on: June 11, 2007, 11:25:34 PM »

Thank you for trustiing us with your story.  I know it was hard to write--I imagine that you feel drained. 

Hops is right--be very good to yourself tonight.  We will all mirror back to you the truth about your situation--you did not imagine it.  No matter what kind of justifying your parents are doing now, and no matter how that confuses you, you have not imagined this.  This was abuse and you did not deserve that kind of treatment.  That was the behavior of a sick, ugly person and you should not have had to put up with it.  And the police should have dealt with it differently.

We will still be here whenever you feel like talking.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight, El.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010