Author Topic: Abusive family  (Read 13034 times)


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2007, 01:20:57 AM »
Dear EL:

I was physically and emotionally abused as a child (for as long as I can remember until I left at 16).

I wouldn't say I know your pain but probably something like it.  I'm so sorry that you've had to go through all of this.  It isn't fair.  It's not what childhood/young adulthood should be like.  Your parents are a disgrace.

You have made a couragous and sensible decision to distance yourself from your toxic parents.  I also admire your gentle spirit, which shines through your words.  The rage in you is not you.  It's a product of abuse.

I can tell you what helped me and hope that it might be of some use to you.  I was afraid of therapy too.  The whole idea of reliving what I lived through just seemed like it would take too much of my precious energy.  I know what you mean when you say you're tired and you just want to be left alone.   I felt like that too and so I started to take care of me, in a big way, once I left that house of horrors.

One thing that really helped me was a book I found on self-hynosis.  I learned to relax my body, to clear my mind and imagine peaceful, beautiful images... and to make positive suggestions to myself.  I learned that negative self-talk was a form of self-abuse (yes it was learned and yes it can be unlearned) and so I worked on paying attention and putting a stop to it (it's something, I think, everyone does, to a certain extent, no matter what happens but when it's a portion of most thoughts -- it has a seriously poisonous effect on a person.  It needs to stop.  I learned to see and feel my anger as a thing that I have a choice about what to do with and how to release it, in healthy ways that hurt no one.  I learned, believe it or forgive my abusers because not doing so was only hurting me (not that I expect you are anywhere near ready to do that).   I learned to act normal even though I didn't feel normal because I believed I would be normal.  Whatever normal is?

I stubbornly decided that I would not allow these "people" to destroy the rest of my life!!  I took charge!!
I had to work really hard to pay my own way through college but I knew, as you do too I bet, that it would help me to get a decent job and thus finally be free to live life my way.   I took account of my "healthy" coping mechanisms and worked on replacing the not so "healthy" ones (which I learned about by reading on the topic).

Writing and writing and writing really helped get it all out.    A friend told me to "write whatever nasty stuff comes to your head for a full 3 minutes.  Then, write for one minute about stuff you like, are thankful for, enjoy, want, anything good" and to gradually work on switching those times around so that the nasty stuff takes a minute while the good fills up 3.  It helped.

One more thing for now.  Fear simply cannot exist without thought (I don't mean you won't feel afraid if someone is holding a gun to your head.  I'm talking about the fear that seems to creep in on it's own).

So if you do not think about won't be afraid.  It sounds simple eh?  Not really.  You have to catch yourself thinking about it and then decide to think otherwise.

That's probably enough for now.  I hope you will keep posting.  I hope you will end up finding a therapist you feel comfortable with and can afford but until that happens, maybe some ideas above will give you some action to take so you can keep going foreward.   You've already taken the most important action and that is cutting off the destructive, life-sucking relationships.  Now you can begin to heal.



« Last Edit: June 12, 2007, 09:45:17 AM by Sela »


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #31 on: June 12, 2007, 02:14:23 AM »
Hey El, 

You impress the hell out of me you know that.  So young and yet so wise.  Your some tuff kid.
I know it's hard to relive the pain you have been put through and the mind games/brain washing they tried to do but did not succeed.  Look at you El you went all the way to college going to get a career. That is amazing how strong you really are.  I'm not just saying that either.  The hell you been put through and you just keep moving ahead. 
I’m so sorry that you will have to move through the pain to start to heal.  It really sucks.
I’ve been there done that only I was a little older then you and it was not my parents it was my husband.  He was abusive mentally and physically.  I was 24 at the time.  I remember the rage I use to feel.  I had been through the same deal with police and not quite the true story was in the report.  I looked like a nagging hysterical housewife, which was not the case at all. 
Very, very frustrating when you want to SCREAM at the top of your lungs and no one takes you that serious.  Then more rage and disgust comes.  You get fed up with the system and feel you are all alone.  No one listens.  No one understands. 

But they Will, they do, you just have to yell loud enough and long enough.  Take it from me it does happen.  I see one for you already.  You went to college, you now moved and I see you wanting/starting to heal.  This is your life and welcome to your beginning of freeing yourself of the BS you had to live in for years.  As scary as it can be is as exciting as it can be.  It is not your M and F choice anymore.  You belong to you. You will make your life what you want it to be not what they want you to be.  No more dark nights on the porch filling your head with garbage trying to scare you into what they want you to think.  No more, your F does it because he loves you.  No more contradicting stories.  NO MORE.
Now you work on your anger and the pain they have caused you.  Don’t hurt yourself anymore hon  we are here now to listen and talk.  You take that anger/rage and you slap it out on this computer as pissed off as you want to be.  You curse, rant, rage and let it all out.  We can take it.  We know. We understand. We validate. We support you. 

I’m really sorry El it about ripped out my heart when I heard your story. There are plenty of people on here who can relate to your story as kids.  Some of us are grown up now but it still was real and still did happen.   Things can work out and life can be very fulfilling and I know you are going to be one of the people who will heal, grow, and be happy even if that seems so far away at the moment.  It will happen and I hope you can hold on to that.  Look what you are making happen already at such a young age.  I believe in you.

Let us know whats going on with the fall semester.  What services are available to you. Are you taking any summer classes?

Now rest and take a breather.  Talking about it is exhausting but feels like you have some weight taken off your shoulders too.  Thanks for sharing Kiddo.  Hope you don't mind me saying kiddo, habit, I call my kids that too.

Love Deb


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2007, 08:34:45 AM »

I think you are so brave to be doing what you are doing at such a young age. You have worked out so much on your own already, and it's not at all surprising that you are so angry. Of course you're angry! Your 'parents' don't deserve to have the title applied to them- they wouldn't know how to 'parent' if it came up and hit them in the face!

There are many, many people on here who weren't aware of what they'd suffered being dysfunctional until they were in their thirties, forties, or even later. You have such a headstart by having realised, and, more importantly, started doing something about it, so young. (OK, to you it might not seem 'so young', but to us it does !).

What you've done already , by starting NC, is one of the best, but hardest, things to do to get your life back. No more crazy-making from them, because you refuse to give them the opportunity.

You are NOT making it up, everyone on this board believes what you say. The fact that it is horrendous just makes it sad, not lies. WE know you are telling the truth.

Anger is just one of several stages of healing. You need to acknowledge what happened, then get angry, then grieve, then come to terms, and eventually you can learn to move on in peace. Sounds unattainable when youre in the middle of the anger bit, but it is really possible, honestly it is.

One other thing that is on your side - by realising so early what's been happening and starting to tackle it now, you can avoid what many of us have gone through, and that's becoming a victim to a 'romantic partner' who just continues the abuse, because you don't know that you derseve better than the treatment you got at the hands of your parents. You have got a bright future ahead of you, you just need to do some work on it now.



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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2007, 01:59:04 PM »
I don't want to overwhelm you, El. 

I do worry about your younger sibs, still in the home.

You said you caught the brunt of the abuse and you still keep in contact with them.

In your opinion, are they still suffering from your father's abuse? 

If so, could you ask your Aunt to lead that charge for them?  Perhaps file a complaint with Child Protective Services and follow up?  Perhaps they could stay with her for a while?  I'm not sure what the best scenario is but those girls need some therapy and release from living in fear too.

I hope your Aunt is receptive and proactive.  I do worry for them. 

Hope you're having a productive day and find help and support within your local school community on campus. 


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #34 on: June 12, 2007, 02:46:49 PM »

When I read of your past, there were so many things I wanted to say to you.  I realized though, that no matter what I said, because of what you've gone through, your response would most likely be "yeah riiiiiiiiiiiight! you have NO IDEA," so, I"m going to say what I wanted to, in a poem.

I want to say I love you
but life has ruined that
words of care and mercy
just always leave ya flat

I want to say I hurt too
but no-one feels your pain
you lived it all alone then
and you feel alone again

I want to say I'll help you
but no-one ever did
they only opened doors again
that left you fully hid

Since I cannot convince you
that hope is really there
let me just invite you
to risk that we might care

Let me say there is love
but it's not like what you've seen
Love is safe and comforting
Not cruel, hurt-filled and mean

Parents do not wound you
and they pretend a lie
That's not what truth is all about
A life that leaves you dry

The times you cried in darkness
and felt no hope in sight
you didn't earn those beatings
that went on throughout the night

You didn't earn deception
and lies that held you bound
did not deserve the pain received
and blankness all around

You didn't cause the torture
did not provoke the whip
did not deserve the broken heart
nor warrant torn-up lip

There's someone with an answer
someone who wants to aid
who wants to clean up all the mess
that evil creatures made

He's not someone who hurts you
Not a man who tells a lie
He's a friend who stays forever true
until your time to fly

Mended wings are now your promise
Healed mind your true reward
There's hope and help awaiting
and goals to move on toward

Your past is not your present
and a future does not form
With Deity and friends here
you've found a place that's warm

Please don't discount these words now
as what you've heard before
It takes a risk that's worth it
to find there's so much more

Our tears and prayers will guide you
We'll stand with arms linked tight
You're really gonna make it
Through another struggling night

On the other side of torment
lies a life you've never met
If you let us walk beside you
not a day will you regret

So please just risk some trust now
Let us be your wings to soar
We promise that we've been there
but we know there is much more

We know it won't be easy
but we will be here to stay
Just trust us now to carry you
till the nightmares go away

Just go by tiny steps here
and try to find at last
who you are truly deep down
and freedom from your past.

Blessya, Excal.  I do believe I can say for us as a whole on this board...we ARE HERE for you!



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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2007, 03:53:21 PM »
I can't follow that, Laura, that was beautiful.

Thank you.



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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2007, 10:31:40 PM »
Was that your poem Laura?  Very nice message for El!


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #37 on: June 12, 2007, 10:37:10 PM »
Thanks for the poem. I don't think that my sisters are getting abused (F is just being himself). They just ignore him, which is what I did for years.
I go to Emory university.
I had a headache yesterday from writing about this stuff. i woke up this morning with that same headache and I have had it all day. I went to the hospital this morning, to the ER. I waited and talked to a psychiatrist and she said to continue going to counseling until they switch me to the out-patient program. I didn't feel helped. She doesn't know what disorders I have without evaluation. I haven't had anyone evaluate me. I went to the women's center and was referred to Karuna Counseling center, so i emailed a therapist there. I am tired of waiting. I missed work because i was at the hospital. My head still hurts. here is a pressure in my brain. I took a nap and when I woke up it was still there.

I'm upset because I still haven't been evaulated, so I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like I don't have a core. I can't process emotion. Emotion becomes pain or lethargy. I float around.Concentration is hard. I shouldn't have spent so much time at the counseling center. 


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #38 on: June 12, 2007, 11:09:43 PM »
Coincidentally I have a dear friend at Emory. I've written him to describe your situation in brief, and asked him what resources he could suggest. I didn't (and wouldn't) go into any detail and will just pass along to you whatever he responds. He's a bit of a stiff but knows that system and all its parts extremely well. May take a while...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #39 on: June 12, 2007, 11:15:44 PM »
hi El,

Please keep talking about this as much as you want to.  Remember that there is always someone here to listen to you.

If it makes your head hurt, you don't have to.

I too, was abused by my father and mother who are both Ns.  I have also cut off contact with them.

Remembering is the first step and it is the hardest.  Also, cutting off contact is very difficult but it is necessary.  You can survive on your own, and much better.



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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #40 on: June 12, 2007, 11:49:26 PM »

Sorry you're having physical symptoms from the stress and pressure.

I'm not sure what your going to be evaluated for.  Your headache or your emotional state.  I think one is connected with the other.  

I'll e mail my psych friend and ask for more resources now that I know what area your in.  I know that feeling of frustration when you try and try and things seem to go against you.  Gotta keep plugging away though.  

I think the pain is trying to tell you something.  

If you sink down into your sadness and cry and cry and cry without stopping yourself or holding your breath, just let it out, you might find that helps.  You could probably cry for days and days and not get it all out but I think you need to do that.  It helps to talk pretend your talking to someone.  Your mother for instance and you could tell her how vulnerable she left you  and how you needed to be protected... where was she?  That sort of thing.  And talking to your father as well, you probably have lots to tell him and get out.  

I have to keep reminding myself that I must go through the pain in order to get to the other side of it.  I'll remind you too.  It isn't always going to hurt this bad or feel so empty.  You're stronger than you could know.  ((El))  \

My brain burns when I'm really upset.  I thought it was sinus pain but it's from stress.  It doesn't stay as long as yours has though. I hope you can cry and get some of relief.  It helps me a lot sometimes.    



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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #41 on: June 13, 2007, 01:02:59 AM »
story continued:

Last year, the last year of high school, was very difficult for me. That summer I spent a week away from home in a gov'ment program. Getting away, let me see how oppressive my home environment was. I could not stand being there last year. For the last few years i focused on school and ignored everything. Then last year I became bothered by everything. F doesn't talk to us unless it is to tell us to clean something (and everyone prefers it that way). But when he would tell me to do something I would collapse, I was a nervous wreck last year. So there two big "events" last year of high school.

One was in the fall I had to drive to a college info. session. I didn't know I had to drive, I would have gotten directions but..anyway, I didn't know where to go and I was too scared to ask. I am trained to go automatically into fear when I am forced to perform around him. I was getting nervous and shaking involuntarily. I tried not to cry but the tears came. And the mocking came. And i was being goaded and it ended with me speeding on the road and yelling "that I hate you" (and i apolgized for that when i shoudn't have). And on the way back he said that he had tested me and i acted the way he expected, "you guys think I'm crazy, but all this stuff I do on purpose." after that event my body was ruined. I would get weakened at the slighest provocation for months after that. This event was like the past. basically, I would have solve to math problems and when I would get them wrong I would get scarred at what would happen to me and the threats (burn you with an iron, or beat you) would come. I couldn't cry because then I would be mocked and laughed at and screamed at even more. But the tears always came and I would hate myself for it. I would hate myself because I was being weak like he said. i remember in 5th grade F saying that I could be a prostitute because I'm so stupid, but then I would be stupid to count the money. I remember him putting me in front of the mirror and telling me to look how pathetic I am (I was crying there was snot on my face). I now remember having to repeat that ("I'm sorry and pathetic). He would have certain words to use (you're sorry... others words meaning worthless. F had a dark closet phase where we had to stand in dark closets with our noses touching the wall.

I would say that second grade to fifth grade were exceptional bad. In the third grade I was mocked/harrassed/threathned/tortured/belittled ALL day over spelling words. And the M was there for most of it. I think she told him to stop. (It's like she lets him a little fun, but not too much). Then he stopped and I remember playing at the dollhouse with middle sister and a friend. then M leaves for work at 5pm (she works from 5pm-11pm). And then the torture started again. except this time I got the worst beating of my life. I was threatened all day with a beating with the belt buckle. And that beating went on forever, and I was screaming, but eventually i stopped, the belt didn't sting anymore, it was just a dull pain. (I don't know if he used the belt buckle.) I saw my leg split open, it just opened up. I still have the scar. Then F stops beating me and carries me to the bathroom and puts me in the tub. I think he bandaged the wound that night. the next morning I had flowers and candy. And my M drops me at school and tells me not to tell anyone. I told her that he beat me with the buckle and she says "he didn't beat you with the buckle. So to this day, i don't know what to believe or what happened. I thought that the flowers were a gesture of sympathy, but as my sister says, it was so i wouldn't tell anyone about what happened. he probably did bandaged the leg that night so M wouldn't see how bad it was. I remember being mad at M for just leaving to go to work. I remember feeling betrayed, like what made you think this was over? Why would you trust me with him? The next day at school I was shaking.

Okay, back to last year.

The second "event" I like to call the computer incident. it was January 2006. F was telling other siblings to stop IM and chatting with friends online. Middle sister ignored this for weeks. One night (midnight) I heard a crash from the den. I go look and F has pulled the computer out of the wall and S is holding her wrist in pain. M is there. I say that f pulling the computer out of the wall was stupid. F hears and come out saying "what, stupid like you?" And I was on edge the whole year, so I started to walk away. Then F starts with the jeering/mocking etc. ANd I snapped. And i screamed at him to shut up, just shut up. And here memory gets fuzzy. I think S and i ganged up on him and M was standing behind us. I think S was asking why M always agrees with F. then there was verbal fight between F and S and I. Then f says to M that "you have turned them against me!' And I saw that you have done that yourself. I think he might have hit M. Then S and I jump on him and start fighting. i remember getting up in his face. F calls us "harpies". Then f says that "i have made you what you are, everything you are today is because of me?" I was like "So you made me?" F says: "yes, I made you."

Then S and I were in bed (we shared a room) later on that night. And then M comes in and asks "how could we just go to sleep after something like that". S gets mad at M and says we have been dealing with this our whole lives (something to the effect of where the f*ck have you been?). then M turns to me and says I am to never talk to my father that way again (saying Shut up). i'm like, whatever...M and S continue to yell, F comes to the door and stands behind M (like M is protecting his honor or something). Then youngest S comes out of her room.
What I remember next: me standing across from F, F trying to stare me down, me staring right back. F pokes me in the chest in a demeaning way. And I say "Don't touch me. Don't touch me". F says "what, I can't touch you???" Are proceeds to wrap his hand around my throat (to prove he can). and I flip out I start attacking him. I fell back and broke the dresser, and I was kicking and hitting and stuff. M was screaming, Little S was crying. And apparently S was in the fray too because when I was recalling this in an email she said she chipped her tooth. then the phone rings. M says its the neighbors telling us to simmer down now. Ha. F gets up and is determined to put me in my place says: "I know what you're capable of and tells everyone about how I fell apart in the driving event in October. this shamed me and made me quit, which was good for F. Then F proceeds to tell everyone what their faults are. He always labels people's faults (just projection) and criticizes them for it. So M lies a lot (again projection, who lies more than a person to lies to himself? of course she deceives herself also). Little S is a slob, S cares too much for popular culture and I need to "learn to live in the present." I wanted ask him what HIS fault was and why he has the right to label anyone, but I didn't I was scared.

Then the next morning the family went furniture shopping. HHAAAAHHAhah. I laugh every time I say that! Its funny. I was told by M to humble myself for my behavior. And I did. I was actually ashamed by my behvior. An i was subservient and and careful around F. Now I hate that I did that. I actually felt sorry for my behavior, but I thought he felt sorry for his behaivor. Now i know that he never felt sorry for his behavior. Me being subservient was only mending his bruised ego. S on the other hand, didn't act like she felt sorry at all. M got mad at her for this. I respect S for that. I think S has understood the family dynamic better than I have. S was always mad at M for staying. I was never mad at M until recently. I liked M because M was the only one who would tell me that I was worth something. But now I am mad at M. For days after this "episode" I was shaking and on edge. I broke down and started crying around M asking why he had to put his hands around me neck? i said don't touch me, which had to be violated. then M says (while crying) "what you don't want people to touch you?" I can't even process how demented that comment is.

The pet dog runs and hides when F walks in the room. The dog used to run away people yelled at each other. Then the dog would run away when people merely talked to one another. Now the dog runs when f enters the room and others are in it. She used to hide under the computer area at my feet (because I was the safe one, I stayed out of the fray) but ever since the computer incident she runs in my room and cowers under the bed. That poor dog. Anyway the ttension builds in the house then it explodes in an "incident" of the type explained above. But the computer incident was the only time we attacked (physically and verbally) F. Its like tension grows until it can't be ignored. I feel that I'm the one who is forced to bring it out. I think I get experimented on, the other siblings get to sit back and take the easy route. 

I wonder this: I wonder what M anf f think the future holds. What do they think 5 years will be like from now. By then little S will be 18 and leaving, S would be in college. Do they think any of us will come and see them or talk to them? M acts like I'm just some bad person for cutting out the whole family, but does she really think 'm alone in that? Does she the other two won't do the same thing? I resent that ai am the first born nd get blamed for every action I take if I was in the middle it would be easier. S graduates next year, then she will be gone. The last one is 13, will have to spend 5 years in that house.

And through it all M still stays (I even sent her NPD resources, which she says she read). She will stay long after kids are gone. The perfect punishment for F would be for everyone to go NC on him. But M will never do that. They feed on one another. and they deserve each other. M said on the phone the day I went NC, "I would get in so many fights with F over the way he talked to you kids." And I asked her why it had to be that way anyway. Why do have to be spoken to like we are trash in the first place? Why did you put up with any of it? Why did we have to put up with it? Why didn't you just leave? Oh I was a different person back then trying to get my life together, i was different back then. I couldn't remember how she was back then. She was like "you guys don't remember all the fights I had with him over you kids." I don't. I asked her when he started treating us like we were trash/ No answer.

She said on the phone to someone that he never held us when we were young, that he never wanted kids anyway. My first memory of him was probably preschool (age 4) and it involves fear. I distinctly recall probably at age 7 wondering who this person was screaming in my face, and why doesn't he just go away?  And were always told that you're F loves you. "he loves you why can't you see it?" More mind games from M, who has to convince yourself that F really does love the offspring. m would get mad at me when I was sad last year.. and this year when I went home I got, "remember how you used to be, you're not like that anymore. You're okay now.

I had no self esteem back then. I would walk with my head down, kids at school would bully me. One girl slapped me in the face with her friend watching to prove that she could. I waned to tell her to stop but I figured I deserved it anyway. I couldn't muster up the self respect to keep her from hitting me. M took me to see psychiatrist in 5th grade, i went for 2 days. And only talked about how S made fun of me (she did). I think M implied ( or I understood that I couldn't mention F). I hated myself so much. Looking back I realize that I never lived I realize that I was floating or disassociating the whole time, or living in books. In fifth grade the old male teacher also hated me and attacked me. I don't know why. He didn't like me. And I wished him dead so long, he eventually did die and we had a substitute teacher for half the year. Good times. Good times.
I probably don't have self esteem now, I don't now. I don't know. I see how I am becoming Narcisstic myself. i am becoming Narcisstic. I have a lot of traits. I have to compare myself and be better than people. I have to have things perfect.  I'm a shell. But I never noticed all these years,. Coming to college made me see how empty I  am. I knew something was wrong with me. I don't what whats wrong with me. I used to know I had low self esteem. Now I don't know there's nothing. I don't "fel" myself or something. I'm not really here at all. When people are in conversation around me or even when I am in conservation, its like I'm floating on the outside. I realized in April that I don't think of people as multifaceted, complex beings. I can't because I see myself as a multifaceted being. This is a Narcissitic trait. I don't even feel fractured. I feel nothing at all, when it comes to "me". I don't even know what "feeling self means". F has turned me into him. I have become what f is. I don't understand love, or what the big deal is. I don't see why it matters. I don't see how its important.This is another N trait. I am just as empty as he is. This makes me so sad. I have no soul.There is nothing there.

My life is full of so many cruel ironies, especially my name. F named me. There was difficulty in me being born almost killed M (foreshadowing) there was a twin but the other one died. SO F named me Estee, which is esteem, without the m-for "someone who thinks highly of themselves".Which is just too much irony for me.


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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #42 on: June 13, 2007, 04:40:48 AM »

Your post is so emotional, you are NOT empty.

You definitely are not a narcissist. Narcissists think they are so perfect, that they would never even consider that they are 'imperfect' enough to have an illness! It sounds like you are depressed, and not bloody surprising.

It sounds, to me, as others have said, that you are getting stress migraines. I have treated them with homeopathy, which is great, side-effect free, and permanent. You might want to look into that, I don't know.

You say that you got picked on by your F because you're the eldest... it might have been because you're the most sensitive, most intelligent? N's hate that. They see that as a threat. Sibling order might not be so important, IMO.

Keep writing, please.



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Re: Abusive family
« Reply #43 on: June 13, 2007, 11:28:04 AM »

You are just now beginning to try to get a sense of who you are.  I do not see you as narcissistic at all.  You do have a soul and you do have a core.  You can find yourself and we will help you.    You have been in survival mode.  You shut out but did not shut down.  Your self is in hiding.

You say you don't understand love?  Love does not hurt like that El.  That is not love it is abuse from both your mother and father.  You mom appears to be a co-victim.   When I worked for a counseling agency way back when and the children came in the parent (which was most always the mother) was named co-victim.  They knew what was going on in the home and the children were being abused but they went into a mode of trying to make every thing for a reason.  They were flat out in denial of what was really going on. Your mom lives in denial.

So yes where was your mom when all this was going on?  Why didn't she stop it?  Because she is in a MAJOR denial and has become as sick as he is.  She may have had her own issues when she came into the marriage before you were even  born.  No excuse but this may be the case.  Were you betrayed? Oh hell ya! over and over again.

I remember him putting me in front of the mirror and telling me to look how pathetic I am (I was crying there was snot on my face). I now remember having to repeat that ("I'm sorry and pathetic). He would have certain words to use (you're sorry... others words meaning worthless. F had a dark closet phase where we had to stand in dark closets with our noses touching the wall.

This tactic one of many is why you may feel you have empty emotions and you feel nothing.  Holy shit! feeling emotions meant torture, punishment for you.  But I disagree with you El.  I think you have plenty of emotions, feelings  you just got use to hiding them. When they start to sneak out even in the form of Anger you get a headache. Having emotions means pain for you?  I don't know really, but you think that maybe?

Your not your father El and your not your mother.  You are telling. No secrets anymore.  Now your freeing yourself of all those horrible memories that you had to keep all to yourself.  This is a part of healing even though it does not seem like it right now. Lots of ups and downs in the process.  Hang in there. Keep talking. 



  • Guest
Re: Abusive family
« Reply #44 on: June 13, 2007, 12:41:50 PM »

Hi El,

What CB says is right on.  I read your post last night.   I have a granddaughter your age.  So my grandmotherly instincts were pouring out all over the place and I wished I could give you a big hug in real space and sit with you and cry and laugh, and cry and laugh the way I do with her sometimes.  Cyberically (is there such a word???) I'm sending gentle grandma hugs and saying you are awesome, totally awesome.   
