Hi Portia - I missed your message here earlier. No more message boards - yikes! That's my 'reaching out into the world bit'. Can't give that up. But - whose opinions to value? Hmmm - yes, I take the point!

You see, it's much more difficult for the E to trust what's going on inside. "I feel, think x - would someone confirm that for me, please."

So that's the kind of problem an E would have with psychology things.
Sure you've got a friend - and why? Because you're absolutely delightful. So...how are lots of other people going to discover that you are absolutely delightful?????

It's a toughie isn't it - as soon as we come up against other people we lose not only our voice but our personality, our confidence and all the rest of 'us' so nobody sees us and we reinforce all those voices in our head that say we're not only voiceless but invisible!!! Actually that's not entirely true!!!!!!! I've always found that people 'spot' me straight away and I've gone away thinking 'how could they possibly have responded to me 'as if' I'm a nice, sociable person when I was feeling so despressed (or whatever)'?????!!! I'd forgotten that. People may not 'know' you but they get a sense of your 'essence' and that 'essence' might be just what somebody else is looking for!!! (I'm just taking a moment to throttle that therapist for having taken away my voice, my personality AND my confidence - back in a minute!)
Offering info etc is just my way of bringing people together. It just got a bit lonely when I realised I was bringing other people together all the time, getting a great sense of satisfaction, but I wasn't bringing anyone in for myself!! But (as usual) it seems I missed the point. I was reading some stuff about networking the other day and that's what you're supposed to do. I guess more of my childhood stuff just got in the way of believing in myself and believing good things would come from what I do naturally.
Soooo - your mother's an extravert!!!!!

A-ha!!! Well, we're not all bad.

Actually, we're all as bad as one another - we need to connect with other people like 'life itself'!!!
Nic - new LOVE interest - what are you saying??! LOVE???

Or is this just a glitch in the translation??
I think Introverts will be particularly susceptible to the Extraversion of the N (especially in the States where E is so highly valued) - they appeal to my shy, hesitant side as they exhibit supreme confidence and never experience confusion!
But I think Ns target NFs as we are so easy to manipulate. No thinking caps!! Intuition might tell us this is 'not a good thing' but our feelings lead us to feel sorry for people, be tender-hearted and all the rest of it. Guilt trip heaven!!! And if you are also a P - well think of all the possibilities that this N might be 'cured'!!! So I'd guess that an INFP is probably the most likely to get targetted by an N - then an INFJ, an ENFP and an ENFJ in that order! Pure speculation, but an educated guess!!!
BTW if you're getting conflicting signals, I'd run fast. Forget hang ups!!! Confusion is the key to 'here be dragons', it seems to me!!!
Hi write - just read your 'take' on it all, too. I don't disagree, just coming at it from a different angle.
BTW Portia - Just had another thought about your mother and THE FACTS. We E/Ps are just not into precision of that nature. Ask my H (an I/J) what the time is and he'll tell you 10.24 and 15 seconds. I'll tell you it's around half past ten!!!