I thank you very much for your comments and views on my post..I value your input tremendously. What a good place to return to for sharing and caring and feedback!
No error in the translation Rosencrantz, you read right!
I agree with your perspective that Introverts would be more inclined to be attracted to the extravertedness of the N...I'm not dealing with an N however..but like me the son of an N...regardless, he was forced to take the test today and I will know the results soon enough!
I know it's just a tool, but I have always enjoyed reading Jung...If I recall correctly, he and Freud were on a ship coming to America at one point ( or something like that I remember reading!) and Freud was wrong about something, a key element to his theory..Freud knew he was wrong but he was unwilling to admit it. Jung knew this and could not accept that such a brilliant man and influence to him and psychiatry would be so stubborn and immature as to admit to being wrong..or at least the possibility that he could be. Their relationship ended there and then...Jung therefore had more ethics I conclude, more maturity..less ego driven..
I've been thinking all day about the recommendations given to INFJs with the trouble areas..i have much the same problem areas as you Write..I must not lose sight of the BIG PICTURE as suggested, and not become totally Intuition driven...nor too introverted..
Being intuitive to the degree that I am necessitates an out...it can't all stay in there..and the shame and guilt I grew up with stopped the possibility of the out which would have been my voice. As a result of having such an active introverted life, I did become Fortress Nic...i've taken down many walls since coming here but I didn't realize they were terrassed and therefore multiple.
I appreciate the taking care of myself first comments write, yes but whilst looking and taking into account the big picture...not just my needs..
I'm about ready to flourish I think..massive renovations..i'm thinking and feeling things through, no more catastrophizing..and I think it's really good and caring of you to encourage me with your comment " Good things will happen to you Nic, learn to believe it."
That is just such a bloody nice thing to say

I am learning to believe it..little by little.
More later and thanks to both of you.
love Nic