Author Topic: Myers-Briggs personality types  (Read 20452 times)


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thanks write and Rosencrantz
« Reply #30 on: April 12, 2004, 07:49:23 PM »
I thank you very much for your comments and views on my post..I value your input tremendously.  What a good place to return to for sharing and caring and feedback!  :)
No error in the translation Rosencrantz, you read right!  
I agree with your perspective that Introverts would be more inclined to be attracted to the extravertedness of the N...I'm not dealing with an N however..but like me the son of an N...regardless, he was forced to take the test today and I will know the results soon enough!
I know it's just a tool, but I have always enjoyed reading Jung...If I recall correctly, he and Freud were on a ship coming to America at one point ( or something like that I remember reading!) and Freud was wrong about something, a key element to his theory..Freud knew he was wrong but he was unwilling to admit it.  Jung knew this and could not accept that such a brilliant man and influence to him and psychiatry would be so stubborn and immature as to admit to being wrong..or at least the possibility that he could be.  Their relationship ended there and then...Jung therefore had more ethics I conclude, more maturity..less ego driven..
I've been thinking all day about the recommendations given to INFJs with the trouble areas..i have much the same problem areas as you Write..I must not lose sight of the BIG PICTURE as suggested, and not become totally Intuition driven...nor too introverted..
Being intuitive to the degree that I am necessitates an can't all stay in there..and the shame and guilt I grew up with stopped the possibility of the out which would have been my voice.  As a result of having such an active introverted life, I did become Fortress Nic...i've taken down many walls since coming here but I didn't realize they were terrassed and therefore multiple.
I appreciate the taking care of myself first comments write, yes but whilst looking and taking into account the big picture...not just my needs..
I'm about ready to flourish I think..massive renovations..i'm thinking and feeling things through, no more catastrophizing..and I think it's really good and caring of you to encourage me with your comment " Good things will happen to you Nic, learn to believe it."

That is just such a bloody nice thing to say :D   I am learning to believe it..little by little.

More later and thanks to both of you.
love Nic
All truth passes through 3 stages
First it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed,third,it is accepted as being self evident
-Arthur Schopenhauer


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Re: thanks write and Rosencrantz
« Reply #31 on: April 12, 2004, 08:08:42 PM »
Quote from: Nic
always enjoyed reading Jung...If I recall correctly, he and Freud were on a ship coming to America at one point ( or something like that I remember reading!) and Freud was wrong about something, a key element to his theory..Freud knew he was wrong but he was unwilling to admit it.  Jung knew this and could not accept that such a brilliant man and influence to him and psychiatry would be so stubborn and immature as to admit to being wrong..or at least the possibility that he could be.  Their relationship ended there and then...Jung therefore had more ethics I conclude, more maturity..less ego driven..

That is just such a bloody nice thing to say :D   I am learning to believe it..little by little.

More later and thanks to both of you.
love Nic

Hi Nic, Guest here. I enjoy Jung immensely too. My memory goes like this, Freud and Jung were on a ship, enjoying each other. They spent most of their time together, not playing shipboard games, but interpreting and analysing each other's dreams. Freud put a stop to it eventually, because he said if he didn't  he was afraid Jung might replace him as the authority. Sounds like my mother. She never let me or wanted to let me blossom. The blacker circle of life.

A sad point in some ways. And a fair bit of  EGO,  :D  :D  :D  wouldn't you say.



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to guest
« Reply #32 on: April 12, 2004, 08:56:50 PM »
Hi Guest!
Yes yes that's least i remembered the part about the ship! :)
I'm thinking of pulling out the Jung literature again...
Just a suggestion, if you read French there is a great book by a famous french psychoanalyst whose name is Tony Anatrella, and it's called " Non a la societe depressive", has a lot of things on boundaries, permissiveness and lack of direction..i found it quite's not a "how to" book but rather a discourse on the causes of depression as they relate to tolerance etc..a good read I thought..perhaps there is an english translation.  Perhaps you speak and read french too?  :lol:
Anyways, thanks for the correct version re: Freud and Jung!
I don't recall you mentionning what your personality type is..did you take the test?
Kind regards, Nic :)
All truth passes through 3 stages
First it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed,third,it is accepted as being self evident
-Arthur Schopenhauer


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Myers-Briggs personality types
« Reply #33 on: April 12, 2004, 09:01:27 PM »
Oh Guest, if that's you..I just saw that you are this accurate?
so you did mention your type after all..
Nic 8)
All truth passes through 3 stages
First it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed,third,it is accepted as being self evident
-Arthur Schopenhauer


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Myers-Briggs personality types
« Reply #34 on: April 12, 2004, 09:20:58 PM »
Yep that's me, Nic. I'm ESTJ on a paid for professional test I took, and on some other freebie sites. And so I recently redid it on the keirsey site I have in my saved in my favorites. I test all my poor unsuspecting friends, "Here' I'll make the coffee, can you just do this test fro me, pleeeease, It won't take long? Pretty please?." And they usually love it, and then we have something cool to talk about for hours.

But I'm not ESTJ  on this one that write recommended, I came up as something completely different. Strange indeed. So anyway, I'm stickin' with ESTJ. The keirsey test has 'That question!' about how do you like putting things away after doing a job. I read about that one that has been analysed by so amny outsiders. How the mother and daughter team tried to make all thier questions seem to not a have a right or wrong answer that would be particularly favoured, or make someone feel better.

And no, I don't read, speak or eat french, but I absolutely love french sub-titled movies. Ahhh, bliss.  :lol: I saw 'Children of the Marshlands' again on TV the other night. I melt into that movie. My favourite characters are Mr Amadee and Garris for anyone who knows it, but I love them all, it's such good stuff.  It must be a book! I'll have to surf and see. It's a new 'I simply must have it darling' if it is. And thanks for the author and book recommendation, sounds right up my alley, unfortunately :!:  :D  :D  

I'm going surfing, bye



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Myers-Briggs personality types
« Reply #35 on: April 13, 2004, 07:35:19 AM »
Just catching up here and impelled to chat with a few of you, ideas sparked etc…

They say INFJs always want to pursue knowledge and information in the search for wisdom and that we/they don't really ever experience total peace with themselves....what a jolly life plan that is

Good quote I hadn’t read! From another INFJ, I used to have this quote from advertising top man David Ogilvy stuck above my desk (when I had a desk and all that weird stuff):

“Develop the habit of divine discontent. Set your sights high, blaze new trails, compete with the immortals."
Maybe in a less corporate drum-banging way he meant: always strive to do better than what you are doing currently? That seems ok with me! – learning, growing…and anyway does anyone experience total peace? I’ll settle for more wisdom, occasional contentment. How about you?

Hey you told us about your sexual preference – thanks!  :) Now it doesn’t matter  :D (why does it always matter anyway? Basic labelling I guess.  :roll: ) Just reading your second post here and you said ‘bloody’. Now that did shock me! I like this new Nic a lot; hope to hear more over time. Can I say welcome back? It’s great to HEAR you!!

The keirsey test has 'That question!' about how do you like putting things away after doing a job.

Thinking maybe I should invest in the full test? And as for putting things away: very neatly, tidily, so I can find everything next time, or if I have a problem or question in future.


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Myers-Briggs personality types
« Reply #36 on: April 13, 2004, 10:05:36 AM »
One of those 'I didn't mean that' moments.  I just wondered what happened to the marriage.  None of my business - just took me by surprise!!!  Now it's one of those 'oh look, here's a hole and a nice spade - time to stop digging' moments.  :oops:

And, re nitpicking.  Nit-picking is in the eye of the beholder!  Like beauty.  :wink: What's nit-picking to one person is the key to the golden gate of powerful and life-changing insight for another.  (Who said that?!?)

"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
thoughts, it is sometimes necessary to take the enemy into account" Sir Winston Churchill


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Myers-Briggs personality types
« Reply #37 on: April 13, 2004, 10:24:44 AM »
You said it R!
However, big spade at the ready here, think I may have mis-judged or misinterpreted you Nic above. Having an 'oh cripes' moment. But what the heck, it's posted now. I can see how I could take your comments very, very differently....sorry if I've got you wrong! Disappearing in a pool of question marks and 'it's none of my business' too...sigh. Whatever 'love' means...over and out..P


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Myers-Briggs personality types
« Reply #38 on: April 14, 2004, 04:11:55 PM »
First off, I want to say hello to everyone here.  I am new here, and I thought I would jump right in, hope you all do not mind…

I took the test and it concluded that I was an INTJ:
Introverted  Intuitive Thinking   Judging
44                 22            89            33

I am:
-moderately expressed introvert
-slightly expressed intuitive personality
-very expressed thinking personality
-moderately expressed judging personality

I apparently make up 1% of the population. Therefore, I would have to enter a room filled with one-hundred people in order to find one person like myself.

I was enormously shocked to the extent of accuracy of this test. It was mind-boggling in every aspect, especially the way it described me to the very last detail. I think that it has helped me understand myself on a whole other level.

Thank you very much for sharing these wonderful links, Write.   :D