Author Topic: Thank God for this Board!  (Read 5077 times)


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Re: Thank God for this Board!
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2007, 06:02:31 PM »
Hi ImNotCrazy,

I'm new here too and I have been helped alot already. And I can relate to what you said about your N  judging your parenting skills. My father is my N and he always says that we (the kids) don't respect our mother-because we don't fear her like we did him.

I say "did" because we don't fear him now that we are older, at least I don't. They want their children to truly fear them-it makes them feel powerful. It provides, in the words of Sam Vakin "narcissistic supply". Growing up in constant fear will ruin your nerves-at the least. Please explain to your kids that their father is insane and that it is not their fault, until you can take them away.


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Re: Thank God for this Board!
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2007, 09:29:40 PM »
Hi INC - I had the hysterectomy. I'm not a good model for recovery, dear, because I had pretty severe complications which I won't go into now because you don't need to worry about that stuff, you are home and on the mend.

It took me about four months to get completely back on my feet because of the complications. By 'back on my feet' I mean driving and walking and sitting and bending and twisting normally without pain, and without needing a cane for support [I was very weak at first. Because of the complications].

Normal recuperation time is about six weeks, I have been told.

Eat protein and take vitamins, take calcium/magnesium/zinc supplements, don't try lifting anything heavy for several weeks, use your pillow to cough. I rented a walker - one of those little old lady gizmos - and kept it next to my bed so I could use it as a support when arising in the morning, and I bought one of those little bathtub seats so I could sit in the shower. Best investment I ever made.

Did you have the whole shebang, or did you retain your ovaries? I ask because if you had them removed and haven't gone through menopause yet you can expect hot flashes and so forth if they don't put you on some form of hormone therapy.

One thing they won't tell you about: you may find that marked changes of barometric pressure cause you twinges, literally in the center of you. Don't be surprised if this happens. If it doesn't happen, rejoice, because it's a  nuisance.

My op was ten years ago this coming November, and I still get the occasional 'stitch' but it is much milder now than at first. I know of a spinal cancer survivor who had the same thing - they had to go in through the front to operate on him. Got it all, he's in remission and has no signs of it, but he too used to get some 'pulls' when a storm was on its way.

Another thing. Abdominal surgery recovery goes in plateaus. You'll make progress and then stop. And sit and sit. And then you wake up one day and you've healed more. And then you stop again. And sit and sit. But you will get there. It may be maddening for the last few weeks, but you will get there. And it really does feel as though it goes in leaps and fits, you go to bed sore one night and wake up with that soreness healed the next morning.

Oh, I just read dandylife's post. Gas-X is the most wonderful stuff on the planet. You don't want gas, you don't want bloating, that's such a good piece of advice!
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"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: Thank God for this Board!
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2007, 05:46:38 AM »
well, It's 2:30 in the morning and the NH finally went to bed. I'm free. I wasn't sure I was going to outlast him.

Great tips and advice. I had some panic today about how I was going to do all this, if I was being oversensitive or if I was crazy... I've decided I again, am not crazy. i have to keep telling myself that. I AM NOT CRAZY.  Tonight my husband asked if I wanted something to eat. I wasn't really hungry, but the doctor said that hot soup can help with the gas. So I asked for tomato soup- smiled my cheesy wife grin, then he said he bought vegetable beef soup also. I told him thanks, but I don't like VB soup... and I added "I thought you knew that?" with another smile. Then he said "yes you do! You've eaten it before" and I said No honey, I have never liked the barley in the soup, so he said "since when"? Like I am lying or making it up! OMG i wanted to slap him. So I said J___, I have never liked VB soup, not now, not ever, and we have talked about this! So he gets an attitude and said "News to me, I guess I shouldn't have went to the store and bought you soup"! GOOD GOD!!!!! We had a 20 min convo about stupid soup. I finally said, just admit you forgot I didn't like it! Why is that so hard for you? So he storms off.   He finally came back downstairs and I said "I can see your upset, do you want to talk about it"? And I swear to god, he said he was NOT upset. Like nothing happened... he opened and made me tomato soup and then kissed me on the head and said he loved me. My head was spinning, like I was not just part of the previous conversation. AGGGGG!!!! This is what i am talking about!

It may seem minor to some, but this blew me away. This is some of the everyday crazy making things.

I will try not to fill up this post with my petty stuff, but it is driving me nuts. Small stuff, and big stuff and all kinds of stuff!

You all have been so friendly and supportive! I will go buy the GAS Ex tomorrow. I wish I had some right now. I did get to keep my "girls" (ovaries), so I am blessed on that account. And they did go in through my belly button and above my pubic bone (about a 1 1/2" incision). Those are healing nicely.

I am going to read some of the other posts now, I have been peeking today, but really want to become involved in this board... unfortunately, it may be after 2:30 in the morning!!! :)


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Re: Thank God for this Board!
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2007, 06:40:51 AM »

In my opinion, it's the 'small stuff mixed in with the big stuff' that does your head in. It's the denial that things you said yeaterday were never said (apparently), or that you've remembered them wrong, or whatever. You can try to adjust your version of reality, but only for so long... inthe end, you just have to admit they're twisting your reality on purpose.



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Re: Thank God for this Board!
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2007, 08:09:55 AM »
Dear IMNC,
   Don't minimize the "small stuff". I almost lost my life by minimizing people trying to ' distort my  'reality.I hate it when they try to jerk you around and then"kiss " you. My H and S (golden boy)are always kissing me and I want to scream.
  It is a horrible assault for people to try to 'take away" your reality.
  My N mother( a therapist) tried to take mine away for my whole life. I finally saw it  and was able to start healing. Your reality is your life line to mental and physical health.
  Any instance that tries to take it away will end up in a really bad place for you.. Yo have to hang on to your reality for dear life.Once I lost mine, I went down.I lost mine at 14 and it was downward since then.
   Keep Sharing. I can tell that you realize how very precious and life giving this board is.You are not nearly as far down as I was. You will be able to get up easier, I think.
  You are on your way. Don't rush yourself, particularly when you are healing.For right now, I would just try to "face" it, as you are. doing. Facing it is the worst thing,in a way.Coming out of denial is a job in itself. You don't have to build Rome in a day( i.e. get away from him right away). The problem will still be there when you are stronger emotionally and physically                   Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Thank God for this Board!
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2007, 08:16:21 AM »
Regarding what Deb wrote...yes, as I said, they always "tell on themselves" if you listen real closely.  The reason you might not notice it, is because it's so untactful and strange that you tend to want to brush it off as "nahhhhhhh, that wasn't what I just heard.  He didn't just agree with the person who said I was a nuisance, and admit it to MY FACE and tell me that if he had his way, I would have died with the Nazi's because of that terrible dinner I fed him last night,  rather than defending me to that critical person.  He surely did NOT say and would NOT be so cold as to do that."


Here are some other examples:

Narcissist: "I'm a wonderful friend, IF YOU DON'T CROSS ME (laughs wryly)...ain't ya glad you're on MY side?"

>>>Generally you find out later, when they have decided that you are "on the other side, have crossed them, don't measure up, dared to blow the whistle"  what this actually experience the WRATH OF N firsthand, as their new ENEMY.<<<

Narcissist: "I tend to be intolerant.  I can't STAND ignorance in people.  I had a sister once who was so ignorant...I just have no time for that."

>>>Later, this will be used ON YOU.  They will have decided that you have proven yourself to be IGNORANT, and thus unworthy of their "love."  Then, they will SHOW YOU how they treat ignorant people, and might even tell you "see?  I told you I can't stand ignorance in people!" (while they are ignoring and abusing you)<<<<

Narcissist:  "Oh, they wouldn't DARE not give me a refund.  This happens all the time, but I've NEVER had one waitress refuse to give my money back.  They KNOW BETTER!"

>>>This is always a "fun" one later.  You get to watch firsthand as a waitress one day decides that the food was just fine and NO, I am not refunding N's money.  You will relive your childhood temper tantrum memories, as you see a grown N-adult, practically throw a major hissy fit, complete with phony tears, yelling, eye-glares, threats, bargains, etc.<<<

Narcissist:  "I once destroyed a lady's poodle.  Well, I warned her that she needed to keep her mangy mutt out of my way!"

>>KEEP YOUR ANIMALS AWAY FROM THEM. I have had an N LAUGH while I was crying, as a baby kitten died in my hand (my husband had accidentally crushed it's ribs by stepping on the poor thing)  N comments:  "oh your cat had more kittens...she had what...6?  you have other ones...don't worry about it; it's only one cat."<<<<

Narcissist:  "People need to keep their brats under control and out from under my feet!  ooooooh I HATE that!"

>>>DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN WITH THEM and, if you have some already, be prepared to STEP IN when N decides YOUR "brats" are under his/her feet!

Just a few tidbits from one who has Been there, done that, had N STEAL THE T-SHIRT and my HEART AND SOUL ALONG WITH IT!



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Re: Thank God for this Board!
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2007, 08:26:51 AM »
Not Crazy,

PLEASE take Hops warnings very seriously.  We have had husbands break into computers and really make havoc.  If you post here with your plans, he could really hurt you.  Please erase your history.


Ummmmm, what CB and Hops said.  But add a very large red exclamation point!!!! 


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Re: Thank God for this Board!
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2007, 08:47:13 AM »
Imnc:  Welcome to this board.  This is a great place with some fabulous women to hear you out!  We listen and rant right along side you.  We understand and we have some great insight!  Keep coming here and be careful-N people can be vicious-but you can do whatever it takes to in where you want and need to go!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Thank God for this Board!
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2007, 08:52:48 AM »
what about the GUYS on the board.  I thought i saw at least 1 on here at some point.


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Re: Thank God for this Board!
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2007, 09:11:24 AM »
You are right Laura, I did mean to exclude them, I just meant that as women we have experienced some of the same things.

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Thank God for this Board!
« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2007, 09:12:30 AM »

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Thank God for this Board!
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2007, 10:28:44 AM »
well, It's 2:30 in the morning and the NH finally went to bed. I'm free. I wasn't sure I was going to outlast him.

Great tips and advice. I had some panic today about how I was going to do all this, if I was being oversensitive or if I was crazy... I've decided I again, am not crazy. i have to keep telling myself that. I AM NOT CRAZY.  Tonight my husband asked if I wanted something to eat. I wasn't really hungry, but the doctor said that hot soup can help with the gas. So I asked for tomato soup- smiled my cheesy wife grin, then he said he bought vegetable beef soup also. I told him thanks, but I don't like VB soup... and I added "I thought you knew that?" with another smile. Then he said "yes you do! You've eaten it before" and I said No honey, I have never liked the barley in the soup, so he said "since when"? Like I am lying or making it up! OMG i wanted to slap him. So I said J___, I have never liked VB soup, not now, not ever, and we have talked about this! So he gets an attitude and said "News to me, I guess I shouldn't have went to the store and bought you soup"! GOOD GOD!!!!! We had a 20 min convo about stupid soup. I finally said, just admit you forgot I didn't like it! Why is that so hard for you? So he storms off.   He finally came back downstairs and I said "I can see your upset, do you want to talk about it"? And I swear to god, he said he was NOT upset. Like nothing happened... he opened and made me tomato soup and then kissed me on the head and said he loved me. My head was spinning, like I was not just part of the previous conversation. AGGGGG!!!! This is what i am talking about!

It may seem minor to some, but this blew me away. This is some of the everyday crazy making things.

I will try not to fill up this post with my petty stuff, but it is driving me nuts. Small stuff, and big stuff and all kinds of stuff!

You all have been so friendly and supportive! I will go buy the GAS Ex tomorrow. I wish I had some right now. I did get to keep my "girls" (ovaries), so I am blessed on that account. And they did go in through my belly button and above my pubic bone (about a 1 1/2" incision). Those are healing nicely.

I am going to read some of the other posts now, I have been peeking today, but really want to become involved in this board... unfortunately, it may be after 2:30 in the morning!!! :)

INC, the Soup Skirmish was a classic example of gaslighting. Classic.

One of the things that works against us is that each single event seems trivial in itself. Don't look at them in isolation, and resist to the teeth anyone who tries to force you to see them in isolation. The problem is in the pattern, the repetition of these seemingly trivial events. One drop of water doesn't affect a stone. Enough drops, over enough time, carved out the Grand Canyon.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: Thank God for this Board!
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2007, 11:57:48 AM »
Then out of the other side of his mouth he asks if I need anything, gets my meds for me, and makes me a cup of soup. Then he started to stroke my forhead. WTH?

For me, this is one of the sickest things they do.  Talk and make nice while you know they're stabbing you in the back at the same time.  Listen ONLY to the mean things they say.  The other is designed to keep you doubting your reality and it makes it harder for nice people to defend themselves in the face of nicey nice behavior. 

Just ignore the niceness and don't let it distract you at all.  It's just a ploy and nothing to concern yourself with.  I hope you feel better soon.