I have just spent the last four hours reading this message board. I found this site when I typed in "how to be a strong woman" into the yahoo search bar. It is safe to say that i have learned so much. What an education. I have clicked on all the links- read most of the posts... and I have learned I am not crazy! I did not even know the definition of the N word before tonight. I have cried, read with my mouth open and laughed at the similarities. I am married to a N. I am angry and I know why now. I have hit the 10 year point of always being wrong. Even when I know I am right, I have proof I have been right, I am still wrong. I misheard him, I never told him this or that- or my favorite "I must have just thought I told him something". I am a highly capable female, with strong family support. My parents have told me for years that my husband was abusive, but he never hit me. Every one is scared of his moods, the kids are afraid of him- "but that's just good parenting- the kids don't respect me"( because I explain things to them, or have a discussion-vs- yelling) I don't even know where to begin. I need T (I'm learning the abbreviations

I am so done, but thought for years that I can't leave because we argue. How stupid of me to want to leave such a good man? Just ask him or any one else how good he is to me.
Today was the topper- I don't know what drove me to search the internet on how to be stronger- but I just assumed it was my fault.
I had a hysterectomy yesterday. He stayed in the hospital with me for a couple of hours then left to "chrome plate" the house for my return. (I am on vicoden right now so excuse any typo's.) After my doctor did her rounds she said I could go home after I did certain things, taking a walk being one of them. I asked the nurse if she saw my bag and she couldn't find it anywhere. So I called home and woke the Husband up. It was 7:00 am. I asked if he had my overnight bag. He said he took it home. I asked him "why?" and he said because he didn't think I needed it. I asked him to bring it to me, as it had my undergarments and clothes needed to walk the hospital and my toothbrush. He didn't see what the bug deal was but after he woke up and had some coffee he would bring it down. I asked him to please just drop it off (we live 5 min from the hospital- small town). So he shows up with my bag announcing that he didn't even have a shower, then became angry that I didn't gush with my thanks. I actually apologized to him for getting upset. My roomate (breast cancer patient) said "honey- life's to short... why did you apologize for that?" She told me she heard the entire conversation and told me to run from the relationship. She has lived through a marriage like that. I just started to cry. OMG! Strangers saw what I didn't. I came home and my mom arrived about 5 min later. We joked about an Egg Mcmuffin and we asked my husband to make an evil McDonald's run. Then he was pouting about- being curt and brief- punishing me for something... finally he told me he did not appreciate being told to go to McDonald's for me and my mom, that we could have asked him. I told him I had not eaten since midnight the night before and only had a pudding and chicken broth in the past 24 hours. I lost a day because I was really medicated. I was starving. and then I told him I did ask, but he said I demanded food. I didn't dare mention the house was a wreck. I told him ladies from work were going to visit me at home today. My mom cleaned up while he was at Mcdonalds.
I could go on and on, but I won't. I just refused to believe it. because we do have good times- he reminds me of them all the time. How can I tell him I am unhappy when I just told him yesterday that i loved him. He's never wrong, I mean Never!!! The kids, however are always wrong. I have tried to leave two times before but was talked back into coming home. He was so good to me. Guilt!!!! How could I do this to him? I just didn't realize what was going on. I make 27.46 an hour he makes $16- he told me he could not live on his wage alone and he would be broke, I have no idea what's in our checking account, I tried the old passwords tonight- they don't work. Oh I will get into our account tomorrow. I'm not even on the savings account, because "I'm bad with money".
Have I really been this stupid? So oblivious to my surroundings? My mom has tried to warn me- I didn't even speak to my parents for almost a year. I made my Mom apologize to my husband, and she did- because she loves me that much. It is so clear right now and I am pissed.
I'm sitting here alone on my sofa with a laptop forming a plan. I have 6 weeks off of work to recover(which is a "burden to our finances") GOD! I even felt guilty about my hysterectomy.
I know this is long! I will go see a therapist- I need it. I am officially angry. I am going to call my parents tomorrow and ask for their help. I have three kids 14, 12 and 4 years old. I can barely stand up right now, but in a couple of weeks.... things are going to change.
Thank you for listening, and thank you all for your posts. What an education I received tonight. I am going to take my life back! I am more than a paycheck and a dishwasher!!!!