Dear Lupita,
Do I see myself in you.!! I think that the "flip" side of the N mother is the guilt ridden daughter .She will do ANYTHING for love and affirmation. I did anything for love--- even be willing to stop eating and die(subconsciously).
Lupita, I think that these two roles must just go together. The N mother is the one who is unacceptable and hurtful,but we ,as the N daughters take the blame on ourselves.That is our "hook" in to the "couple"We are a "couple" just as the spousal relationship. If someone had good self esteem, the abusive relationship would die. It only 'works" when both people play their parts. One abuses and the other "agrees"In order for me to be abused, I have to believe what the abuser tells me.( down deep)I have to have a mental program where I see myself as worthless or I would not "resonate" with the other person's agenda . It is subconscious
I am seeing that 'my role" is a result of my thinking. The problem is inside me. I do not value myself. I "believe" what my mother told me about myself .I have to change my 'hook-in's" so that they do not fit an abusive persons"hook in's".Whether I am with My H or another man or anyone, I am programmed to blame myself.Then, I find someone who will blame me. We fit together like a lock and key.
Lupita, I am aghast that you would blame yourself. It is pitiful. I do exactly the same thing. I am not judging one single bit.
When I hear you describe the situation, I shudder that you would conclude that it is YOUR fault. It is so obviously an abusive, disrespectful relationship on your mother's part.
You are being "thrown" the curve ball. Then, you are blamed that you don't throw it back exactly right. .
We are simply used to this type of behavior from them and also used to blaming ourselves.So,it is 'normal" for us. However, we know ,down deep, that it is not normal. You know down deep how bad it is. However ,it hurts so badly to face it. It is easier(much easier), in a way ,to blame ourselves than to face how awful they are..
Lupita, you can't make her in to a loving person-- no matter how much money, time ,love or care that you give her.
I am learning this lesson of loss. Then. after I face the loss, I have to build myself up brick by brick.
Sometimes, it is unbearably sad. Now, I am feeling a little peaceful b/c I have made some progress. I am going to enjoy this moment of peace(two dogs asleep in the same room and no one home)
Lupita, you are growing and changing. I can hear it. Just keep facing the truth, as you are. Just keep walking forward. You will face it and grieve. Then you will begin to 'feed yourself". This is what I am trying to learn Love Ami